Solar Eclipse is falling on the same day as Shani Jayanti, on 10th June 2021. It will start at 1.42 pm and end at 6.41 PM. There is also another special occasion falling on the same date i.e. Vat Savitri Vrat. Let us know in detail about the auspiciousness of this day and the impact on Eclipse on such an occasion. Apart from this, if you wish to know about your impending future in detail based on your kundli, your own personalised AstroSage Brihat Horoscope will help you decode what’s on cards!

What is Shani Jayanti ?
Saturn is considered to be the planet of Karma and Deeds. The placement of Saturn in a chart shows the area of challenges for the native. It is the slowest moving planet and hence, its results are also long lasting be it negative or positives. It can cause tremendous sufferings and can also give abundance grace totally demanding on the past karmas of the native.The birth of Lord Shani is celebrated as Shani Jayanti. It falls every year on the Amavasya tithi of the Jyeshtha month. On this day Lord Shani is worshipped and fast is observed i.e. to seek the blessings and protection of the Lord.
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This year, the first Solar Eclipse will occur on this auspicious day of Shani Jayanti and we would like to make you aware that this very conjunction is being formed after a span of 148 years. Let’s know the impact on your zodiac sign.
Saturn is placed in your tenth house and the eclipse will take place in your second house. You might face some troubles with your immediate family. You will need to work hard on your personal self and take in order to accomplish things. You will feel the lack of support and cooperation from your dear one in your endeavours. You may also face misunderstandings and communication gaps with the people surrounding you. You will have to be cautious about the words you use while talking as your harsh words may bring major setbacks.
Remedy: Light a mustard oil lamp in the evening in the west corner of your house and add some lentils and a nail in it.
Saturn will transit from your ninth house and the Eclipse will be in the first house. You will have loads of confusion and delusions. Your fortune may not support you, due to which you will have to troll yourself in order to accomplish your endeavours. You may face some health concerns with no diagnosis.The married individuals may face fights and conflict with their partner and will find it difficult to make their spouse understand their circumstances.
Remedy: Take some mustard oil in a bowl, see your face in it and donate the oil later to the needy on the following Saturday.
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Saturn will be positioned in your eighth house of deep secrets and the eclipse will be in your twelfth house. The natives of this zodiac sign are likely to observe some transitional changes in their life. You may go through a change of profile at the professional front or change of place. You will indulge in spirituality and self-reflection thoughts. You will have conflicting thoughts about materialism and attaining enlightenment. You may also face some problems with your feet, be careful while walking as you will be prone to injuries on your feet.
Remedy: Keep aside 800 gms of black lentils during Eclipse and donate them at Shani temple in the evening.
Saturn will be in your seventh house and the eclipse will happen in your eleventh house. This Shani Jayanti and eclipse together will impact the finances and personal life of the natives. You will face sudden gain or loss in your income and will find it difficult to make an estimation of your actual earnings or gains. You will have unproductive expenditure which will bring financial pressure on you. You will feel low and depressed and at times will have negative thoughts about the whole existence. Your relationship with your colleagues and friends will be impacted negatively.
Remedy: Recite ‘Om Namah Shivay during the time of Eclipse and donate sweet rice to the needy after the Eclipse.
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Saturn will be in your sixth house of services, fights, competition, and diseases and the eclipse will be in your tenth house of Karma. Saturn being the karmic planet will bring a negative impact on your professional life. You may suffer due to the politics at your workplace. Your image and reputation with higher authorities may be compromised. Those who are preparing for competitive exams will find it difficult to crack. You will have to struggle hard to bring balance to your professional life.
Remedy: Take out some wheat and Jaggery during the Eclipse and donate it in the evening to the needy.
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Saturn will be in your fifth house and the Eclipse will be in your ninth house of fortune and luck. Your relations with your boss and seniors may be impacted and you will have to make extra efforts to prove yourself and your work in front of them. Though your finances will be good and you will get rewards for your efforts made in the past. Those who are planning for family expansion may face some complications. The students will face concentration issues and have a hard time studying due to the same.
Remedy: Do not use any sharp objects like nail, scissors or knife during Eclipse.
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Saturn is in your fourth house of family happiness and the Eclipse is going to take place in your eighth house. You may feel some disruptions in completing your tasks. You are advised to stay away from unnecessary arguments with your family or extended families, especially in-laws as this may lead to major misunderstandings and fights. The ambience at home will not be very comfortable. Avoid lending money to anyone as you might lose it.
Remedy: Donate a utensil made of iron to a worker or poor post Eclipse.
Saturn will be in your third house of will power and strength while Eclipse is going to be in your seventh house of marriage and association. There will be a major impact on the natives, you will be prone to incidents and accidents. You should be careful while going on any short journey. Married individuals may face misunderstandings with their spouse. Also, you may have confrontations and fights with your business partner. You also need to be reserve while discussing your problems with any third person as they may take advantage of your situation.
Remedy: Donate red lentils during the Eclipse.
Saturn will transit in your second house of speech while the Eclipse will take place in your sixth house of competition and diseases. You have to be careful while talking to your family members since you will be prone to get into fights with them. You will have loads of unnecessary expenditures which may lead to a deficit budget. Therefore you need to carry out the planning of your income and expenditure carefully. The students will have a better time especially if you are preparing for competitive exams.
Remedy: Wear Blue or Black clothes during the time of Eclipse.
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Saturn will be in its own sign in the Lagna and Eclipse will be in the fifth house of studies and relationship. You need to take special care of your health as you will be prone to BP and cholesterol issues which can impact your heart. You will face problems in your love relationships and find it difficult to explain anything to your partner. If you already had issues with your bond then you may have a breakup. Those who have conceived need to be extra careful as you will be prone to incidents, which may create complications.
Remedy: Take out seven grains during the time of Eclipse and donate the same to needy post Eclipse.
The Eclipse will be in your fourth house of domestic comforts and Saturn will be placed in the twelfth house. You may face problems due to the health of any member of the family. You may also have trouble sleeping since any family dispute or wrong investment will bring loads of pressure to your mind. On the professional front things will be a bit challenging but your hardwork and outstanding performance will help you make it through all the struggles.
Remedy: Offer oil and black sesame seeds at the Shani temple in the evening, post Eclipse.
The Eclipse will take place in your third house and Saturn will be placed in your eleventh house of gains. Your personal strength and stamina will be affected and you will have to put loads of effort in achieving your goals. The financial aspects will be good and you will have good support from your friends and family in uplifting your finances. You may face conflicts and differences of opinion with your siblings or acquaintances. You need to be particular while dealing with your neighbours as petty conversations can turn into big fights with them.
Remedy: Apply turmeric or saffron tilak on your forehead during the time of Eclipse.
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