Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 9th Feb To 15th Feb, 2025

Tarot As A Tool For Guidance & How It Can Help You

Many famous tarot readers and occultists across the globe firmly believe that the role of Tarot in an individual’s life is more of life coaching rather than fortune-telling. As the saying goes, “Tarot cards are a tool for self-care and self-discovery”. They draw attention to where you’ve been, affirm where you are right now, and give you a glimpse of what might be. It gives you a window into the energy environment and helps you make the greatest choices for your future. Like a dependable counselor who reflects you back to yourself, tarot offers the chance to speak with your soul.

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Perhaps you need some direction or assistance because you’re feeling lost. Either you were humbled by the accuracy of a tarot reading after earlier mocking it or you are an astrologer seeking another source of direction. Or perhaps you’re just attempting to take up a new pastime. The number of people looking to tarot cards for comfort has significantly increased due to these and other reasons. Tarot deck, as it is called, is a unique set of 78 cards that can help you gain guidance with the help of Tarot Spreads, a way of spreading the cards by learned tarot professionals when you need it. Tarot originated in the 15th century in Italy Europe as a game of cards for entertainment and less for spiritual guidance. It was much later that tarot got its due as an important tool of divination, helping people grow and understand their purpose in life and finding deeper meanings that the intricate drawings, these cards flaunted. 

Tarot, a tool used for psycho-spiritual progress, essentially means that we are connecting a small amount of spirituality—connecting with something a little higher than ourselves and discovering meaning in the wider world—with a small amount of psychology, or our inner experience of self-knowledge and self-improvement. Let us now dive into knowing what this 2nd week of February of the year 2025 has in store for all 12 zodiac signs

To Know More about What Tarot Has To Say For You, Talk To The Best Tarot Readers!

February Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2025: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Seven of Pentacles

Finance: Nine of Pentacles

Career: The Hanged Man

Health: Judgment (Reversed)

Aries, In a love reading, the Seven of Pentacles indicates that the partnership is receiving thoughtful care. It represents a readiness to devote time and energy to developing a long-lasting, satisfying relationship. Your relationship will be a safe place and you both will grow together within the relationship. For singles, you may come across a dependable partner this week of Valentines. 

In terms of money, the Nine of Pentacles is a favorable omen for prosperity, debt relief, security, and stability. If you have invested, it may be time to begin collecting when your investments approach maturity. Business ventures ought to be prosperous.

The Hanged Man can represent a sense of waiting or a lack of clarity regarding your work-related tasks. This card has the lesson that sometimes, no matter what, you can’t make decisions or make adjustments when they’re not time-appropriate. Sometimes you just have to wait for the things you’ve been working so hard to get, like a response from a colleague or business partner, a client’s decision, or a decision about how to transform your career. 

The reversed judgment card in a tarot reading may suggest that you should let go of health-related anxieties and phobias as well as negative memories. It might also suggest that you should accept your health and seek medical help when necessary.  

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: A Trek To Triund


Love: Five of Swords

Finance: Wheel of Fortune

Career: Five of Wands

Health: Nine of Swords

Dear Taurus, In a love reading, the tarot card of the Five of Swords may symbolise difficulties and disputes within a partnership. These disputes can result from a breakdown in communication and can cause arguments or major disagreements. It may also be a sign of aggression, abuse, or bullying in severe circumstances. 

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card in money can signify impending changes to your financial circumstances. It may suggest that you should handle your finances sensibly and be ready for unforeseen costs. Additionally, it may advise you to increase your future savings, particularly if you have been financially secure.

Five of Wandsareer reading indicates  in a career reading points towards people working in industries such as sales, banking, and athletes. If that is not the case and your job does not have a competitive element, it is likely a temporary state as a result of conflict over specific issues. You might be fighting against one individual for a raise or position. Regardless of the specific conflicts you face at the moment, you will have to contend with the egos of others. 

The Nine of Swords tarot card might reveal health problems like anxiety, sleeplessness, headaches, or hormone imbalances in a tarot reading.

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Udaipur


Love: Six of Wands

Finance: Queen of Pentacles

Career: Ten of Cups

Health: Death

Dear Geminis, Six of Wands in a love reading together, you and your spouse need to be succeeding and having a great time. You will be proud of your relationship, share your successes, and be very supportive of one another. The Six of Wands suggests that your ideal spouse is on the verge of entering your life if you are single. This individual will exude confidence, achieve accomplishment, and elevate you.

Wealth, prosperity, and material stability are all promised by the Queen of Pentacles. After a while of hard labor, you can discover that you have all you need for comfort. This card is a representation of a responsible individual who understands how to combine practicality, thrift, and good taste with the enjoyment of life’s little pleasures. She will never sacrifice quality in her pursuit of a good bargain.

