AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Sun transits the sign of Pisces on 15th March, 2023. Let’s find out what impact Sun Transit In Pisces will bring for the zodiac signs and how it would impact their health, because as goes the famous saying ‘Health is Wealth’ so health is a very important factor in keeping us on our toes and help us in pushing forward with our daily lives positively.
Sun and Jupiter are known to get along well. These two planets together definitely make the person intellectual, authoritative, powerful and fearless in whose natal chart they come together or exchange signs with each other. Here, the Sun is transiting to the sign Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Pisces is a water sign and the Sun does lose some of its aggression and heat here in Pisces. Sun, otherwise a fiery planet, makes the native caring, emotional and imaginative. In this blog, we will read about the role the Sun plays in astrology, how the Sun behaves in the sign of Pisces and what impact this transit will have on the zodiac signs. As mentioned earlier in this blog, we will specifically talk about how the Sun Transit In Pisces will affect the health of different zodiacs and the remedies that would further help each one of us combat its negative effects if any. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s find out what this Sun Transit is bringing on our plates.

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Sun In Astrology
As we all know, the Sun is a luminous celestial body that shines in the sky and provides us with light and heat. The life force on earth is able to sustain with the help of the Sun’s energy. It is an indication of success and positivity. Scientifically speaking, the Sun is a star, but in astrology, it is considered a planet.
In Vedic astrology, the Sun is referred to as being the ‘King’ amongst all the planets and describes a person’s true being. Sun is a representation of bravery, self-assurance, and optimism. Sun is the direct significator of our father and represents our ego. It represents the central government and administrative positions are generally represented by the Sun. People born with a strong Sun have positive luster and charm on their faces. The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun and it rules over the 5th house of children, education, and creativity in the kaal purusha kundli. Moreover, it stands for the left eye in women and the right eye in men. The Sun represents diseases such as high fevers, high blood pressure, heart diseases, epilepsy, etc in humans. It rules the sign of leo and three nakshatras namely Kritika, Uttara Phalguni and Utraashada. The Sun’s exaltation degree and sign are Aries at 10 degrees and it debilitates in Libra at 10 degrees. The Sun gains directional strength or ‘Digbala’ in the 10th house.
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Sun In Pisces: Pisces is a mutable, water sign ruled by Jupiter and therefore brings in the caring nature, sensitivity and the imagination to the otherwise strong and assertive Sun. In one way or the other, the Sun in Pisces needs to find a way to channel its sensitivities and move beyond a limited identification. The native may have a moody temperament while the sun is in Pisces. Such natives are emotional beings and have a caring attitude towards their loved ones. They are greatly impacted by the opinions of others. They are highly versatile and able to change their attitude depending on the circumstance. They frequently lend a hand and are there for friends and loved ones. These natives put a lot of effort into their careers and frequently develop workaholism. But occasionally, this propensity causes mental pain. They are quite ambitious as well, and their actions are influenced by how others perceive them. Their social status and respect in society are very important to them.
Sun Transit In Pisces Date And Time
The Sun will transit the sign of Pisces on 15th March, 2023 at 6:13 am. Sun and Jupiter are friendly with each other, so the Sun coming into Pisces surely should bring in some positive news for each zodiac. But will it really be that positive for each sign? Let’s find out further what Sun Transit In Pisces has to offer.
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Sun Transit In Pisces: Impact On The Health Of All 12 Zodiac Signs
Aries: For Aries natives, Sun is the ruler of the 5th house and transits through the 12th house. The 5th house lord in the 12th house indicates health issues to children. Natives may experience mental stress and anxiety due to the health implications to children. The natives themselves may experience abdominal and lower abdominal issues. Eyesight issues are another problem you could suffer from. A regular checkup is a must during this transit specifically. A lot of your money could go in paying for medical bills.
Taurus: The Sun rules the 4th house for Taurus natives and would be transiting in the 11th house of Pisces. Your mother’s health could be a point of stress for you during this phase. For Taurus natives themselves, this whole period of Sun transit in Pisces looks quite good and you may enjoy sound health and feel rejuvenated and energized. This transit may help you explore the spiritual path and you may find yourself engaging in spiritual and traditional practices like yoga and meditation to keep yourself healthy. This may prove to be a beneficial transit for you.
