Sun Transit In Virgo Brings Fame & Name To A Few Zodiacs

Sun Transit In Virgo: AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. The Sun transits the sign of Virgo, its own sign, on 16th September, 2024. Let’s find out what impacts Sun Transit In Virgo will have on the professional lives of these zodiacs.

The Sun is the planet of life and the most significant celestial body in astrology. After nearly a year away, the “king” of the celestial sphere is returning, and many zodiac signs will find this to be a significant transit. Given that the Sun is the natural Atma Karak and the soul’s signifier among the nine planets.

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This planet represents your ego, profession, dignity, and self-respect. It governs your commitment, endurance, vigor, willpower, social respect, and leadership abilities. For your father, the government, leaders, legislators, monarch, and higher authorities, it is the Karaka planet. When you refer to body parts, your heart and bones come to mind.  

Virgo is a very analytical sign and likes to find out the root cause of any problem or situation that they face in life. Therefore for this reason we know that detectives, researchers, scientists and people engaged in secretarial jobs would excel during  the Sun Transit In Virgo is going to be very good for the authoritative and government people. This transit will also prove beneficial for secretariats, scientists, occult practitioners, etc But, being specific for natives, the effect of the transit will depend upon the Sun’s placement in the natal chart and the Dasha of the natives and as per the house the Sun is transiting in. 

Sun Transit In Virgo: Timing

The Sun is set to transit into the zodiac sign of Virgo, ruled by Mercury on 16th September, 2024 at 19:29 hrs. Though Sun and Mercury are friendly planets, Sun in Virgo is not one of the best positions for Sun as Virgo is a dual sign. Still, let us move ahead and see how the Sun transit In Virgo will impact zodiac signs worldwide.

Sun Transit In Virgo: These Zodiac Signs Will Benefit


The Sun becomes the lord of the 5th house for Aries individuals and will now transit to the 6th house of competition, debt, enemies and diseases. Aries natives who are studying or giving competitive exams will benefit from this Sun transit in Virgo. To make the most out of this journey, they will have extremely high levels of intelligence, energy, and concentration. It is recommended that Aries parents strengthen their relationship with their children.

For those involved in the creative arts, theater, entertainment, music, etc., now is a good moment. All of the material benefits of your labor-intensive employment at your workplace will be awarded to you. However, locals who engage in speculative or improper legal betting should exercise caution because they may lose money. All in all, this will be a good moment for those who are Aries.


The Sun rules the 2nd house for Cancer natives and now will transit in the 3rd house. Cancer individuals can now rejoice as throughout this period, it will be apparent that all of their health issues have been resolved. Stress will be greatly released during this time, especially for those who have been afflicted with a prior illness for an extended period of time.

In terms of the job, this transit will help you grow professionally. Your diligent labor and productivity at work will be acknowledged. On the other hand, you will succeed if you work toward your goal from the beginning. This is a time when many locals will have the chance to travel, and these excursions will be very beneficial to you. In addition, you’ll improve the bonds you have with your top officers, which will open up many doors for good promotions and pay increases for your staff.

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The Sun is currently traveling in the 11th house from your zodiac sign. The Sun is the lord of the 10th house in the Scorpio zodiac. This property also reveals information about the eldest siblings, higher-ups, goals, and source of revenue. You will benefit more from the Sun’s passage than normal in this instance. You will look very cheerful at this point. 

Your financial situation will improve as a result of the expansion of your revenue streams and your ability to make money in a variety of ways. You will be able to accomplish a great deal because of your wealth. Your family life will also give you mental fulfillment if there is a calm atmosphere at home. You will have a lot of support from your father. However, you must consult your father before making any significant decisions. To prosper in your career during this transit, you will also need to maintain your confidence while staying optimistic. You won’t be able to complete all of your assignments on time until you do this. At work, your supervisors will provide you advise and open encouragement.


The Sun, the lord of the 9th house in Sagittarius, will be passing through your zodiac’s 10th house during this transit. The 10th house in the horoscope is the Karma Bhava. because information about the person’s career, professional background, and other details may become available. 

The Sun’s passage through your tenth house during its transit in Virgo will provide you additional strength in this situation. Positive outcomes are in store for you, especially in the professional sphere. People who are working are observed looking for ways to progress in their employment. Furthermore, all of the work you are doing now will raise the likelihood that you will succeed greatly.

Sun Transit In Virgo: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Negatively Impacted 


The Sun rules the 4th house and will now transit to the 5th house. Students need to be very careful during this period as the Sun will not let them concentrate much on studies. During this transit, the planet Sun, which rules the fourth house in Taurus, will be sitting in your fifth house. The most significant house in the horoscope is the fifth house. Because this mansion teaches us about education, kids, romantic relationships, knowledge and wisdom, and attitude. 

Taurus may encounter some challenges during this time due to the Sun’s passage through this house. Making a big decision at this time can present many difficulties, and as a result, your mental stress level may increase.


