Tarot Weekly Horoscope (23-29 March): Tarot Insights For The Week!

Tarot As A Tool For Guidance & How It Can Help You

Many famous tarot readers and occultists across the globe firmly believe that the role of Tarot in an individual’s life is more of life coaching rather than fortune-telling. As the saying goes, “Tarot cards are a tool for self-care and self-discovery”. They draw attention to where you’ve been, affirm where you are right now, and give you a glimpse of what might be. It gives you a window into the energy environment and helps you make the greatest choices for your future. Like a dependable counselor who reflects you back to yourself, tarot offers the chance to speak with your soul.

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Perhaps you need some direction or assistance because you’re feeling lost. Either you were humbled by the accuracy of a tarot reading after earlier mocking it or you are an astrologer seeking another source of direction. Or perhaps you’re just attempting to take up a new pastime. The number of people looking to tarot cards for comfort has significantly increased due to these and other reasons. Tarot deck, as it is called, is a unique set of 78 cards that can help you gain guidance with the help of Tarot Spreads, a way of spreading the cards by learned tarot professionals when you need it. Tarot originated in the 15th century in Italy Europe as a game of cards for entertainment and less for spiritual guidance. It was much later that tarot got its due as an important tool of divination, helping people grow and understand their purpose in life and finding deeper meanings that the intricate drawings, these cards flaunted. 

Tarot, a tool used for psycho-spiritual progress, essentially means that we are connecting a small amount of spirituality—connecting with something a little higher than ourselves and discovering meaning in the wider world—with a small amount of psychology, or our inner experience of self-knowledge and self-improvement. Let us now dive into knowing what this 3rd week of March of the year 2025 has in store for all 12 zodiac signs

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March Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2025: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: The High Priestess

Finance: Judgment

Career: Page of Wands

Health: King of Cups

Aries, According to the High Priestess tarot love meaning, patience and faith in your instincts are necessary. Be truthful with both yourself and other people, and allow the hidden to arise. The High Priestess exhibits growing openness and tenderness in a relationship. This card indicates in a love tarot reading that being honest is crucial to building the strongest possible relationship.

The Judgement tarot card, when used in a financial context, typically indicates the need to make thoughtful decisions, refrain from acting impulsively, and indicate the possibility of financial problems being resolved if you have been responsible and honest with your finances; in other words, it promotes a new beginning or method of handling your money.

It’s also the perfect opportunity to take some chances with your work when the page appears. Just be careful not to move too fast. The page symbolizes a desire for challenges rather than a willingness to face them head-on. Before you begin a new task, ask yourself if you are ready for it. Nevertheless, if you’re prepared, now is a great time to take a chance and begin new endeavors.

The King of Cups typically indicates a positive sign in a health reading, emphasizing the importance of emotional well-being, the necessity of nurturing your emotional state, and the possibility of recovery if you have been ill. It encourages you to put self-care and emotional balance first in order to improve your general health. 

Lucky Plant: Cacti


Love: Five of Wands

Finance: Four of Pentacles

Career: Queen of Pentacles

Health: Page of Swords

According to a love tarot card reading, the Five of Wands card indicates that if you want to find your true partner, you must take action. You want to go after the person who has captured your attention. But it turns out that you and a lot of other people want this individual.

Taurus, When it comes to monetary Tarot spreads, the upright Four of Pentacles frequently symbolizes stability and financial stability. Additionally, it demonstrates your efforts to save money. This could include putting money aside for retirement or saving for a major purchase, such as a car or home.

She may seem like a successful somebody in your life who would be an excellent business partner, mentor, or coworker. Her extensive skill set will be extremely beneficial to your career or professional tasks if you decide to work with her. Listen to her counsel if she gives it; she genuinely cares about you and will support you in reaching your objectives. 

As it gives you the mental clarity to overcome whatever obstacles you confront, the Page of Swords in a health Tarot spread suggests that you have a chance to recover from any previous illnesses or injuries. However, be careful not to go overboard! Reintegrate into things gradually.

Lucky Plant: Swiss Cheese Plant

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Love: The Emperor

Finance: Page of Cups

Career: The Magician

Health: Page of Wands

Geminis, An emotionally distant but strong and protective partner may be indicated by an upright Emperor card. Vulnerability may be seen as a sign of weakness, and they may prefer to hide their emotions. Additionally, the Emperor card can stand for consistency, dedication, and sound judgment.

The Page of Cups card in a tarot reading may portend good financial news. But it’s crucial to exercise caution and refrain from making snap financial judgments. The card advises you to steer clear of dangerous endeavors and give careful thought to purchases and investments. You can have positive financial results if you prepare ahead and make wise decisions.

The Magician in a career reading indicates that you may have what it takes to succeed in your job or earn more money if the magician tarot card is a good sign for your career. On the other hand, if the card is upside down, it can indicate that you aren’t making the most of your abilities and thoughts.

