Saturn Rises in Capricorn On February 22, 2022: Detailed Predictions Out!

The combust state of Saturn comes to an end on 22 February 2022 after which it rises  in Capricorn. Based on the outcome of this occurrence, this blog reveals the detailed impact of this planetary event on the lives of the natives of all 12 zodiac signs. These predictions are based on the elements of Vedic Astrology and reveal what’s in the store for these natives during the period of the end of combustion. 

Planet Saturn in Astrology

Saturn is an indicator for the profession, life span and reputation. It denotes dedication, commitment and sincerity. A strong Saturn in a horoscope will make a person dominant in terms of skills, seeking a commanding position in a job, money fortunes, good profits in business. It enables a person to work harder and thereby achieve his/her goals. Saturn is a vital planet that enables one to go abroad and a strong Saturn in a natal horoscope will show a way for promising openings for abroad.

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Saturn Rises in Capricorn: Timing

Saturn will end its state of combustion and rise in Capricorn on 22nd February 2022 at 22:50. Due to this, a person will be able to attain recognition in the profession, earn reputation and so on. There are also chances for promotion. Saturn’s return to its normal position may enable a person to scale heights and thereby attain stability.

Let us see the effects of Saturn Rise and its impact on the twelve zodiac signs:


For Aries natives, Saturn is the tenth and eleventh house lord and placed in the tenth house. Due to this, you will be in a position to dominate in completing the tasks and be a work alcoholic.

On the career front, you will concentrate more on your job and devote most of the time completing the tasks on time. You will also get new job chances that will fulfill your goals. In your current job, you may get chances to land a promotion.

If you are in business, you may face some mixed results in the form of gains and expenses. Due to this, you may need to plan and lead the business with pomp by means of concise planning. There are chances of facing some relationship problems with your business partner.

When it comes to relationships, you will be committed to familial relationships with your members and more active in family matters. Your relationship with your life partner will be cordial during this time. If you are in love, then it may turn into a relationship.

Remedy– Chant “Om Mandaya Namaha’ daily 44 times.


For Taurus natives, Saturn is the ninth and tenth house lord and placed in the ninth house. Due to this, you will travel more with respect to your profession and will be committed and dedicated to what you are doing.

On the professional front, you are likely to get good results and immense growth in work such as promotion and other benefits etc. New job chances with fortunes will be possible as well as promising. If you are in business, then you will be lucky enough to achieve goals with respect to the same. On the financial side, you will gain prosperity, fortunes and increase in savings. There will be good cash inflow and increased benefits that you will meet during this course of time. Scope for more savings will be possible and you can utilize this time.

When it comes to relationships, you will be able to maintain smoothness and cordiality with your life partner. Happiness will be possible due to a good level of understanding with your life partner. In terms of health, you will be in sound health and this will be possible due to enthusiasm prevailing in you.

Remedy: Donate clothes to beggars on Saturdays.


For Gemini natives, Saturn is the eighth and ninth house lord and placed in the eighth house. Due to this, there may be delays faced by you with the efforts that you are undertaking. There may be obstacles that are to be seen your way.

On the professional front, you may face tough challenges in your job. There may be more work pressure during this time, but you will be in a position to handle the existing situation at your job front in a smart manner. You may face pressure from your superiors and for this, you need to plan your work schedule.

If you are in business, then you may face sudden loss. It is essential for you not to adopt or go ahead with major decisions during this course of time with respect to your business. Also, there may be relationship problems with your business partner.

On the financial front, you may face expenses and this may cause you to feel bothered. You may meet with some unexpected gains in the form of inheritance and other means. But no major problem will arrive.

On the personal front, you may incur less happiness in a relationship with your partner. This may be due to certain family problems that will be possible, but there will not be major issues. You may need to do meditation to keep yourself in robust health.

Remedy: Chant “Om Shanaischaraya Namah daily 21 times.

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Cancer is a watery and moving zodiac sign. For Cancer natives, Saturn is the seventh and eighth house lord and placed in the seventh house. Due to this, you may gain by buying or investing in property. You may be possessing a desire to gain more money.

On the professional front, you may face a little work pressure and due to this, you may need to plan your schedule and execute it in a wise manner. Delays in getting promotions may be possible. If you are into business, then this may not be a good time for you to get good profits.

When it comes to relationships, you may not find the situation in your family to be encouraging. The bonding may seem to be missing and due to this happiness may witness a shortfall. You may be prone to cold problems.

Remedy: Offer food to old women on Mondays.


Leo is fiery and is a fixed zodiac sign. For Leo natives, Saturn is the sixth and seventh house lord and placed in the sixth house. Due to this, you may attain the determination and the professionalism to succeed in your endeavours.

