August Tarot Weekly Horoscope For Second Week Of August!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 2nd week of August 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 2nd week of August 2024. 

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August Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love:  The Lovers

Finance: King of Pentacles

Career: King of Swords

Health: Nine of Cups

Dear Aries! The Lovers is a wonderful card as far as love relationships are concerned. It indicates free flowing communication between you and your partner. It is a soulmate card and shows that you both are happy and content in the relationship. If you have had some misunderstanding then it will surely be clear.

King of Pentacles suggests that you are currently content with your financial stability. It shows that you like to keep your money safe in conventional institutions and like to earn money using clean methods with no cheating or shortcuts. You respect money and have learned to value it over time.

King of Swords indicates a person who may be a strong, influential figure at your workplace who may come across as being mean but will ultimately help you grow and excel in your career by pushing you out of your comfort zone.

Nine of Cups indicates good health overall. You feel agile and rejuvenated and if you are suffering from an illness you will now recover and soon feel better. You will be active and out and about in no time.  

Lucky Number: 18


Love:  The World

Finance: The Star

Career: Knight of Pentacles

Health: Page of Wands

That’s an amazing set of cards to receive in a reading dear Taurus. The World suggests that your partner holds you in high esteem and regards. Their whole life revolves around you and they are in a very happy space with you currently or you may feel this about your partner. 

The Star is an excellent card to receive when talking of a financial reading. The Star suggests that your investments are paying you back in huge amounts. Financially you are in a very good position and enjoying the fruits of your labor. Luck is on your side and you feel like a money magnet.

Knight of Pentacles indicates that you have recently got an excellent career opportunity or you are about to receive it. Your career will scale to new heights and you are to witness success in the coming week. This could also mean getting promoted to an important position or cracking an important deal single handedly. 

Page of Wands is a Minor Arcana card and indicates that you are in the best of your health. If you were dealing with some illness or injury you will now recover soon. It may also be asking you to take steps towards maintaining your health. 

Lucky Number: 33


Love: Wheel of Fortune

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Knight of Wands

Health: Ten of Pentacles

Hey Geminis, this would be a very happy week for you as you’re in for some very positive changes and you will be totally involved in the blissfulness of your love life. Are you interested in someone? Chances are they are interested in you as well, so go ahead and approach them.

King of Cups in a financial reading suggests that you need to think logically and not just emotionally. This week you must not take any decision emotionally and reconsider your purchases very well. This card warns you to not be too emotional when it comes to finances and start planning your expenditures keeping your future needs in mind.

Knight of Wands in a career reading suggests that you are approaching new areas of your field and exploring the new areas very aggressively and want to achieve success overnight which may not be the case and the adverse effects of this may impact your career negatively later on in life. 

Ten of Pentacles in a health spread is a positive card to receive and points that this week you will be completely fine. You will be happy and healthy surrounded by family and your loved ones. 

Lucky Number: 32

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Love: Page of Cups

Finance: Justice

Career: Queen of Pentacles

Health: Knight of Swords

Page of Cups in a love reading is a welcome card. It signifies proposals, unions and weddings in some cases. Take what resonates but the Page of cups is indicating that you are in a love bombing phase of your relationship and the coming week is going to be equally full of love.

The Justice card here is asking you to be honorable towards your finances if you want rewards out of it. What we mean by saying this is that you should be earning your money from the right sources and the right way. Also, spending mindlessly may cost you a dime in the future so be careful. 

Queen of Pentacles in  a career reading is a good card. It explains that you are comfortable wherever you are in your career right now. Be it your workplace, your career achievements or the position you have attained. You are comfortable and feel nurtured at work. It’s your happy place. 

Knight of Swords in a health reading says that you will soon enter a phase of recovery. You were probably taking on life too swiftly and stress and anxiety got the better of you but in the coming week you will start to feel better and seek help if needed.

