Venus Retrograde In Leo: AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Venus, the planet of Love will become retrograde in the sign of Leo on 23rd of July, 2023. Let’s find out what impact Venus Retrograde In Leo will have on worldwide and nationwide events.

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Venus, a planet often associated with love, beauty, arts, romance, marriage, relationships, glamor, fame, etc will become retrograde on 23rd July, 2023. Astrological movements of planets never cease to surprise humankind. The universe, its energies, the planets, their movements and the celestial sphere of 12 zodiac signs all impact humans, our life events and the worldwide events in different ways. This blog will be dedicated to the worldwide and nationwide impacts of Venus retrograde. Read on to find out more.
Venus Retrograde In Leo: The Phenomenon
Venus retrograde is a rare but interesting phenomenon where every 18 months, Venus spins backwards and starts moving in reverse direction. While it moves in retrograde motion, which is out of the ordinary, it is sure to bring about some peculiar changes in the daily life of humans or their surroundings. A retrograde planet brings sudden transformations and changes. It could be negative or positive, depending upon the other planets and factors influencing it.
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Venus In Leo: Characteristics
Venus in Leo is creative and a child at heart. They are not someone to do well with routine and can sometimes be quite disorganized. This is anyway a deadly placement, as the planet of romance, arts and beauty rides atop the fierce and courageous Lion. Venus becomes very very expressive as soon as it enters the sign of Leo. Leo is a Fire sign that’s all about creativity, showing off, and speaking their minds, so this combination lights up a fire within.
If your partner has their Venus placed in Leo then expect playful dates, loud declarations of love, and maybe even a few jealous tantrums. Deep feelings and emotions will be expressed now, one way or the other. Due to their non-compromising nature, some individuals may find it hard to adjust with people who have their natal Venus placed in Leo. Leo signs people, who want to show their passion in front of everyone. To live with the Leo people, you need a sensible and understanding person. An individual with Venus in Leo is loyal and will never leave your side if they commit to you, however they may take their own sweet time to trust you and give you commitment.
Venus Retrograde In Leo: Timing
Venus transit in one zodiac sign lasts for about 30-36 days roughly and within this time period every month Venus transits to another zodiac and takes about a year roughly to complete one revolution around the zodiacal celestial sphere. This time around Venus, the ruler of the zodiacs Taurus and Libra will become retrograde in the sign of Leo on 23rd July, 2023 at 06:01 AM. Now that we know the characteristics of Venus in Leo and we also have a fair idea of when this Venus is becoming retrograde, let us now move on to the nation-wide and the worldwide impacts it would have altogether.
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Venus Retrograde In Leo: Worldwide Impacts
- Venus Retrograde in Leo will bring in some transformations in the Aviation sector. We may see some major changes happening in the aviation sector within the country during this time period.
- The Hotel and the Food industry across the world and even in India may experience a stagnancy in sales for a while but pick up again after sometime.
- The fashion industry and the textile industries globally may experience a boom and the demands for fashion items may increase.
- People involved in journalism, media, and public relations could experience backlash from the public.
- Writers and singers across the country may not be able to garner the kind of fame and name they deserve during this time.
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- Designers, web designers, people engaged in fine arts, etc may experience sluggishness too during this phenomenon.
- The cosmetics industry and the skin and hair care industry may experience a dull phase.
- The Indian textiles and handlooms may also experience a certain dullness in business not only in India but worldwide as well.
Venus Retrograde In Leo: Stock Market Report
Planet Venus will now become retrograde in the zodiac sign of Leo from the 23rd of July, 2023 and like every other event in the country it will also impact the stock market. Astrosage presents to you the Stock Market predictions from 23rd of July as Venus turns retrograde in Leo and what changes it may bring in each and every industry related to Venus.
- The cosmetics and the perfume or fragrance industry may go through a dull and sluggish period towards the end of the month.
- The Fashion industry and the clothing business may experience a bit of a setback.
- Reliance brands and industries, especially the ones catering to the fashion industry may experience sales and profits lower than expected.
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