The Page of Wands exhorts you to act and have a proactive mindset. This card represents a period of constructive development and change, whether it is beginning a new fitness routine, making a healthier food choice, or investigating new spiritual activities.

Lucky Plant: Peperomia


Love: Nine of Pentacles

Finance: Eight of Swords

Career: The Tower (Reversed)

Health: The Magician

Perhaps all you’re trying to do is learn to be grateful for what you have. Others may find you even more appealing because of this trait; therefore, potential mates should make sure they add to rather than detract from that happiness. People who are already in a relationship may discover that each partner has their own accomplishments, occupations, interests, pastimes, and social lives; you two have a good balance of independence and affection. This card can occasionally also indicate that you and your significant other are renovating your house together and making it genuinely yours.

Dear Cancers, In a financial Tarot spread, the Eight of Swords indicates that you feel limited or constricted by your current financial situation, but again, this is more a result of your anxiety than the actual circumstances. You need to be creative and think outside the box if you want to boost your revenue.

It’s possible that you managed to survive tense situations at work. For instance, you might be one of the fortunate few who have been able to keep your job if your company has had a string of layoffs or redundancies. This could be a relief, or it could prevent you from experiencing genuine job satisfaction. The Tower is occasionally the card that we all need to shake off our own slumber and find the motivation to leave the comforts of a routine employment.

This might be the Essentially signifying a proactive approach to health and a strong belief in your body’s capacity to heal itself, “The Magician” tarot card represents the capacity to actively take charge of your wellbeing, manifest positive changes, and access your inner power for healing;opportunity you needed to see what else might be out there. 

Lucky Plant: Water Lily


Love: Ten of Pentacles

Finance: Two of Pentacles

Career: Wheel of Fortune

Health: Page of Pentacles

Leos, The Ten of Pentacles tarot card can signify a strong, enduring devotion in a love reading. Additionally, it may indicate that a couple is prepared to move on in their relationship by beginning a family. 

The Two of Pentacles suggests that you’re working hard to make sure all your bills are paid. You may have to do a juggling act right now, as things can be rather tight. Sometimes, the Two of Pentacles can also point towards the need to make some important choices when it comes to your money. Things feel very uncertain and you’re likely on unstable ground right now.

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card may portend future employment prospects, such as launching a business or switching careers. Additionally, the card may indicate that the cosmos is on your side. 

The page of Pentacles can show that you feel young and healthy at any age. It may show up when you start a new exercise or health program. 

Lucky Plant: Bird of Paradise

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Love: Ace of Wands

Finance: Four of Cups (Reversed)

Career: Nine of Pentacles

Health: The Sun

Virgos, An exciting stage, like being engaged, getting married, or starting a family, may be marked by it. It encourages single people to show their interest in someone they are interested in by taking a risk.

Four of Cups (Reversed) tarot can signify a renewed sense of focus and passion in relation to money and career. It may indicate that you are moving past your dissatisfaction and making efforts to better your financial status and professional opportunities. 

Prosperity, success, and financial rewards are all earned and owed to you is what Nine of Pentacles signifies to you this month. This card shows that you have made major job advancements and are receiving just compensation. Now that your hard work and professional manner have paid off, take a moment to unwind and celebrate your success.

The Sun card is a good indicator of health. It stands for vitality, harmony, and general wellbeing. This card is meant to help you recover quickly and feel better than you did before you were ill. Additionally, it signifies spiritual and personal growth.

Lucky Plant: Rubber Plant


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: Five of Pentacles (Reversed)

Career: Nine of Cups

Health: Knight of Wands

Libra, Two of Cups as per Tarot Weekly Horoscope says that, this card is more of a soulmate card and shows deep involvement of feelings between a couple. You are experiencing marital bliss and your spouse is one of the most caring people you could find. For singles, it is a time to rejoice as soon someone special may enter your life. 

Five of Pentacles, reversed in a financial reading, indicates that it is a time or week where you may finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. Your finances will get better and you will be able to work things out and handle your finances well. You could be recovering from a financial crisis or loss.

Nine of Cups in a career reading indicates that your wish is coming true. That promotion that you were waiting for will come to you. There is a high chance of finding new and better career opportunities coming to you. You will definitely excel in your career.

Knight of Wands indicates good health for you. You will be full of energy and vitality for the week to come. This is a great indication of good health. However, be careful of normal flu and fever.

Lucky Plant: Bromeliad

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Love: Two of Wands

Finance: Page of Wands

Career: Knight of Pentacles

Health: The Lovers

Two of Wands in a love reading indicates you are not really into a relationship as of now and wish to continue the same way. Other areas of life seem more important right now. If you are in a committed relationship, then it indicates that you are entering a new phase of life such as starting a family and may be a little apprehensive of what’s coming ahead. Everything will go well.

Page of Wands in a financial reading indicates that you will be able to meet all your financial needs this week. However, savings may be a little less than expected. You are still new in your career and that’s why your earnings may be a little less. Nevertheless, it is important to be mindful about saving and investing wisely to grow your finances. 

