In the domain of Vedic astrology, though the transit of Mercury in a retrograde position has both positive and negative impact, yet the impact of retrograde Mercury is seen in the light of its relationship with other planets. It is also observed that the retrograde position of Mercury has even stronger impact. Although Mercury is an auspicious planet, it gives bad results if it comes in contact with inauspicious planets. In simple words, the influence of Mercury retrograde is related to its relationship with other planets.

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In astrology, Mercury is the significator of marketing skills, business management, positive ideas, communication, analytic attitude, oratory, etc. The favourable position of Mercury enables a person to make decisions wisely, think logically, win over others easily, etc.
The planet Mercury transits in a particular sign ranging from almost 14 to 30 days depending upon its motion. It is evident that its impact will be observed by the natives of all 12 zodiac signs.
June 03, 2021, Retrograde Mercury Transit in Taurus: Mercury, the benefactor of intellect, communication, management, etc., is going to transit in Taurus in a retrograde position on June 03, 2021, at 03:46 AM and will remain positioned in the same zodiac sign till July 07, 2021, upto 10:59 AM. After this, the planet will enter Gemini.
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In the above-cited context, let us know how the transit is going to architect the lives of all twelve zodiac signs.
These predictions are based on your moon sign. For a more personalized prediction, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat
For the Aries Moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the third and sixth house. Retrograde Mercury will transit in the second house…Read More
For the Taurus Moon sign, Mercury is the lord of the second and the fifth house and is transiting in the first house of self and personality…Read More
For the Gemini moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the first and fourth house and is transiting in the twelfth house of foreign gains, loss…Read More
Here is a Web Story highlighting major information for all zodiac signs.
For the Cancer moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the third and twelfth house and is transiting in the eleventh…Read More
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For Leo moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the second and eleventh house and is transiting in the tenth house of career…Read More
For the Virgo moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the first and tenth house and is transiting in the ninth house of…Read More
For Libra Moon Sign, Mercury is the Lord of the ninth and twelfth house and is transiting in the eighth house of occult…Read More
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For Scorpio Moon Sign, Mercury is the Lord of Eighth and Eleventh house and is transiting in the seventh house…Read More
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For Sagittarius moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the seventh and tenth house and is transiting in the sixth…Read More
For Capricorn moon sign, Mercury is the lord of sixth and ninth house and his transiting in the fifth house of…Read More
For the Aquarius moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the fifth and eighth house and is transiting in the fourth house of…Read More
For Pisces moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the fourth and seventh house and is transiting in the third house…Read More
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