When it comes to careers, the Ten of Cups is a lucky card. Because you should be at a stage where your efforts are starting to pay off, it implies that work should be going well. 

The “Death” tarot card usually represents a major shift in your health, which frequently entails letting go of old, harmful behaviors and embracing fresh, wellness-promoting strategies.

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Kerala

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Love: King of Pentacles

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: Eight of Swords

Health: Two of Wands

Dear Cancers, The King of Pentacles might indicate a period of stability and security in your relationship, even though it does not represent a specific individual. Both materially and emotionally, the two of you will be extremely at ease with one another. You can now unwind after putting in a lot of effort to achieve your current level of living.

The Knight of Wands in a financial Tarot spread signifies positive money movement, so when it shows up, you should expect a sizable amount of money to come in. Just keep an eye on your spending and make sure you consider your purchases before making them, as this card may suggest a propensity for careless spending.

In a job tarot reading, the Eight of Swords signifies that you feel constrained in your current role or line of work. You are ultimately in charge of your own destiny, despite the fact that you can feel lost, powerless, and incapable of altering your current situation.

The tarot card of the Two of Wands may suggest that decisions should be made with long-term health objectives in mind and future well-being in mind. It may also entail venturing beyond one’s comfort zone to experiment with novel ways to health or wellness. 

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Manali


Love: The Lovers

Finance: The Sun

Career: The World

Health: The Moon

Woah! All major arcana cards Leos, spectacular week you’re going to have. This card symbolizes a duo that complements one another well. However, because this card also represents commitment and choice, it also makes you consider your level of dedication to love. This need not only be about someone else; it can also mean that you have to choose between love and your job, love and your family, love and friendship, or perhaps love and your whole way of life.

Since the Sun (upright) is associated with abundance in financial affairs, you should be doing quite well financially if it shows up in your reading. Your company ventures, financial investments, and other revenue-generating endeavors should all be prosperous.

In a career reading, the World card represents achievement and acknowledgment when it is drawn upright. It signals a time of success and motivates you to value your advancement. This card encourages you to strike a balance between having big goals and enjoying the fruits of your labor.

The Moon in health talks about how your internal emotional struggles may be disrupting your health. Take care of yourself and seek medical help if possible.

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: A Trek To Kedarnath


Love: The Tower

Finance: The Chariot

Career: Page of Swords

Health: Five of Swords

Ouch Virgos! The Tower portends significant, life-altering problems. Strong or deteriorating foundations will not support a relationship for very long and may even break down. New experiences are made possible by these, even when they are initially painful. These times may be difficult, but remember that they will pass. If you are single, it might not be a relationship that is being broken down, but rather your viewpoint and comprehension of what love means to you in general. 

The Chariot in finances shows that this week in particular you will gain a better perspective on how to save and grow your money and will start working in that direction. While you will be on your financial journey, negative thoughts are bound to come to you but you must be careful to not get disturbed by negative thoughts. 

With the Page of Swords, you can be bursting with ideas and enthusiasm for your work. The fact that this card is a page does indicate that you are in some kind of apprenticeship or new experience, which could indicate that you are in training, education, or the beginning of a new career path.

In a health reading, the tarot card of the Five of Swords may suggest that you need to take care of yourself because you are feeling exhausted from fighting. It’s possible that the difficulties you have encountered or are now confronting have sapped your energy. 

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Agra

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Love: Eight of Pentacles

Finance: Five of Swords

Career: The Hanged Man

Health: The Devil

The upright Eight of Pentacles in a love Tarot reading indicates that you have invested a great deal of time, energy, and care into your relationship if you are in a partnership. The relationship should be going well and your efforts should be paying off.

Five of Swords in finance calls for quick action towards saving money if you want to safeguard your finances. At this point, you’ll need to be very careful with your money, especially when it comes to putting your trust in other people. There may be those trying to take advantage of you or take more from you than is fair. Occasionally, this card may also indicate that money is tight at the moment; you may need to reduce certain luxuries.

The Hanged Man in career indicates that you feel stuck in your career. You may not like where you’re working. You may not be able to make decisions or make adjustments as they may not be time-appropriate. You may have to wait for the things you’ve been working so hard to get, like a response from a colleague or business partner or a client. Your career needs a transformation. 

The Devil card highlights the significance of preserving equilibrium in all facets of your life, including your physical and mental health. It encourages you to avoid too much stress and schedule time for healthy eating and exercise.

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Kochi

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Love: Ace of Pentacles

Finance: Ace of Swords

Career: Ten of Swords (Reversed)

Health: Five of Pentacles

Scorpios, Couples may discover that they feel stable and secure in their relationships, and that this stability and security gives them the courage to explore and take chances. In addition to allowing each partner to flourish as an individual, this card provides you both a sense of independence and strengthens your bond. Take care of your practical life as well if you’re single, as this will provide you with the groundwork for finding a fulfilling relationship.

