Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 29 December, 2024 To January, 2025

Tarot As A Tool For Guidance & How It Can Help You

Many famous tarot readers and occultists across the globe firmly believe that the role of Tarot in an individual’s life is more of life coaching rather than fortune-telling. As the saying goes, “Tarot cards are a tool for self-care and self-discovery”. They draw attention to where you’ve been, affirm where you are right now, and give you a glimpse of what might be. It gives you a window into the energy environment and helps you make the greatest choices for your future. Like a dependable counselor who reflects you back to yourself, tarot offers the chance to speak with your soul.

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Perhaps you need some direction or assistance because you’re feeling lost. Either you were humbled by the accuracy of a tarot reading after earlier mocking it or you are an astrologer seeking another source of direction. Or perhaps you’re just attempting to take up a new pastime. The number of people looking to tarot cards for comfort has significantly increased due to these and other reasons. Tarot deck, as it is called, is a unique set of 78 cards that can help you gain guidance with the help of Tarot Spreads, a way of spreading the cards by learned tarot professionals when you need it. Tarot originated in the 15th century in Italy Europe as a game of cards for entertainment and less for spiritual guidance. It was much later that tarot got its due as an important tool of divination, helping people grow and understand their purpose in life and finding deeper meanings that the intricate drawings, these cards flaunted. 

Tarot, a tool used for psycho-spiritual progress, essentially means that we are connecting a small amount of spirituality—connecting with something a little higher than ourselves and discovering meaning in the wider world—with a small amount of psychology, or our inner experience of self-knowledge and self-improvement. Let us now dive into knowing what this 1st week of January of the year 2025 has in store for all 12 zodiac signs

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January Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2025: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Two of Wands

Finance: The Hanged Man

Career: Eight of Wands

Health: Page of Wands

Dear Aries, The love interpretation of the Two of Wands may indicate that you are contemplating and planning changes. You currently have the opportunity to make changes if you’re in a relationship. This card holds a lot of potential if you’re thinking about stepping up your commitment, provided you put in the effort to clearly visualize your goals and act on them. Talk to your partner and work together to map out a course for the future you both desire.

The Hanged Man suggests that you need a new outlook if you’re struggling financially. Perhaps your financial worries are making things seem worse than they are, or perhaps you are concentrating too much on money and are not appreciating good things that are happening to you in other areas.

In terms of a career, the Eight of Wands Tarot spreads might represent swift growth or business travel. You may find that your career is taking you to a different country, or you may have to physically travel to another country to attend meetings or conferences. If you run your own business, a new initiative may be successful far sooner than you thought. 

The Page of Swords can demonstrate the capacity for both healing and enlightenment. It may also imply that you are capable of conquering whatever mental barriers or difficulties you may be dealing with. You can go confidently forward on your route to health with this understanding.  

Lucky Planet: Jupiter


Love: Two of Pentacles

Finance: The Chariot (Reversed)

Career: King of Cups

Health: Judgment

Dear Taurus, The tarot meaning of the Two of Pentacles for love will need you to perform a balancing act. This card typically shows up when you have a lot of obligations to attend to and love may be the last thing on your mind. Managing your relationship, job, and family matters may be causing you stress. Everything takes work, so if you value your relationship, take care not to neglect your partner.

Avoid making hasty decisions without giving them careful thought. It’s possible that you lack the knowledge necessary to make an informed choice. On the other hand, you might be too cautious with your money if this doesn’t apply to you. You might be in a position to invest your money, but you have been hesitant to do so.

The King of Cups can occasionally represent a more seasoned, sympathetic, and kind mentor or counselor who can assist you with creating a job that fulfills you emotionally. This card also discusses striking a balance between one’s practical, rational needs and emotional needs. You can also be particularly helpful in resolving disputes between different parties at work. 

Judgment advises maintaining balance in your life when it seems upright for your health. Look after your mind and body. Avoid going overboard and take care of your health. You may have health issues if you have been out of balance.

Lucky Planet: Saturn


Love: Queen of Wands

Finance: Eight of Swords

Career: King of Wands

Health: The High Priestess

The Queen of Wands exudes confidence and passion in things pertaining to relationships and love. This card represents a powerful, self-reliant spouse or the presence of similar traits in yourself if you are in a relationship. It shows a stable and long lasting relationship. 

You might feel as though your financial circumstances are closing in on you at the moment. Your perspective of the situation can be distorted by anxiety about the condition of your money account. You might be surprised to learn how many tools you have at your disposal if you want to increase your income. Is there anything you’re good at that someone else would pay for? You must weigh your options.

Dear Gemini, the King of Wands shows You are probably in a high position if you see the king. Others may look up to you as a mentor. On the other hand, you may be viewed as a good person with morals and values by others around you. The king also predicts a business boom. Right now, your career is performing especially well. 

