July Tarot Weekly Horoscope: 21-27 July, 2024!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 3rd week of July 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 3rd week of July 2024. 

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July Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: King of Swords

Finance: Three of Pentacles

Career: Page of Cups

Health: Justice

King of Swords in a love reading indicates a connection based on intellectual compatibility. If you are in a relationship, this card indicates that you and your partner share a strong bond on an intellectual level. 

Three of Pentacles in finances states that this week you will gain financial experience from someone older and more experienced than you. This financial wisdom will help you in the longer run. You will learn a lot of financial lessons this week.

Page of Cups in career indicates that if you’ve been considering a career change, this card suggests that now is an excellent time to take the leap. It indicates potential success in job applications or promotions, bringing happiness and fulfillment to your professional life.

Justice is asking you to keep a balance in your life when it appears upright. Take care of your body and mind. Don’t overdo things, and don’t neglect your health. If you’ve been out of balance, it might lead to health problems.

Lucky Color: Blood Red


Love: The Hierophant

Finance: The Fool

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: Wheel of Fortune

Heya Taurus, The Hierophant in love is a positive card signifying dedication, and shared values. For those currently in a relationship, the Hierophant card indicates a deepening of commitment, emphasizing the importance of traditional values and long-lasting partnerships. For singles, you may be manifesting a relationship like this soon.

The Fool suggests that this week you may be a little reckless when it comes to handling finances. You may act impulsively and make big financial decisions. You must however refrain from doing so. No matter how much you’re doing financially well, this is a warning that you must be careful. 

Eight of Pentacles in a career reading suggests this week you will be engrossed in work majorly and that will be the focal point in your life for the coming week. However, make sure not to become a workaholic and miss out on other things that make up life.

Wheel of Fortune in a health reading is a welcome card as it talks about you being able to achieve good health this week with the help of your family and friends. You will enjoy good health overall. No major issues are foreseen here.

Lucky Color: Pink/Fuschia


Love: Three of Cups

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: Queen of Pentacles

Health: The Hermit

Geminis! Three of Cups in a love reading suggests you’re very much single and will enjoy the company of your friends and have an active social life all throughout the week. Your focus right now is not on love or getting into a relationship and you just want to enjoy yourself. 

Knight of Wands in a Financial reading suggests that you are reckless in handling your finances. You must keep in mind to not exhaust your savings as it may create financial troubles for you later on. It is best to start saving and managing your finances well. 

Queen of Pentacles indicates that you feel happy, content and nurtured at work and may want to continue working at the same place. Your current workplace has a lot of opportunities where you can learn various new things related to your work and grow as an individual. 

The Hermit in a health reading talks about how unwell you feel this week Geminis as there are a lot of psychological and emotional issues left to be sorted. You must talk to someone or take professional help to get your issues resolved. 

Lucky Color: Green

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Love: Eight of Pentacles

Finance: Six of Swords

Career: Knight of Cups

Health: Strength

Eight of Pentacles in a love reading indicates that this week your focus would be more on your work and less on home and your personal life. You may find yourself concentrating less and spending less time at home or on family matters and giving more time to your career.

Six of Swords in a financial reading indicates that dear Cancers, this week you will finally get over your financial stress and difficulties. You will be able to pay all your debts and experience financial freedom ultimately. 

Knight of Cups in a career spread talks about you being presented with new career opportunities and new roles and responsibilities will now come to you. Were you waiting and wishing for a promotion? If so, then your wish will be granted this week.

Strength in a health spread talks about you being blessed with good health and strong vitality this week and you’d be able to spend a rather healthy week.

Lucky Color: Ivory


Love: The Moon

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)

Health: Knight of Swords

The Moon in love is not at all a welcome card, Leos.  The Moon card in an upright position might indicate feeling uneasy or uncertain. Communication issues or hidden problems could arise. For individuals in a new relationship, it suggests potential deceit or hidden truths in new relationships.

King of Cups  is typically financially comfortable and steady in a financial setting because of his wisdom, but he can lack motivation when it comes to material prosperity. You will lead a tension-free life this week at least. 

Heya Leos! Did you feel like you missed your chance to get that promotion you have been coveting? Well the Ace of Pentacles (reversed) here is likely to indicate some sort of feeling of instability or missed opportunities. You may not feel like you’re doing well in your job, and you may be paranoid about getting fired for poor performance. 

King of Swords in a health spread talks about the secret to preserving or enhancing your health or fitness both now and in the future is to add more structure to your routine.

Lucky Color: Orange


Love: The Chariot

Finance: Ace of Cups

Career: Seven of Pentacles

Health: Ten of Swords

The Chariot in a love reading states that this week encourages you to take control of your romantic life. Determine your goals and act on them with determination. It suggests that assertiveness and determination can lead to success in love. 

Ace of Cups in a financial reading indicates that There is a good chance that you may be lucky when it comes to investments during this phase of your life. This week will be a good week for you financially. There are chances of earning good money.

Seven of Pentacles in a career reading states that you have worked hard since a long while and your efforts are now starting to bear fruits. As a result, you may have a better opportunity coming to you. 

Ten of Swords in a health spread talks about a period of peace and healing coming your way after a long spell of health troubles. 

Lucky Color: Pastel Green

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Love: Four of Wands

Finance: Ace of Swords

Career: Judgment

Health: Five of Cups

Four of Wands in a love reading indicates the start of a new romance in your life Libras. This week will mark a romantic, mushy week for you and you will bask in this new love. Great times are coming ahead in personal life. You will receive a proposal from your desired person. 

