Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination
Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility.

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world.
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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 3rd week of December 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come.
It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 3rd week of December 2024.
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December Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions
Love: Ten of Cups
Finance: The Hermit
Career: Eight of Wands
Health: Page of Swords
Dear Aries, the Ten of Cups shows that right now, spending time with your family might be especially fulfilling. You might be taking your relationship to the next level or exposing your spouse to your family. Long-term stability, peace, and comfort are also suggested by the tarot love interpretation of the Ten of Cups. You’re more likely to find a lasting relationship if you’re single and you meet someone at this period.
Regarding finances, this card may be advising you to consider your priorities. It’s time to consider what genuinely brings you joy, as you may have been overly preoccupied with earning money. Additionally, it suggests that you start saving more money and use caution when spending.
The Eight of Wands in a career Tarot spread can stand for travel for business or things moving quickly. You might discover that your profession is taking you elsewhere, or you might find yourself physically traveling to other countries to attend conferences or meetings. If you own a firm, a new project can succeed far sooner than you anticipated.
The ability to heal and gain clarity can be demonstrated by the Page of Swords. Furthermore, it can suggest that you are able to overcome any mental obstacles or challenges you may be facing. With this knowledge, you can proceed on your path to health with assurance.
Lucky Plant: Bird of Paradise
Love: Two of Cups
Finance: The Chariot
Career: Seven of Cups
Health: Justice
The Two of Cups tarot card can represent the power that emerges when two people come together, especially in a love environment. Additionally, the probability of bonding may be indicated when two forces are drawn together. You can tell if someone you’ve been eyeing shares your feelings or if a relationship is starting if you’re alone.
The upright Chariot tarot card in finance is a symbol of the possibility of overcoming challenges and becoming financially successful. It can also represent the energy of self-control, concentration, and resolve that can assist you in taking back financial control.
A seven of cups denotes a variety of job opportunities. Make the most of it and seize as many possibilities as you can. However, that doesn’t imply you should go overboard and waste time, which is bad for your career and yourself. Therefore, it is wise to take action but plan carefully and not get distracted. Focus on one goal only.
Justice advises maintaining balance in your life when it seems upright for your health. Look after your mind and body. Avoid going overboard and take care of your health. You may have health issues if you have been out of balance.
Lucky Plant: Money Plant
Love: Ace of Swords
Finance: Knight of Cups
Career: King of Wands
Health: The High Priestess
The Ace of Swords upright signifies a period of breakthrough and clarity in relationships and love. This card indicates that, if you are in a relationship, you can be dealing with issues that call for candid and open communication.
The Knight of Cups is once more a favorable omen when it comes to money; you can receive generous offers and see an improvement in your financial situation. If you’ve been struggling financially, it might be telling you that the secret to overcoming your problems is to think creatively.
Dear Geminis, the King of Wands shows You are probably in a high position if you see the king. Others may look up to you as a mentor. On the other hand, you may be viewed as a good person with morals and values by others around you. The king also predicts a business boom. Right now, your career is performing especially well.
The High Priestess in the upright position places a strong emphasis on personal hygiene and general wellness. It motivates people to put their physical and mental well-being first because they know that a healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind.
Lucky Plant: Spider Plant
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Love: The Fool
Finance: Three of Wands
Career: Ace of Cups
Health: Four of Pentacles
Heya Cancers, with The Fool, there’s a sense of innocence and positivity in your relationship this week. Be willing to take risks, be bold and expand your vision of the world and you may end up finding love for sure. Surprises are in store for you. This card is also asking you to keep trying new things to spice up your relationship from time to time.
Three of Wands in a financial reading indicates that there are new sources of income opening up for you this week. Your finances will now increase and you’re finally coming out of the dull phase that you had been facing for a while maybe. The source of earning could also come from foreign lands or far away lands such as landing a job overseas probably or fixing a business deal abroad.
Here, the Ace of Cups suggests that you have finally discovered your calling and that your career is on the rise. You have a strong work ethic and are certain to achieve in anything that you attempt. It might be a new career, role, or business endeavor. You will now be the one succeeding.
