The planet Sun is considered the head of the solar system and has a pivotal role to play in everyone’s life. It is the strongest, most authoritative, and most powerful planet in the science of astrology. It signifies power, authority, and position. In addition to this, it is also a representative of our innermost self. It gives the natives a desire to earn fame and name, the ability to lead, an ambitious attitude, a strong will, and optimism.

The placement of the Sun in the chart of a native affects life significantly. If it is strongly placed, a person enjoys great leadership qualities, a higher position in society, and shares a good relationship with their father. It also makes the person generous, mature, and dependable and if it is placed adversely, a native can suffer from negative health impacts like headache, weak eyesight, baldness, heart issues, and blood circulation-related problems. The weak placement of this fiery planet can cause bumps in a native’s relationship with a father or their father might suffer from certain problems in life. People with the weak placement of Sin in their horoscope go through low self-esteem, stamina, and indecisiveness.
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Sun rules the zodiac sign, Leo. It is exalted in the Aries and debilitated in the Libra. It is friendly with Mars, Jupiter, and Moon and is an enemy planet with Venus and Saturn. It stays in one zodiac sign for a period of a month and then transits.
Sun Transit in Scorpio: November 16, 2021
The leader of all planets, the Sun, will enter the sign of Scorpio on November 16, 2021, at 12:49 am. It will remain there for 30 days and transit through the Sagittarius sign after that on December 16, at 3:28 am. (For more details- Sun Transit in Scorpio)
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Let us find out how this transit will affect the natives of the 12 different zodiac signs-
These predictions are based on your moon sign. For a more personalized prediction, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat
For Aries moon sign, Sun is the Lord of the fifth house and is transiting in the eighth house of occult, sudden…Read More
For Taurus moon sign, Sun is the Lord of the fourth house and is transiting in the seventh house of marriage…Read More
For the Gemini Moon sign, the Sun is the lord of the third house and is transiting in the sixth house of debt…Read More
For the cancer moon sign, the Sun is the Lord of the second house and is transiting in the fifth house of children…Read More
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For the Leo moon sign, the Sun is the Lord of the first house and is transiting in the fourth house of comfort…Read More
For the Virgo moon sign, the Sun is the Lord of the twelfth house and is transiting in the third House of courage…Read More
For the Libra moon sign, Sun is the Lord of the 11th house and is transiting in the second house of a Family speech…Read More
For Scorpio moon sign, the Sun is the lord of the tenth house and is transiting in the first house for Scorpio natives…Read More
For the Sagittarius moon sign, Sun is the Lord of The ninth house and is transiting in the 12th house of expenditure…Read More
For Capricorn moon sign, Sun is the Lord of The eighth house and is transiting in the 11th house of income, gains…Read More
For the Aquarius moon sign, Sun is the Lord of Seventh house and is transiting in the 10th house of name, fame and career…Read More
For Pisces moon sign, Sun is the Lord of the sixth house and is transiting in the ninth house of luck, fortune and…Read More
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