The High Priestess in the upright position places a strong emphasis on personal hygiene and general wellness. It motivates people to put their physical and mental well-being first because they know that a healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind.

Lucky Planet: Mercury

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Love: Eight of Pentacles

Finance: The High Priestess

Career: Six of Pentacles

Health: Strength

Your partner definitely wants to work upon building the relationship with the Eight of Pentacles dear Cancers. Be proud of what you have accomplished, and the lessons that you have learned. If you’re in a relationship, you may find that your lover is still surprising you, even all the time you have spent together.

Caution and moderation in financial matters are advised by the High Priestess tarot card. The card highlights the need of keeping financial affairs private and trusting one’s instincts when faced with financial opportunities.

The kindness of someone in a position of power toward you could be symbolized by the Six of Pentacles. A manager or powerful business associate could accomplish this by giving you a bonus, their time, support, or guidance.

The Strength tarot card can be an excellent indication in a health reading, signifying physical fitness, good health, and mental-physical equilibrium. Additionally, it can promote lifestyle modifications including bettering self-control and general well-being.

Lucky Planet: Mars


Love: Knight of Wands

Finance: The Emperor

Career: Page of Pentacles

Health: Nine of Cups

In order to strengthen your bond Leos, this Minor Arcana card can also suggest that you and your significant other should spend more time together. It may also mean that you and your partner are considering emigrating or traveling together. If you are single, the Knight of Wands may portend that you are exhibiting some of the traits listed in the past in your romantic life or that you will meet someone who possesses them.

In terms of money, The Emperor indicates that you must manage your money sensibly and responsibly. You must be conscious of where your money is going and maintain a decent level of control over your expenditures. However, when it comes to spending control, you don’t have to be a tyrant.

You might be laying a solid basis for success right now. It’s likely that you’re setting objectives, making plans, and implementing those plans. You don’t hesitate to take risks in order to fulfill your most ambitious goals. Go ahead and take advantage of the many job chances that are probably out there for you! 

In a healthy Tarot reading, the Nine of Cups is a favorable omen, so if you have been dealing with health issues, you should see some improvement or feel better about your health when it appears. If your health is good, it should stay that way, according to this card.

Lucky Planet: Sun

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Love: Four of Pentacles

Finance: Three of Cups

Career: Four of Wands

Health: Seven of Pentacles

Heya Virgos, Tarot love meaning for the Four of Pentacles indicates that your partnership may be clinging and even oppressive. Even the happiest of relationships might gradually deteriorate due to jealousy and possessiveness, which can be present in relationships with this card. If you’re single, it’s likely that you still harbor bitterness, grudges, or the hope that an ex will reappear in your life.

High sales during an economic period are symbolized by the Three of Cups. Even if you need help from others, a project or endeavor you’ve been working on will eventually pay off. Your financial worries will all be promptly addressed, so there’s no need to worry.

The Four of Wands is a symbol for cooperation and prosperity in the workplace. Your workplace is encouraging and peaceful, which promotes teamwork and a sense of community. This card implies that you are headed in the right direction and that your hard work will be rewarded.

The Seven of Wands card suggests that one must be strong in the face of disease or harm. In order to overcome health issues, one may need to be determined and persistent. Concentrate on looking for yourself, heeding medical advice, and enlisting the help of loved ones.

Lucky Planet: Venus


Love: The Hanged Man (Reversed)

Finance: Three of Wands

Career: The Star

Health: Six of Cups

Dear Libra, In a love reading, the Hanged Man tarot card in reverse can suggest that it’s time to act after waiting. It may also imply that you should avoid reiterating unhealthy relationship patterns and be conscious of the sacrifices you make for love. 

The time has come for you to enjoy the fruits of your labors when all three wands are erect. For all of your efforts, you are now receiving compensation. Spending your hard-earned money on a trip or extended travel that would broaden your horizons is nothing to be afraid of. The cards are urging you to embrace your goals and extend your horizons at this time.  

If you have been waiting to hear the outcome of a job interview or transfer, the Star is a very good sign that things will go well for you or that something far better will come your way. It can also indicate that you would do well in a job that calls for more inventiveness.

Figuratively speaking, the Six of Cups might represent showing sympathy or kindness to someone experiencing a medical emergency. You never know how much they might need your help. It may also be a sign that your fast-paced, easygoing lifestyle is causing you to become ill or unduly worried.

Lucky Planet: Saturn

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Love: Ace of Cups

Finance: Queen of Swords

Career: Ten of Cups

Health: The Devil

The Ace of Cups card can signify love, closeness, and the start of a new relationship or a closer bond with an existing one in a tarot reading. It may also represent an opportunity or gift. 

In terms of money and job, the Queen of Swords card in a tarot reading might stand for knowledge, professionalism, and clear communication. It can also imply that having good communication skills may lead to money prospects.  