Lucky Number: 11


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: The World

Career: The Magician

Health: Strength

Two of Cups in a love reading is a good card to receive dear Leos and it shows that this week you and your partner would bond and come closer emotionally. You will understand each other’s importance and if there had been any fights or arguments between you two then they would now solve.

The World in a financial reading indicates that you are in a very stable and secure state financially currently and this week you may decide to spend your money on travels and trips with your loved ones. It is time you finally enjoy the fruit of hard work and enjoy all the luxuries you have brought together over a long period of working day and night.

The Magician in career is again one of the best cards you could think of. This week you may crack a very important deal for your organization and get promoted or rewarded for your work. If you’re a business owner then this deal would help your business grow manifold and take you on the path of success. If you put your heart in something then you will definitely achieve it. 

Strength card in a health reading talks about the confident state of mind you will be in. It shows that psychologically you will be in a very good state of mind and your physical health will support you too. 

Lucky Number: 10


Love: The Moon

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)

Health: Knight of Swords

The Moon in love is not at all a welcome card, Virgos.  The Moon card in an upright position might indicate feeling uneasy or uncertain. Communication issues or hidden problems could arise. For individuals in a new relationship, it suggests potential deceit or hidden truths in new relationships.

King of Cups  is typically financially comfortable and steady in a financial setting because of his wisdom, but he can lack motivation when it comes to material prosperity. You will lead a tension-free life this week at least. 

Did you feel like you missed your chance to get that promotion you were expecting you’d get? Well the Ace of Pentacles (reversed) here is likely to indicate some sort of feeling of instability or missed opportunities. You may not feel like you’re doing well in your job, and you may be paranoid about getting fired for poor performance. 

King of Swords in a health spread talks about the secret to preserving or enhancing your health or fitness both now and in the future is to add more structure to your routine.

Lucky Number: 14

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Love: Six of Swords

Finance: The Star

Career: Six of Wands

Health: King of Cups

Six of Swords in a love reading indicates that dear Libras, this week you must have broken up with your partner and finally are looking at the brighter side of life after having spent a lot of time retreating in your shell. It could also mean that you and your partner are moving on from the past arguments and reviving your relationship.

The Star in finances is a great card to receive. This card is a clear indication that you will be doing very well financially this week and there are high chances of you receiving a good hike or some great offers presenting you with a very stable and secure financial future. 

Six of Wands in career indicates that your hardwork will now be paid off and this time the advice of your seniors worked like magic for you. Put your faith in this experienced person helping you shape your career. Your bosses appreciate your hard work and will reward you with good benefits.

King of Cups in health is a great card to receive indicating healing coming your way through family and friends. You will mostly spend a healthy week and in case you’re unwell, it is an indicator that you will soon be well. 

Lucky Number: 15


Love: Eight of Wands

Finance: The Tower

Career: The Hermit

Health: King of Swords

Eight of Wands indicates that if you haven’t been able to communicate with your partner due to a fight or an argument in the past week then communication is soon coming in from your partner’s side. You will soon receive a call or a message from them and things will get better soon. This time apart will bring you both back stronger together.

The Tower in a financial pick cautions you to handle money carefully. The Tower could even indicate an impending bankruptcy. Avoid taking a risk with your finances at this point. If you haven’t saved any money for a rainy day, you’d better start right away because there might be an unanticipated financial upheaval on the horizon.

Dear Scorpios, The Hermit may suggest that you need to distribute your attention more widely among things that will make you happy on all levels rather than concentrating too heavily on your job, money, and materialistic ambitions. It can also be a sign that you’re considering a career change.

When it comes to your health, the King of Swords can indicate that you might be being too hard on yourself. Be nice to yourself by cutting back or stopping activities that are overly taxing on your body. Work according to your body energy levels. 

Lucky Number: 27

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Love: Three of Pentacles

Finance: Two of Swords

Career: Nine of Wands

Health: Eight of Wands

Hello Sagis! Now, this week Three of Pentacles indicates that you and your partner will hold each other in high regards and learn from each other. You both wish to build the relationship stronger together and work towards achieving the ideal relationship.

