September Tarot Monthly Horoscope: A Dive Into The Arcane World!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

To Get a Tarot Reading in 2024, Talk To The Best Tarot Readers!

Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the last month of September 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the month of September 2024. 

To Know More about What Tarot Has To Say For You, Talk To The Best Tarot Readers!

September Tarot Monthly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love:  The Hermit

Finance: The World

Career: King of Wands

Health: Six of Wands

The Hermit simply is asking you to first dive deep into your soul and know yourself completely, understand yourself first and know what you want before entering into a relationship. Basically prioritize yourself and then think about entering into a relationship.

Your financial condition for the whole of this month would be very very sound and stable. The World shows Aries, that you have worked very hard and left no stone unturned in achieving this financial status and now you must reap the fruits of your hard work.

King of Wands again indicates a stable career all through the month. You will receive the much deserved opportunities to grow your career, your reputation and your position at work will rise. You surely know your game!

Just like every other aspect of life, Six of Wands is a very good card to receive in a health reading. It shows that for the whole of the month of September you will enjoy good health and lead a healthy life.

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Orange Orchid


Love:  Death

Finance: Ten of Cups

Career: Ace of Wands

Health: Three of Cups

Death card shows transformation, so Taurus, whether you like it or not your relationship will go through some change. It also indicates that there are probably some repeating patterns in your relationship which are damaging the relationship. You need to pay close attention. 

Ten of Cups in Finances shows that you are able to provide well for the family and they look up to you and respect you for what you are bringing on the table. You will experience financial contentment this month. 

Aces always represent the start of something new. Ace of Wands in a career reading shows the start of a new position, project or a new business venture. This month will bring some newness in your career.

Three of Cups is asking you to take out some time for yourself and dedicate some time for your social circle too. All work and no play makes life boring and can take a toll on your health. Therefore it is important to be out and about and just chill with your friends.

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Fiddle Leaf Fig

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Love:  Three of Pentacles

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: Three of Wands

Health: The Magician (Reversed)

Three of Pentacles shows that you and your partner are committed in a traditional relationship with equal love and respect for each other. You treat your partner as your equal and there is no toxic competition between you both. Singles may want or idolize a relationship like this.

Knight of Wands is asking you to plan your finances properly for this month as you may encounter sudden and unexpected expenditure. You should plan your expenses logically this month and refrain from over spending.

Three of Wands in a career reading shows opportunities coming from overseas or long distance travel for work or business. You may also be looking for a new job role which you will find soon enough. 

The Magician(Reversed) is asking you to heal yourself emotionally and seek help if you wish to but it’s important to pay attention to your mental and emotional health to enjoy the good days that are coming in the near future.

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Jasmine


Love: Ace of Swords

Finance: The Sun

Career: Three of Swords (Reversed)

Health: The Moon

Ace of Swords in a love reading represents a time of clarity and breakthrough. If you are in a relationship, this card suggests that you may be facing challenges that require honest and open communication.

In the context of finances, the upright Sun card suggests abundance and success. It indicates that your investments and financial endeavors will prosper. You should feel financially secure and grateful for your current situation.

The Three of Swords in a career reading suggests overcoming financial difficulties and finding optimism in career matters. It signifies releasing pain, embracing a positive mindset, and working towards recovery.

In health matters, the Moon card may indicate mental health issues like depression or anxiety. It advises seeking medical advice if you suspect any health problems. Take extra caution for your health dear Cancers

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Crotons


Love: Four of Cups

Finance: The Emperor

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: Five of Wands(Reversed)

You’re probably not over what went wrong in the past and are too occupied in sulking over past failures and in that process missing out on new opportunities which could probably turn into romantic relationships for you. You’re advised to move on Leo’s and waste your time sulking over what’s not meant for you.

Your finances are very well under control and you will be seen managing your finances very well. Being financially sound gives you an ego boost and that is exactly how it will work for you this time round as well. You will be seen making logical decisions as far as finances are concerned and will not spend on futile things. 

Eight of Pentacles in a career reading shows you are diligent and skilled in whatever you do. Your work will be your number one priority all throughout the month and you will be seen making some long term career plans and will definitely set out to achieve them. 

Five of Wands in a health reading indicates that you will overcome any stress or illness that you were dealing with and find the right support to help you get better soon. You will see an overall improvement in your health this September.

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Peace Lily


Love: The Lovers

Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: Two of Wands

Health: The Moon

Are you going to find your soulmate this month Virgos? Well well well the cards do hint at the possibility. This month as far as love and romance is concerned. You may find long term commitment from your partner and if you’re single, then hold your breath as you are about to meet the one.

Eight of Wands shows increment and earning through multiple sources. If you’re a regular job goer then you may get an increment at work or you could find another job offering a higher salary. If you’re a business owner you may find more sources of income. It’s raining money this month for Virgos.

Two of Wands also shows new opportunities of work therefore promising a stable career and finances for this month of September. You may even get job offers from overseas or if you were waiting for your visa to be approved so that you can travel abroad for work then good news is for sure on the way. 

The Moon in a reading is probably telling you to find an outlet for all those bottled up emotions that is adding to an overload of stress. Take care of your emotional and mental health. Also, you’re advised to take a break and go on a vacation if that helps.

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Prayer Plant

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Love: Page of Swords

Finance: The Hierophant

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: The Tower

You’re probably wondering what’s wrong with your relationship and are unable to see that you or your partner is being too upfront about their likes and dislikes and acting self centered and hurting the other person’s feelings in doing so. You need to understand and be careful to consider your partner’s feelings as well.

You are content and at peace as far as finances are concerned. You have achieved stable grounds and are happy earning money the ethical way with no intent on having it any other way. September will be a financially rewarding month for you.