If you are physically sick or not keeping well emotionally then you need to change your perspective and get in the frame of mind where you can heal yourself. The Four of Pentacles is asking you to let go of the negative energies and nurse yourself back to health.
Lucky Plant: Peace Lily
Love: Seven of Swords
Finance: The High Priestess
Career: Six of Cups
Health: The Chariot
Dear Leos, you’re dealing with a lot of lying, cheating, basically a whole lot of deceit in your relationship and our hearts go out for you. Things seem to be quite the same as last week. It is time you reconsider if you really want to stick around. Save your energies and leave this relationship as soon as possible. There’s something better out there.
The High Priestess is here to warn you as well as teach you important financial lessons this month. The High Priestess warns you to not disclose your finances or your financial plans to anyone as you could be cheated. It also signifies that this week someone experienced and known, also someone older than yourself may help you plan your finances and jot down the whole road map for you.
The Six of Cups in a career reading is a sign of good fortune. You will be very creative with your ideas at work and your peers will be supportive of you. Instead of getting on individual projects you will be seen excelling at group projects or team work.
Chariot represents movement and if you’re trying to heal from an injury or some illness then for sure recovery is on its way. You will soon be nursed back to health in no time with proper care.
Lucky Plant: Cactus
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Love: Three of Pentacles
Finance: Three of Wands
Career: Two of Swords
Health: Two of Cups
If you are in a relationship, the Three of Pentacles in a love tarot reading means that you are dedicated to the partnership and are working hard to keep it going. If there have been problems in your relationship, it may be an indication that you need to contact a relationship counselor to help you work through your problems.
When the Three of Wands is upright, it signifies a period of relaxation and living. You have been working hard to establish a solid bank account balance and advance your career. The time has come for you to enjoy the results of your labor. Now, all of your hard work is paying off.
The Two of Swords tarot card may portend a struggle or impasse at work in a career tarot reading. It may also indicate that the individual is struggling to reach a consensus that works for everyone.
The Two of Cups represents total balance in an individual’s well-being. This card suggests that if you have been battling a chronic illness or condition, a full recovery may be on the horizon. Everyday stressors can sometimes trigger new illnesses or exacerbate pre-existing ones.
Lucky Plant: Rubber Plant
Love: The Empress
Finance: The Star
Career: Ace of Cups
Health: Ten of Wands
The Empress in a love reading shows growth, progress and all things lovely in a relationship. You feel nurtured and cared for in this relationship dear Taurus. This is an indication from the universe that you are with the right person.
The Star in finances is good news as it tells us that you will reap good benefits of your hard work this week. Your investments will get you good profits. It is also possible that you may get an increment in your salary or a new high paid job offer this week.
Ace of Cups in a career reading points towards new opportunities coming in for you or this week may mark the start of a successful business venture if you’re looking to start one.
Ten of Wands represents your body’s perseverance in fighting a sickness. Your body is not giving in to the sickness and is still battling it off with all of its might, even if it is currently experiencing severe health problems.
Lucky Plant: Aleo Vera
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Love: Nine of Swords
Finance: The Moon
Career: The Hierophant
Health: Ace of Swords
Nine of Swords in a love reading shows you’re in for a difficult week Scorpios. It could be possible that there are some tensions brewing up within your relationship and giving you anxiety and sleepless nights. Think with a calm head and solutions will be at your doorstep. Do not worry, all will be fine.
The Moon warns you to not make any rash or impulsive decisions regarding your finances this week. Do not make any risky investments this week as you may have to bear heavy losses.
The Hierophant in career indicates success but in teams and group work. You’re not the one to lead a project alone or may not do well this week but in a group you will achieve success. It is best to stay lowkey and work in teams to achieve success right now.
Ace of Swords in a health reading is an indication that you are on the path to recovery and will soon overcome the illness or the injury you’re suffering from. There’s a need to fix your health routine in order to have good health.