Scorpio, Knight of Pentacles in career indicates new roles and responsibilities coming your way. If you are thinking about switching jobs then you must because it is a time when you could receive good and unexpected offers. 

The Lovers in a health reading indicates good health and love flowing your way. This is a week where you will be surrounded by love and family. You will be in the best of your health. 

Lucky Plant: Maranta

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Love: Page of Wands

Finance: The Devil (Reversed)

Career: Temperance (Reversed)

Health: Three of Swords (Reversed)

Dear Sagis, The Page of Wands in a love tarot indicates you’ll be eager to meet new individuals and venture into unexplored romantic territory if you’re single. A brief romance could be fulfilling, but a long-term relationship with someone who thrives on new experiences might be challenging. It’s possible for couples to become more open to doing new things together, including taking lessons, picking up new pastimes, and even trying out new things together.

The reversed Devil card suggests careful planning and cutting back on excessive expenditure. It suggests the necessity of developing a strategy to pay off debt and taking lessons from previous financial errors. It cautions you against the impending bankruptcy or financial difficulties. 

The reversed Temperance indicates an imbalance or difficulty at employment. Conflicts with coworkers may result from your overwork or poor performance. Step back, evaluate the circumstances, and try to rebalance your approach and energy.

Three of Swords reversed in a health reading indicates that healing is coming to you and whatever health issue you are suffering from will definitely cure. 

Lucky Plant: Monstera Deliciosa


Love: The Empress

Finance: The Star

Career: Three of Pentacles

Health: Strength (Reversed)

If you’re in a relationship with Capricorns, it’s a sign that your devoted partnership is growing more intense, affectionate, and loving. Another sign of successful romantic relationships is the Empress. For those who take pleasure in romance It’s important to keep in mind that the Empress card is a powerful pregnancy sign, so if you’re not ready to become a parent.

According to The Star, there is a solution to bring your finances under control if you have been experiencing financial difficulties. The Star in an upright posture indicates that your money is moving in a positive direction, therefore now is a good time to invest, within reason.

In a career, the Three of Pentacles A strong work ethic, devotion, and determination are indicated by a tarot spread. You will be working hard at your job or business and building on previous successes when this card appears in your tarot reading.

Reversed Strength might indicate harmful habits and a lack of self-control in terms of health which may lead to deterioration in your physical, mental and overall general health.

Lucky Plant: Snake Plant

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Love: Two of Swords

Finance: Eight of Swords (Reversed)

Career: Four of Wands

Health: Five of Swords

Aquarius, It could be challenging to advance in your romantic life if you’re single. Being torn between choices is implied by the tarot love interpretation of the 2 of Swords. Are you trying to decide between two romantic partners? or other facets of your life, like love? Your options appear to be equally desirable, and you might be trying to avoid making a decision entirely rather than actively participating in your life’s decisions. 

When the Eight of Swords card is upright, it may suggest that you feel constrained or stuck in your present financial circumstances. It may also indicate that you think there is no way out and that your options are limited. But the card can also serve as a reminder that you are in control of your financial destiny.

Four of Wands in a career reading indicates that some promotion or higher gains are coming your way. You will experience growth in career and have opportunities that will propel your career in the right direction. There are high chances of your higher management praising you. 

Five of Swords in a health reading indicates that old ailments and injuries may resurface and try to break your spirit or slow you down but if treated on time then you will be able to recover soon. Take care and seek professional help. 

Lucky Plant: Money Plant


Love: Page of Wands

Finance: The Hermit

Career: Three of Wands

Health: Six of Swords (Reversed)

Dear Pisces, The Page of Wands is a favorable sign in a love Tarot reading for those in a relationship, as it may suggest the possibility of romantic proposals.  It can also encourage you to embrace your emotions and be more open-hearted and sentimental in this month of love.

In matters of finance, the Hermit takes matters in his/her own hands. You’re too focused on building your finances. You may not get results fast and also the kind of results that you would want to see but keep the good work going because, soon your efforts will pay off. 

The Three of Wands in a career tarot represent exploration and novel experiences in all facets of our lives. This also holds true for the career position. You’re probably going to have fresh opportunities to explore your job right now. This could entail beginning a career overseas or taking other business trips when you wouldn’t often feel motivated to do so. 

Six of Swords in a reversed position as a health tarot indicates that there may be some long term illnesses you could suffer from this week or any past illness could resurface. However, you’d be able to fight the illness if you’re mindful enough.

Lucky Plant: Jade

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of Tarot reading?

Tarot is a tool for divination purposes, invented to guide people in their life path.

2. Are Tarot courses available?

Yes, there are many tarot courses available online and offline to help individuals in becoming certified tarot readers themselves.

3. Is there a special degree needed to become a tarot reader?

Anyone can become a tarot reader by enrolling in short certification courses. 