In a financial tarot reading, the Ace of Swords wants you to think very logically. Your heart and the mind may have very different opinions when it comes to money. This week you must refrain from acting on an impulse and take actions in a strategic way.

Judgment in a career reading suggests that this week you will be judged by your superiors. You are advised to watch your steps and notice things. You’re being watched and your work is being assessed very carefully and closely. You will most definitely pass this test anyway and get the success you deserve.

You may not be in the best of your health this week with the Five of Cups and you need to monitor your diet and regular fitness regime carefully. You may need medical assistance and the love of your family members to fully recover. Some unknown illness may creep up and trouble you. 

Lucky Color: Light Pink


Love: The Lovers

Finance: King of Wands

Career: Four of Cups

Health: Knight of Swords

Dear Scorpios! The Lovers card in a love reading indicates that something awesome is happening in your love life. You and your partner are really connecting on a deep level. You feel a strong bond and lots of passion for each other. Your love life is going great.

King of Wands in a financial reading points towards the fact that you are a great money manager and your finances are well under control. You are financially stable and secure and will continue to do well all through the week.

Four of Cups in a career reading suggests that your job or career may make you feel uninspired or give you a sense of unfulfillment this week. You could be neglecting the good aspects of your work life because you are jealous of the successes, lives, and accomplishments of others. 

Knight of Swords in a health spread talks about you catching cold or any infectious, viral disease that would keep you down for a long time. Let’s say about a week or so. This may not be the best week health wise. You must keep your anger in control.

Lucky Color: Coral Red


Love: Temperance

Finance: Knight of Pentacles

Career: Page of Swords

Health: Three of Pentacles

Temperance indicates that this week dear Sagis your personal life will balance out as you are set to embark upon a new journey in your personal life. Your relationship is still in the nascent state and you must be inexperienced as of now. 

Knight of Pentacles in finances indicates that this week you will avoid taking big risks, and prefer things that are as safe and reliable as you yourself are. You may be budgeting and slowly saving for a long term goal. Some frugality may be helpful now. 

Page of Swords in a career reading indicates that this week you will gain clarity about your professional career. Certain events in your professional life, which may not be pleasant, may give you a sort of a wake up call and force you to gain clarity about where your career is headed.

Three of Pentacles in a health spread is a good omen indicating that you will have a good week overall health wise and may not encounter any major problems. You must maintain your health regime and exercise. 

Lucky Color: Yellow

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Love: Six of Wands

Finance: Knight of Pentacles

Career: Seven of Cups (Reversed)

Health: Page of Cups

Are you thinking of taking the plunge? Well, this week does seem like the right week to do just that. It is a week of celebrations in family, weddings, fun and frolic. This week individuals in committed relationships may take their relationships a step forward. 

Knight of Pentacles indicates finances finding their way towards you. Financial abundance coming in and also an increment in a job or profit in business is indicated. You will be able to finally see your efforts bearing the sweet fruits of your hard work. 

Seven of Cups(Reversed) shows that your career is stable and you have finally been able to figure out what is your calling. You now know your goal and are charging up to achieve that and with consistency you will be able to do so.

Page of Cups in a health spread talks about a good week health wise. You may get over a lot of emotional issues that you had been dealing with and moving towards better health.

Lucky Color: Sky Blue


Love: Three of Swords

Finance: The Sun

Career: Page of Wands

Health: Page of Pentacles

You’re probably recovering from a heartbreak Aquarius and still haven’t gotten over the trauma of a breakup but this week will prove to be a game changer as you will see a new side of life and discover yourself as a person to better understand your own self and become a better person.

On the financial front things are rocking for you is what the reading suggests. You are drenched in financial abundance and enjoying all the comforts that money can buy. This week is looking bright as far as finances are concerned.

Page of Wands in a career reading suggests you are embarking on a new journey and are looking positively towards the future because you are certain that the future is going to be bright for you and bring you the desired growth that you are out to achieve.

Page of Pentacles suggests that your health will be positive for the major part of the week. You will be enjoying some of the best phases as far as health is concerned. 

Lucky Color: Purple

Also Read: Today Lucky Colour!


Love: Ten of Wands

Finance: Eight of Cups

Career: Temperance

Health: The Devil

Ten of Wands in a romantic reading suggests you and your partner have lost the spark and are now constantly bickering or blaming each other. You should think things over whether you want to move forward with the relationship and if you decide to continue then make the required changes to improve the situation.

Eight of Cups suggests that you’re still not over the fear of the financial crisis you had to face in the past maybe but now is the time to look forward to a much brighter and better financial future and get over your past. Please embrace the abundance coming your way.

Temperance in a career definitely signals career growth and stability and is also an indication that you are in the rightly chosen field and are in it for the longer haul. The future and week ahead both look bright.

The Devil indicates that if you’re not careful you may get trapped in addictions which could wreak havoc in your personal and professional life. Make sure to stay away from anything that you could be addicted to, such as alcohol, etc. 

Lucky Color: Mustard

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. How is Tarot different from astrology?

Ans. Tarot is based on card interpretation and intuition, whereas astrology is based on mathematical calculation of planetary movements.

Ques2. Does Tarot involve numerology?

Ans. Tarot and numerology can aid in interpreting results together and individually as well.

Ques3. Does tarot use color theory?

Ans. Yes, Tarot is highly dependent on color theory.

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