Lucky Plant: Water Lily
Love: The Chariot
Finance: Six of Cups
Career: Ace of Wands
Health: Knight of Cups
Dear Sagis, The Chariot card can occasionally make you wonder if the decisions you have made thus far are balanced and whether your relationship is suffering as a result of your lengthy work hours. Have you given up too much of your personality for your relationship since you’re so focused on it? The Chariot challenges us to take charge of our lives once more and steer with tenacity.
In general, Six of Cups is a good omen. It can indicate that you have enough cash on hand to give to a worthy cause or give to someone in need. It can also mean that you will soon receive an inheritance or that you will receive money from a family member.
An explosion of passion and creative energy is symbolized by the Ace of Wands. It suggests that the moment is right to embark on new endeavors or launch a company. This card inspires us to think creatively, accept difficulties, and take measured chances.
Knight of Cups in health indicates that you will mostly have a good week but at the same time emphasizes upon the importance of maintaining balance between a healthy mind and body. You must maintain a fixed and healthy routine, it says.
Lucky Plant: Succulents
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Love: Knight of Cups
Finance: Knight of Pentacles
Career: Page of Pentacles
Health: Five of Cups
Knight of Cups in a love reading shows that love is in the air for you this week my dear Capricorns. Either you’re receiving an offer of love or a proposal or you will be the one proposing your love interest and there are high chances you will succeed in this endeavor this week. All the very best to you.
Knight of Pentacles is again good news as there is a high possibility of you receiving an increment in salary or your business deal this week will be finalized and bring in financial gains. One way or the other financial security is on the cards.
Page of Pentacles shows that this week you will receive a new project at work or a new opportunity that will open the doors of the future for you on the career front and pave a new way for your career to move up the ladder of success. This is just the start.
Five of Cups indicates that you’re not letting go of some negative thoughts or feelings from the past that may be troubling you and your mental health. Speak to someone close and let out all negativity. You don’t deserve it.
Lucky Plant: Snake Plant
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Love: Strength
Finance: Seven of Pentacles
Career: Two of Cups
Health: Eight of Cups
Dear Aquarius! The Strength Card points towards a strong and affectionate bond between you and your spouse/partner. It shows that the foundation of your relationship is strong enough to take on any storm that comes to disrupt it, and that you both are a strong team together.
Seven of Pentacles in a financial reading says that you’ve probably been waiting a long time for an increment in the salary or waiting to get good returns on your investments. You could also be waiting for your business to generate profit. All of this can happen this week. You will finally achieve that long awaited financial stability this week.
Two of Cups in a career reading is a strong indication of achieving success in a project or a venture with the help of your other team members or your business partner. With the right support from the people around, you will be able to ride high on success. You will do well in group projects this week rather than working individually.
Eight of Cups says that you need to change your outlook and become more positive and break the loop of negative thoughts that is pulling you into the depths of darkness and depression. Take a break and work on improving your mental health.
Lucky Plant: Cilantro
Love: Four of Pentacles
Finance: Five of Wands
Career: Seven of Pentacles
Health: Three of Cups
Dear Pisces, This card can cause jealousy and possessiveness in relationships, which can gradually destroy even the happiest of relationships. Insecurity or fear issues are probably at play, and lovers may need to take some time to sort these things out before they alienate their spouse. If you’re not dating, you probably still harbor bitterness, grudges, or the hope that your ex will come back into your life.
In terms of money, the Five of Wands portends a brief period of monetary instability or disputes. To get back in control of your finances or resolve conflicts with other people, you might need to put in more work.
In terms of your profession or finances, the Seven of Pentacles means that your diligence and hard work are starting to pay off. It implies that you are steadily moving closer to your objectives, whether they be a lucrative investment, a promotion, or a profitable business endeavor.
Three Cups According to the tarot card, you may be getting ready for a number of social events or holidays that could tempt you to overindulge in food or celebrate frequently. Enjoy yourself, but make an effort to limit your indulgence to avoid having a detrimental impact on your health.
Lucky Plant: Bamboo Plant
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Frequently Asked Questions
Anyone looking for clarity and answers to questions pertaining to life and career or any other aspect must definitely get a reading done.
Yes, books are a great way to start learning the tarot
The drawings on tarot cards take inspiration from Egypt.