When it comes to careers, the Ten of Cups is a lucky card. Because you should be at a stage where your efforts are starting to pay off, it implies that work should be going well. 

The Devil card highlights the significance of preserving equilibrium in all facets of your life, including your physical and mental health. It encourages you to avoid too much stress and schedule time for healthy eating and exercise.

Lucky Planet: Moon


Love: Temperance

Finance: Two of Wands

Career: The Lovers

Health: Two of Swords

The upright Temperance tarot love meaning in romance implies understanding, moderation, patience, and choosing the middle ground. This card reminds us to be careful and considerate of our actions and to refrain from taking things too far. Think about your behavior when it comes to love and the areas where your attitudes, convictions, or ideas may be over the top. Do you approach possible partners too aggressively? Or are you too reticent instead? Do watch out for your behavior.

The Two of Wands in a financial Tarot reading stands for steadiness in finances. When it shows up, you should be able to find your financial balance. You’d be able to find a new source of income which will add to your financial security. This card also indicates multiple sources of income.

The Lovers card indicates that you have some choices to make regarding your career or employment. You may be considering moving careers or improving your existing position. It could also indicate a really fruitful collaboration at work. You and your colleagues support and understand one another.

In terms of health, the Two of Swords represents a degree of division on how to appropriately care for oneself and others. There is a difference in attention span; if you sacrifice too much to help others who are ill, you may end up getting sick yourself.

Lucky Planet: Mars

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Love: Page of Wands

Finance: Five of Cups

Career: Three of Pentacles

Health: Ace of Wands

If you’re single, you’ll be eager to meet new individuals and venture into uncharted romantic and romantic territory. In your romantic life, you might also run into someone who exemplifies this page. The Page of Wands is a person who is bold, vivacious, and prone to falling in love but also getting bored easily. Since they’re constantly trying new things.

Capricorns, In a financial tarot reading, the Five of Cups may represent a shortage of funds. You may be experiencing a significant financial loss. You might be under a lot of stress right now, and in order to regain your financial stability, you might need to make sure that you are not wasting your money. Keeping a positive outlook on your circumstances is more crucial than ever. 

The Three of Pentacles indicates that you are combining your knowledge and abilities with those of a bigger group in order to achieve common objectives. Collaboration may be crucial to your success right now, and your initiatives may call for cooperation amongst individuals with wildly disparate backgrounds, experiences, views, and methods.

The upright Ace of Wands is a good sign for your health. It implies that you possess the drive and vigor to start a new fitness and health journey. It may also portend the arrival of a child or a time of enhanced fertility.

Lucky Planet: Venus

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Love: Justice

Finance: King of Pentacles

Career: Knight of Pentacles

Health: The Hierophant

When it seems just, Justice dictates that you should treat your spouse equally and honestly. like you would like to be treated. It’s fantastic if you’ve been polite and decent in your relationships.

Since the King of Pentacles represents tenacity paying off, it is also a lucky charm. At the moment, financial matters should be going well. Having reached a stable and financially secure place in your life is not a coincidence; rather, it is the result of all of your hard work.

Aquarius, The Knight of Pentacles represents ambition, drive, and focus in the workplace. Even if your goals may be far off in the future, you are steadfastly dedicated to achieving them. You take things slowly and think that hard work will be rewarded. If you’re looking for work, you’ll need to demonstrate to a potential employer your dependability and commitment.

If the Hierophant card is upright, it indicates that your best course of action in terms of your health is to follow conventional medical advice and treatments. You can maintain your health by exercising regularly and doing as your doctor advises. It’s similar to playing a game and obeying the rules to win.

Lucky Planet: Venus


Love: The Star

Finance: The Hermit

Career: Two of Cups

Health: Five of Wands

Pisces, In terms of love and relationships, the Star tarot card can stand for healing, hope, and rebirth. It might inspire you to let go of the past and be optimistic about the future. The Star card can serve as a reminder to maintain your optimism and can guide you through the difficulties of love with faith and optimism. 

When the Hermit tarot card shows up in a financial reading, it may signify a time of reflection and a preference for contentment over material belongings. It can also mean focusing on developing spiritual insight and being frugal with money.

Two of Cups in career indicates new people coming in association with you and they will be helping you grow in your career. This is a card of union, so your team mates would be supportive towards you this week. Individuals engaged in business would also have a better understanding and coordination with your partners. 

The Five of Wands is symbolic of health and healing. Yes, you will hopefully get over the hardship and suffering after battling the condition. The tarot card also conveys cautions about your well-being. An adrenaline rush could be causing you too much stress, which could jeopardize your fitness.

Lucky Planet: Jupiter

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which card is the most beneficial and positive card in a tarot deck?

The Sun

2. Which tarot card represents ego?

The Emperor

3. Which is the most spiritual card in a tarot deck?

The High Priestess


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