Tarot Weekly Horoscope 12-18 Feb 2023: What Cards Have In Store For 12 Zodiacs?

Tarot Horoscope 12-18 February: AstroSage brings forth this blog based on Tarot Weekly Horoscope for all zodiac signs of the astrological sphere to help our readers know how their 2nd week of February is going to be. 

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It’s Valentine’s week guys! Aren’t you all already excited? Let’s see what Valentine’s week will present us with in Love, Career and more. We will also reveal the lucky charms for each zodiac which you can carry with you during this week and attract good luck and of course an abundance of love. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started. 

What is Tarot Reading?

Have you ever wondered as a newbie as to What is Tarot Reading and what does it do? Have you too viewed Tarot as just a random set of 78 cards with different weird images drawn on it? Well, for your information this Tarot deck of 78 cards has all the precise and crisp answers to your deepest burning desires. The Tarot cards have the power to reveal the dark, deep secrets buried deep in your heart.

Every card in the 78 cards deck has a different picture on it and only the ones who are trained in Tarot Reading and are Tarot practitioners or Tarot Readers can decipher its meanings and present your life’s history, present and the future like a story in front of you. 

Tarot is a form of future telling and has been in use since the last few centuries. Tarot requires practice, intuition and imagination. Tarot reveals the meaning of life from the realms of mysticism and spirituality. Welcome to the mystic world. Now that you know what tarot reading is let us move onto the zodiac wise Tarot Reading for Valentine’s week 12th -18th of February, 2023. 

Also Read: Tarot Reading 2023- Annual Prediction

Tarot Horoscope 12th To 18th February 2023: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: The Star

 Finance: Knight of Swords

Career: Two of Wands

Health: The Hermit

With the appearance of the Star, Aries you’re sure that your partner is the one for you. Your bond will grow stronger everyday and will find harmony within your relationship. For singles, you will be so in tune with yourself that finding self love within  would be easy. 

Your finances will grow steadily this week and you will encounter financial abundance. Career wise you are in a state where you want to set and plan your ambitions and goals for the growth ahead. 

Pushing yourself too far in terms of health can result in bad health. Pay attention. 

Lucky Charm- Carnelian, to enhance your vitality and creativity.

Lucky Color- Black, Red


Love: The Sun

 Finance: Hierophant

Career: Temperance

Health: 10 of Swords

The Sun indicates that some wonderful and romantic encounter is just round the corner and if you are in a relationship then your relationship will move forward to marriage and family. 

You are not up for experimenting in finances and are comfortable with the conventional methods of saving. You will see a slow yet steady growth in your career as the week progresses. You have reached a breaking point in terms of health and need to take that much deserved break for your sanity and well-being.

Lucky Charm- Carry a jade crystal with you.

Lucky Colour- Bright Yellow


Love: Seven of Pentacles

 Finance: Three of Pentacles

Career: Ten of Cups

Health: Ten of Wands

If you want to stick with your current partner, know that this relationship would be hard work for sure. If however, you wish to wait and put in the hard work you’re in for the long haul for sure. 

You’re handling your finances well and with experience and are in a happy space. Your efforts are beginning to pay off and things are looking bright from the career’s perspective. 

Ignoring your health could lead to serious issues. You’re advised to take precautions.

Lucky Charm- Keep a crystal dice with you.

Lucky Color- Emerald Green, Dark Maroon

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Love: Four of Pentacles 

 Finance: Justice

Career: The Empress

Health: Two of Swords

You will experience a peaceful love life this week. Cancerians will be spending some quiet and quality time together. It is time to strike a balance in finances as over spending may cost you a lot this week. 

You are comfortable in your career and things are going your way. You have the authority and power. 

You could be dealing with health issues or blocked emotions. Just unwind and let go!

Lucky Charm- Moonstone

Lucky Color- Shades of Blue


Love: King of Cups

 Finance: Ace of Swords

Career: Judgment

Health: Strength

Your relationship is very stable, peaceful and harmonious. This serves as a reassurance that you’re in it for the long run. 

Your heart and mind have different opinions and obviously we understand you’re itching to shop your heart out with Valentine’s round the corner but you need to act logically when dealing with finances. 