The Ace of Swords in a financial tarot reading will force you to use a lot of logic. When it comes to money, your head and your heart may hold rather opposite views. In these circumstances, this card is telling you to use your discretion and avoid impulsive behavior.

You’re only beginning your journey to recover from previous career related problems. You might have just changed jobs or quit a position that was causing you a lot of annoyance, rage, and pain. Whatever had occurred, it’s all over now. You can exhale with relaxation knowing the challenges ahead will be simpler to handle. 

Five of Pentacles in health points towards you or someone in your family may become seriously ill. You must take care of your health or else you could contract some long term disease which could prevent you from leading a youthful, energetic life. 

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Andaman Islands

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Love: The Star

Finance: Two of Swords

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: Eight of Swords

Sagis, The Star card in love and relationships signifies a developing romantic relationship. If you are single, it indicates that you are willing to let go of the baggage from previous relationships, which will allow you to have more opportunities and possibly meet new people.

When it comes to money, the Two of Swords stands for both an unwillingness or incapacity to face reality and tough or disagreeable choices. If you are experiencing financial issues right now, you cannot afford to ignore them.

The Ace of Cups represents new intuitive possibilities and good intentions. These insights can be used in many different ways during the course of your career. For job seekers, this card signifies a fresh start in their career. Perhaps you don’t search for work all the time.

A route to recovery, mental fortitude, and relief from anxiety might be indicated by the Eight of Swords in reverse. Moreover, it might serve as a reminder that you are capable of healing and building a healthy life. 

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Goa


Love: Knight of Pentacles

Finance: Five of Wands

Career: Seven of Cups

Health: Nine of Swords

Although they may be a little sluggish to open up emotionally, the knight of pentacles typically symbolizes a steady, dependable, and dedicated partner—someone who is grounded, pragmatic, and intent on establishing a long-term partnership with a sense of security and devotion. 

A brief period of financial instability or disputes about money may be indicated by the Five of Wands tarot card. It can indicate that you need to work harder to get back in charge of your money or settle conflicts with other people. 

The Seven of Cups represents a person who is presented with a number of choices. If this card pertains to your career, you can be shown a variety of options for career advancement. Although having a variety of possibilities is usually a good thing, you should be mindful of how much time you waste daydreaming rather than acting on your dreams. 

The Nine of Swords can also represent being plagued by unfounded fears, guilt, doubt, and worries. It can mean that you or someone close to you could be dealing with a difficult decision or problematic situation, but their worst fears are unlikely to come true. 

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Himachal Pradesh

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Love: Six of


Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: The Emperor

Health: King of Cups

Dear Aquarius, The Six of Pentacles describes partnerships that are loving, giving, and supporting. Your partnership might be a harmonious exchange of giving and receiving since you both share the same energy. The couple places a high value on assisting others.

Money may seem to leave your possession as fast as it entered. There is nothing good or negative about this inclination. Remembering exactly how much came in and how much went out is crucial to your success right now. Even though this card is especially alluring right now, if you find it here, be cautious about making rash purchases. 

In order to achieve your goals in your job search or career, the Emperor urges you to be efficient, disciplined, and persistent. It might be beneficial for you to take the initiative and implement new procedures or structures that will enable you and your colleagues to work together more effectively if your workplace or work process is currently a little disorganized or annoying. 

The King of Cups tarot card can indicate that you should focus on your emotional well-being and self-care in order to improve your overall health.

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Rishikesh


Love: The


Finance: King of Wands

Career: Queen of Swords

Health: Judgment

Pisces, In terms of partnerships, this card also portends a steady, sincere, and dedicated partnership. Given that the card also symbolizes motherhood, it may also portend marriage, pregnancy, or at the very least the start of a new family, in whatever way that means to you.

The King of Wands’ upright interpretation could be a helpful reminder to keep your equilibrium even when you are in a good position. This balance allows you to protect and appreciate your revenue. Continue to follow these rules. It is possible to express gratitude by spending money, especially on other people. Saving money might be wise, but it can also be superfluous. 

In a professional context, the Queen of Swords card can stand for knowledge, expertise, and clear communication. It may also point to an authority figure who can provide financial guidance, constructive criticism, or support. 

After a difficult period of health, the Judgment tarot card typically represents a time of recuperation, healing, and rejuvenation. 

Zodiac-Wise Romantic Destination: Lakshadweep Islands

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which tarot card shows immaturity?

The Fool card and Page of Wands

2. Can tarot predict long-term answers?

No, predicting long term answers through tarot could be difficult.

3. Is tarot genuine?

Yes, if the tarot reader is well experienced, then tarot is genuine. Depends on the reader and his/her skills.


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