Ace of Cups in career points towards an excellent start to the month as far as career is concerned. You will receive amazing opportunities throughout the month to excel and grow your career. This will be a rewarding experience and if you’re about to start a new position, job or a business venture, rest assured it will be a success. 

The Tower warns you to not ignore your health in all of this hustle and bustle to be the best. Remember, a sound health is very important if you want to achieve your career and financial goals. Pay attention now rather than repent later. Go for a check up or take a break to rejuvenate.

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Rubber Plant


Love: Two of Swords

Finance: The Devil (Reversed)

Career: Page of Pentacles

Health: Nine of Pentacles

Two of Swords in a love reading indicates that you could be attempting to choose between two love interests or between love and other aspects of your life. It seems like your options are equally appealing, and you’re having a hard time choosing which means the most or has the most value.  Be careful that the world doesn’t make your choice for you. If you’re in a relationship, something perhaps blocks you and your partner from resolving your problems.

Difficult financial situations may be exaggerated with bad habits with the Devil (Reversed) in the reading. This can signal that there is often more that you can do to bring yourself out of this state, but you may be either failing to see the solutions, or you are unable to change the way that you handle your finances.

Page of Pentacles in a career reading is a good card to receive. It tells us that the coming month Scorpios will be full of increments and promotions coming in for you. You may now be building your foundation in your career. You will leave no stone unturned in order to achieve your dreams. 

Nine of Pentacles indicates that your health throughout the month of September would be good. You will find yourself spending a lot of time alone contemplating over important matters and doing things you like. 

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Snake Plant


Love: Six of Wands

Finance: Seven of Wands

Career: Seven of Pentacles

Health: Eight of Swords 

Six of Wands suggests a successful and harmonious partnership in a love reading Sagis and you can now rejoice if you’re planning to take your relationship further towards marriage. This is meant to be. This pairing indicates that your relationship is flourishing, and you and your partner are supporting each other’s goals and celebrating your shared accomplishments.

Seven of Wands in a financial reading indicates that you are working very very hard to raise your financial status. Consider making smart investments, saving for the future, and protecting your assets. Take steps to ensure that you have a solid foundation to support your goals and dreams.

Regardless of whether you see results or not, the 7 of Pentacles signals that progress is being made. It may be slow, but every day your work pays off. Take a closer look at what is working and what isn’t. This may help you understand where to focus your energy, and what strategies you can have going forward.

Eight of Swords in a health reading indicates you could be suffering from psychological health issues. Seeking help from a doctor or a psychologist would be better.

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Jade Plant

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Love: Nine of Wands

Finance: Temperance

Career: Two of Wands

Health: Four of Pentacles (Reversed)

This Nine of Wands hits you hard in the face and comes as a realization dear Capricorns, that a relationship needs hard work and patience. You now feel ready to face all the positives and the negatives that come along with the relationship as you want to make it work in the long run but will take some time to come to terms with it.

Temperance is asking you to be moderate and manage your finances well. Finances will keep coming in moderate quantities and you will be able to sail through the month easily but you still need to manage your finances mindfully and cut down on futile expenses. 

With the Two of Wands it shows that you will receive new opportunities with regards to career. There could be a possibility of settling down abroad. You may get to experience a wide spectrum of opportunities 

You may be holding on to some negative past experiences which could be bearing down upon you but you’re slowly coming out of this negative state and gaining a new, positive perspective with the Four of Pentacles (Reversed). It may be a good idea to seek medical help and resolve your mental health issues.

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Lucky Bamboo

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Love: Five of Pentacles

Finance: The Sun

Career: Wheel of Fortune

Health: Knight of Swords

Dear Aquarius, it may seem like you will never find the love you desire with the Five of Cups and may be thinking of giving up on the idea of love forever but please be sure that when the time’s right you will come across with the potential partner. 

The Sun as a financial card shows that you may be very strong financially at the moment. If not, then this month will definitely bring in financial abundance for you and if your money was stuck somewhere it will be recovered. Money will come in from all different sources. 

Wheel of Fortune shows that there are big changes about to happen in your career and for the better. The month will bring in a lot of positive events in your career and your career will shoot up very soon. You will soon get that promotion, job, project or the deal you were waiting for. 

Knight of Swords in a health reading suggests that you could suffer from heat stroke, fever, rashes, etc during this month and this may be a reason for concern. Precaution is advised. 

Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Clover Lawn


Love: Eight of Pentacles

Finance: The Emperor

Career: Four of Wands

Health: Eight of Swords

Heya Pisces! Eight of Pentacles shows that you are too focused on other aspects of life where you are left with no space to really focus on your love life and you don’t even wish to focus on your personal life anytime soon. You have other important things to take care of. 

The Emperor in finances talks about the fact that you will be much in control of your finances and You will be able to save a lot of money and will feel financially secure and stable all throughout the month.

Four of Wands in a career reading suggests that you are well settled in your career and feel well respected and valued as an employee, as a team member or as a boss too. This month will come in with loads of achievements for you and you will soak in the glory of success.

Eight of Swords suggests that you may feel burdened by self doubts and you could even suffer from bouts of depression from time to time this month. It is better to talk it out with someone you trust and take care of yourself.
Zodiac-Wise Plant Recommendations: Money Plant

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. Should you get a tarot reading done?

Ans. If you are being drawn towards tarot then you definitely should.

Ques2. Why Do Some Tarot Cards Seem To Have Similar Meanings To Other Cards?

Ans. With time tarot cards have also evolved as meanings and life situations developed and became more modern, hence the similarities.

Ques3. How many different ways can the tarot be used?

Ans. fortune telling, personal growth, life coaching, spiritual development

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