You have found a new purpose in your career that you’re willing to pursue and should take the leap of faith. Also, your health is at its best.

Lucky Charm- Citrine Pendant

Lucky Color- Blood Red, Orange


Love: Queen of Wands

 Finance: Six of Pentacles

Career: Three of Wands

Health: The Tower

You are a strong confident person and treat your love life as a part of life and not the epicenter of your life. You’re in a happy space in your relationship and have set your boundaries.

Your finances are going strong and stable, so is your career. You have new opportunities coming your way and you are keen on exploring them. 

Your health could go for a toss out of exhaustion. You need to stop and take a short break to rejuvenate yourself. 

Lucky Charm- A fancy pen

Lucky Color- Grey and Light Yellow


Love: Knight of Cups

 Finance: Ace of Pentacles

Career: Ten of Pentacles

Health: Four of Swords

Romantic proposals, marriage, or an offer of a stronger commitment will come your way this Valentine’s week, so it is going to be a wish fulfillment for many for sure. 

Prosperity and abundance of wealth are with you this week. You are quite secure and comfortable in your career right now and things are going your way. 

You have been overworking and it may be a good idea to take a day off, take a break and relax. 

Lucky Charm- Rainbow colored Keyring

Lucky Colour- White, Baby Pink

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Love: King of Wands

 Finance: Eight of Pentacles

Career: Page of Cups

Health: Eight of Swords

Tarot is asking the Scorpios to be their usual self this week when it comes to love. Be direct in communicating your needs and bring much needed clarity to your relationship status and your needs. Things will be much better when you communicate clearly. 

If you have been hoping to receive financial assistance in business or otherwise too you will receive it this week. On the career front you will get new opportunities to grow and may land the project you have been eyeing. 

However, in your quest to find financial security and career growth please do not forget to take care of your health as that is important.

Lucky Charm- Carry any object with a triangular shape

Lucky Color- Brick Red


Love: The Fool

 Finance: The Emperor

Career: Knight of Pentacles

Health: Page of Cups

You are ready to take the leap of faith as far as your love life is concerned, dear Sagittarius. You are in control of your finances too. 

Career is slowly stabilizing and you’re reaching your goals. New opportunities too can come in. 

On the health front things are improving and under control so all in all it is a happy and positive reading for Sagittarians. 

Lucky Charm- A crystal trinket

Lucky Color- Golden Yellow


Love: The Moon

 Finance: High Priestess

Career: Chariot

Health: Six of Cups

Miscommunication between you and your partner has been brewing trouble in your relationship. It is advised to communicate clearly to bring that peace and harmony in your relationship. 

Finances are under control and you could receive financial help from someone this week but be careful while making some deals as you could be subjected to some form of cheating. Your career path is becoming clearer to you and things are starting to get back on track. 

Your quick and fast way of life is making you unwell and stressed out. Slow down and enjoy the small moments that make life so beautiful.

Lucky Charm- A sparkly Silver Pendant

Lucky color- Silver, White


Love: Two of Cups

 Finance: Seven of Cups

Career: Four of Cups

Health: Page of Wands

Your current relationship is definitely a soulmate connection and we are just confirming what you already know. 

On the financial front you will have many opportunities coming your way to make money and have multiple sources of income. Right now you may be sulking over  a missed opportunity but do not worry as things will take a turn in your favor soon. 

You’re in the best of your health and enjoying it. 

Lucky Charm- Keep a copper coin or a piece of copper in your wallet always. 

Lucky Color- Dark Maroon


Love: Lovers

 Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: Page of Cups

Health: Two of Pentacles

Things look bright and positive in all areas of life for Pisces again this week. The appearance of Lovers card shows you are at your comfortable best in terms of romance and things just spell perfect! 

On the financial front things look positive too and you have ample opportunities coming your way and your career is moving in the right direction. 

You’re trying to manage a lot of things together and that can definitely take a toll on your health. Do not ignore the warning signals your body has been giving you. 

Lucky Charm- A star shaped trinket can bring good luck. 

Lucky Color- Hues of Orange (Lighter shades of Orange)

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