Two of Swords in a financial reading talks about the fact that this week you may have two big financial decisions coming for you and you may remain undecided as to which one you must address first. You may even suddenly find yourself amidst a financial crisis and will find it difficult to handle it.

Nine of Wands in a career reading shows that you may feel fed up or stuck in a daily repetitive work routine with no growth or movement at all. It could be that you have worked for a long time in the same company at the same position and want change but are not feeling too positive about taking the leap of faith and find yourself stuck in unfavorable conditions.

Eight of Wands in a health reading is a good card to receive. It is a great week health wise and healing and recovery are coming to you for sure. This week you will be healthy and fit.

Lucky Number: 21


Love: Knight of Wands

Finance: Judgment

Career: Seven of Pentacles

Health: King of Cups

Oh Capricorns, things don’t look very bright on the personal front. You or your partner, one of you is undoubtedly trying to run away from completely committing to the relationship, which can become a cause for a rift between the two. There could be a lack of emotional connection between you both.

The Judgment here cautions you and asks you to refrain from making rash decisions as far as finances are concerned. It is better for you to make all aspects clear before making any investments or a purchase to be sure of good returns.

Seven of Pentacles in a career reading suggests that you are in a very secure space in your career right now and making progress as planned. All your effort and the sweat, hard work, etc is now showing results and you are finally on your way towards success.

King of Cups is a positive card and says that you may enjoy a healthy week overall but you may have to face some difficult situations which are important for your emotional maturity and growth.

Lucky Number: 17

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Love: The Empress

Finance: Page of Swords

Career: Knight of Pentacles

Health: Seven of Cups (Reversed)

Dear Aquarius, The Empress signifies loving, nurturing, and caring, as well as having financial stability or appreciating lovely, comfortable things. The card also represents motherhood, thus it can occasionally imply marriage, pregnancy, or at the very least a new family, whatever that looks like for you.

Page of Swords states that whatever brilliant ideas you may have for increasing your income or stretching your budget may still be in the very early stages. The complexity of the financial world may also be piquing your interest right now; the more you know about it, the better you can use it to your advantage to increase your income. 

The Knight of Pentacles indicates progress, whether or not you can see the effects of it. Despite the delay, your efforts are rewarded every day. Now can be a good time to examine your accomplishments more closely and determine what is and is not working.

Seven of Cups indicates that you are neglecting your health because you are so preoccupied with maintaining moral integrity. You become exhausted and more prone to disease and injury as a result of the strain. The card advises that you strive to take on fewer responsibilities and spend more time enjoying yourself.

Lucky Number: 26


Love: Three of Wands

Finance: Two of Pentacles

Career: Page of Wands

Health: Four of Pentacles

Dear Pisces! You are thinking of taking the next step in your relationship. You and your partner are wanting to see your future together and are already planning it. For singles, you feel ready to welcome love in your life now. 

You’re working hard towards building a financially secure future. This could also mean you are juggling multiple jobs or multiple responsibilities to make ends meet. Soon you will be able to achieve stability and security.

Page of Wands suggests you’re still in the early phase of your career and exploring your options. You are in no hurry and are assessing your skills and opportunities. Basically finding your calling!

If you’re sick or feeling sick then it is time for you to break the unhealthy patterns of lifestyle you’re following. It is high time you make healthy changes in your lifestyle and nurse yourself back to good health. 

Lucky Number: 12

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. Which deck should be used if starting your journey as a Tarot reader?

Ans. Use Rider Waite deck for its clarity and ease of understanding

Ques2. What is the difference between tarot and oracle cards?

Ans. Tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards, divided into major and minor arcana. The oracle cards are not divided into any arcanas and illustrations are more artistic.

Ques3. What is the best way to memorize tarot cards?

Ans. Tarot is 70% intuition and 30% actual meaning of the cards. 


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