Gemini: The Sun becomes the lord of the 3rd house for Geminis and will be transiting through the 10th house. This transit could be a stressful transit all together. Your professional life will flourish, as a result responsibilities will increase and you may experience anxiety, sore eyes, eyesight issues, etc. Your mother’s health may suffer too. She may suffer from heart troubles, high blood pressure or cholesterol. In case she is already suffering from any of these issues or any other issue then you need to be extra cautious.
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Cancer: For Cancer natives, the Sun rules the 2nd house and will transit through the 9th house. This is the period when you should take extra care of your father’s health and take him for regular health checkups. Other elder members of the family too need to take care of their health. 10th house represents career so your responsibilities at work could increase as a result of new opportunities coming your way. This could give you mental stress but overall you will enjoy good health all through this transit.
Leo: Leos, this may not be a favorable transit for you as your ascendant lord transits through the 8th house of transformation, and sudden gains or losses. During this period, you may suffer from heart or bone troubles. You may encounter eyesight issues or other problems related to the eyes. It is advised that you take care of your health and go for regular checkups. Even minor issues could turn into something big so, do not ignore your health at all during this transit. The Sun also represents the father so you are advised to take care of his health too.
Virgo: As Sun being the 12th house lord transits your 7th house. It might bring a lot of stress, conflicts and arguments in marriage with the spouse. As Sun aspects your 1st house which represents the head amongst body parts you may suffer from migraine or frequent headaches during this transit. As the 12th lord is coming to the 7th house so diseases like diabetes, throat troubles and Blood Pressure might also come to the forefront. Take good care of yourself.
Libra: The Sun rules the 11th house for the Libras and will be transiting through the 6th house. The 6th house represents diseases. Sun transiting the 6th house could give you trouble related to the lower abdomen or the private parts. A regular visit to the doctor and an overall body checkup may help. You could suffer from breathing issues such as Asthma, bronchitis, etc and other chronic diseases such as nervous system troubles and heart problems. The intensity or the nature of the disease may vary depending upon the placement of Sun in individual charts.
Scorpio: Your 10th house lord will transit through the 5th house as Sun Transit In Pisces. This is a very positive transit for Scorpios from every aspect of life so obviously you will enjoy the best of health during this time. You must however stick to your regular work out regime as taking care of your health on a daily basis is still necessary to enjoy full benefits of this wonderful transit.
Sagittarius: Sun being the lord of the 9th house will be transiting through your 4th house. Though not a very negative transit but because the Sun loses its directional strength in the 4th house it could give you stress related issues due to a disturbed home environment or domestic life. Heart troubles, chest related issues may trouble you depending upon the placement of Sun in individual horoscopes. Your mother’s health may also fluctuate during this transit so, be careful.
Capricorn: The Sun rules the 8th house for Capricorn natives and will be transiting through the 3rd house during Sun transit in Pisces. During this transit, your younger siblings or your mother could face troubles related to arms, chest, skin rashes or allergies, etc. You yourself could face health troubles related to anxiety, depression, blood pressure, etc. Caution is advised and it is better if you do not take even the minor issues lightly and visit the doctor.
Aquarius: As your 7th house lord Sun is now transiting through the 2nd house. Overall, this is a good transit and may not be a troublesome period except for common cold or flu, fevers and some minor stomach related issues. You are advised to eat clean home cooked food and maintain good hygiene. Your family members would also mostly be in good health. Nothing major to worry about.
Pisces: The 6th house ruler, Sun is transiting through the 1st house for Pisces natives. If you are already suffering from any kind of mental illness no matter how minor it is you will experience it will trouble you a little more during this period. You may become possessive in relationships and your married life may suffer as a result as Sun will directly aspect your 7th house and disturb your married life. Mental stress, migraine, anxiety, depression, mental agony due to disturbed married life or disturbed relationships with business partners may be experienced during this transit of Sun in Pisces. Don’t let ego ruin things for you.
Sun Transit In Pisces: Remedies For A Beneficial Impact Of Sun
- Recite the Hridaya Aditya Stotram.
- Donate red colored clothes to the poor.
- Donate Pomegranates in temples on Sunday.
- Offer water or Arghya to Sun in a copper vessel with a pinch of vermilion in it.
- Worship the Surya Yantra.
- Recite the Vishnu Sahasranamam daily
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