On the professional front, you may be able to succeed in your proceedings by getting new job opportunities. You will be ahead of your colleagues in showing your skills and shine with determination. If you are in business, then you may find this time to be highly good and profitable. New chances also may be possible.

You may be witnessing a highly good time with your life partner via casual outings and travel. Due to this, your relationship and bond will enhance between you two. Health will remain in good shape. 

Remedy: Chant Hanuman Chalisa.


Virgo is common and a dual zodiac sign. For Virgo natives, Saturn is the fifth and sixth house lord and placed in the fifth house. Due to this, you may be facing delays in taking efforts.

On the professional front, you may face some pressure at work and due to this, you may incur some errors. So you need to be careful in handling your work. There may be some job pressure and you may need to tackle this in a wise manner. If you are in business, then you may not be attaining the expected profits and due to this, you may not be able to plan for the next step. 

There may not be a high level of harmony in relationships and due to this, unwanted disputes may be possible. Chances for increased leg pain may be possible.

Remedy: Chant Vishnu Sahasranamam daily.


Libra is airy and a female zodiac sign. Saturn is the fourth and fifth house lord and placed in the fourth house. Due to this, you will remain more conscious in attending your activities and enhancing your comforts.

On the professional front, you may suffer from a lot of work pressure and remain more committed to the same. Due to this, you may need to plan your work in a more professional way and may be able to witness a good success ratio despite job pressure. If you are in business, then this may not be the time for you to attain more profits. 

You may not be able to witness good harmony in your love relationship due to a lack of understanding and happiness may be missing from your life. So you need to adapt to adjusting your attitude to make things favourable in a relationship. Pain in your legs may be possible.

Remedy: Feed crows on Saturdays.

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Scorpio is watery and a female zodiac sign. Saturn is the third and fourth house lord and placed in the third house. Due to this, you will remain keener on your self-development and may witness new changes in your life.

On the professional front, you may be able to do well in your job due to your work despite your busy schedule. You can go on long travel with respect to your job on an assignment basis. If you are in business, then you may witness new changes and stick to new innovative methods of business techniques. Your competitors may be ahead of you. 

You may remain busy and engaged with auspicious events happening in your family and witness happy occasions at home.  There will not be major health problems.

Remedy: Chant “Om Shanaishwaraya Namaha” daily 17 times.


Sagittarius is a fiery and male sign. Saturn is the second and third house lord and occupies the second house. Due to this, you may remain more attentive in your efforts to make more money and deal with personal matters as well.

On the professional front, you may need to be attentive in handling the job as there may be chances for you to commit mistakes due to immense job pressure. You may face some relationship problems with your superiors, so you need to adjust with the professional environment. If you are in a business, you may be losing profits and end up with a lot of obstacles coming in your way.

Bond with your life partner and family members may not be so good due to a lack of understanding. You may need to adjust to the situation and build up a rapport with them by taking an initiative and mend fences.

Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva on Thursdays.


Capricorn is a moving and earthy sign. Saturn is the first and second house lord and occupies the first house. Due to this, you may remain more attentive in thinking about the future and what’s to come. You may have to travel a lot during this period.

On the professional front, you may meet with high challenges and remain busy carrying out tasks, making it difficult for you to take rest and seek leisure time.  If you are in business, then you may meet with moderate profits.

In your familial and love relationship, you may come across some issues respectively and due to this, you may need to adjust and compromise to make things better.  Healthwise you may suffer from leg pain.

Remedy: Offer curd rice to handicapped people on Saturdays.


Aquarius is a fixed and airy sign. Saturn is the first and twelfth house lord and occupies the twelfth house. Due to this, you may be spending more time travelling and can stay committed to your tasks.

On the professional front, you may face changes in your job pattern and travel a lot. You may be put in the situation of changing jobs due to low level of satisfaction. As a result, you may think of changing to a new job for high prospects. If you are in business, then earning adequate profits may not be easily possible for you.

In a relationship, there may be issues in the family and this may create rifts with your life partner. Due to this, you may need to adjust for the betterment of both the worlds. You may be suffering from pain in your knees.

Remedy: Perform Saturn homa on Saturdays.


Pisces is a common and watery sign. Saturn is the eleventh and twelfth house lord and occupies the eleventh house. Due to this, you will be able to satisfy your wishes. You can adopt long term planning.

On the professional front, you will be on a success spree in achieving milestones in the job. You will also get new job chances that will fulfil your wishes. If you are in business, then this may be a good time for you to attain good profits and also come across new chances to expand your business. 

If you are in a love relationship, then you may be able to turn love into a successful marriage. Also if you are married, you will be able to create an inspirational story with your life partner.

Remedy:  Take blessings of old people on Saturdays.

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