For those born under the sign of Gemini, the lord of the 3rd house will transit into the 4th house during this transit. The horoscope’s fourth house assesses all kinds of pleasures and comforts in life. In addition, this house serves as our luxury house, where we record all of our mother’s possessions, both real and personal, and our car. 

People born under the sign of Gemini may experience a variety of health and mental concerns as a result of this Sun transit during Virgo. Because you will be upset by this transit and experience more mental pressure. You can therefore employ entertainment to keep yourself stress-free throughout this time.


The Sun rules the 12th house and will now be in the 1st house of your horoscope Virgos, and this is not a very positive sign. You will go through a period of egocentric expansion when the Sun is in Virgo, which could affect your relationships with family and friends. When it comes to your finances, you should always proceed with the utmost caution before making any transactions because you could end up losing a lot of money. 

In addition, the length of this transit may result in physical problems including fever, headaches, gas, indigestion, and so forth. Furthermore, a lot of people will be troubled by an eye infection at this time. Therefore, be very mindful of your health.


Now transiting in your zodiac’s 9th house, the Sun, rules Capricorn‘s 8th house. The 9th house is believed to be the house of fortune. We also learn about a person’s religious beliefs, extended travels, pilgrimages, gurus and guru-like individuals, social respect, and a host of other topics. In this case, the Sun’s transit through the 8th house will bring about some ups and downs in your life as the 8th house shows sudden events, and unfortunate experiences of life.

In order to avoid damaging your reputation and social status, you must remain composed and exercise caution in all that you do, especially in your personal life. In addition, you ought to stop forcing your will on others under any circumstances. You may experience sudden transfers or frequent job changes in career during this period. Instability and uncertainty in terms of career and finances will haunt you.

Sun Transit In Virgo: Suitable Remedies 

  • Put vermilion in a copper vessel and offer water to the Lord Sun every morning.
  • Apply saffron tilak on the forehead every morning after 
  • Add a pinch of vermillion in your bathing water daily.
  • Donate wheat to the poor people. 
  • Recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotram daily.
  • Recite the ‘Om Suryay Namah’.

Sun Transit In Virgo: Worldwide Impacts

Politics & The Government

  1. Positive effects from the Sun transit in Virgo will be felt by politicians and government agencies worldwide.

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  1. The people would be impressed with the Indian government’s policies throughout this time, and some of its choices would win appreciation by the masses as the analysis would be carried out very well as Sun will now be in the analytical and practical sign of Virgo.
  2. The Government would assume authoritative control over the nation, and those in positions of authority would be observed taking decisive action to counter opponents or any threats originating from other countries or the outside world.
  3. It will be evident that our leaders are acting assertively yet wisely.
  4. People working at the secretariat level or at similar positions would benefit from the Sun transit In Virgo.

Research & Development

  1. Research and technology would  find momentum again and technologies like AI may reach new heights.
  2. Researchers and scientists or people aspiring to become researchers and scientists would benefit from this transit.
  3. The IT sector is bound to perform well during this period and people may benefit positively.

Sun Transit In Virgo: Stock Market

The Sun is an extremely important planet that rules upon the stock market along with Mercury. The Sun is now in Virgo, the sign ruled by Mercury so the industries and business sectors ruled by Mercury and the Sun are expected to grow along with a few other businesses. Let us have a look at the sectors set to perform well. 

  1. As the Sun transits to the sign of Virgo, Chemical Fertilizer Industry, Tea Industry, Coffee Industry, Steel Industries, Hindalco, Woolen Mills among others are expected to flourish. 
  2. There will be some increase in the value of shares of cotton mills, telephones, automakers, transportation companies, and cosmetics.
  3. Computer Software Technology, Information Technology, and other sectors will slow down by the end of the month there is the chance of continuity.
  4. Optical industries and the glass industries would gain momentum during this time.

Sun Transit In Virgo: Movies Releases & Their Fate

Movie NameStar castRelease Date
Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui HaiPankaj Tripathi, Saurabh Shukla15th September, 2024
TehranManushi Chillar, John Abraham24th September, 2024
Hawa SinghSuraj Pancholi29th September, 2024

Judging by the stars and the transits of the planets during the month of September we will take those movie releases into account which are going to be released around the time as Sun transit in Virgo because Sun is the karaka of creativity. So, Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui Hai and Tehran are expected to fare well or rather above average at the box office. We wish Hawa Singh all the best anyway even though things don’t look too promising for this Suraj Pancholi starrer. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which sign does the Sun become exalted in?

Aries, which is ruled by Mars

2. Which house does the Sun signify in a horoscope?

The 1st house, the 5th house and the 10th house. 

3. Why is the Sun known as the Atmakarak?

The Sun represents or signifies the soul of an individual and is therefore known as the Atmakarak.


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