Wish to Move into your Dream House? What Does your Kundli Say?

Owning a “Home Sweet Home” is probably one of the greatest fancies we nurture in our hearts. Not all dreams come true and we seem to be doing okay without them. But this particular dream has a special place in all of our hearts and we can do whatever it takes to fulfill it. What if we tell you that with the help of astrology, you can know how strong are your prospects of buying a house! If you also want to know when will this dream turn into reality, then you can ask questions regarding the same to our esteemed astrologers. 

Vedic Astrology reveals certain facts about owning a house, land or property by studying one’s horoscope and it states whether there is an auspicious “Yoga” present or not in his/her horoscope concerning the same. It can also be known whether the native is able to buy a house, land or property in his/her whole lifespan with the help of his/her natal chart. It also indicates the time period for buying a property or land. This can be done by some astrological methods like Dasha system and studying the favorable periods of transits etc.

According to “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra”, the role of the fourth house in one’s horoscope is prominent while looking for the timing of buying any fixed assets. Fourth house signifies peace of mind and happiness, mother, home life, relatives, house, self prosperity, enjoyments, conveyances, landed and ancestral property, general happiness, education, vehicles etc. 

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Some relevant facts regarding the same are as follows:

  • If the fourth house lord is placed with the ascendant lord and also occupies a favourable position in the Trikon and Kendra houses, then the person may possess many houses.
  • If Mercury is in third house and lord of fourth house is well placed, the person will possess an attractive house or houses.
  • If the lord of the fourth house is placed in its own sign or in own “Navamsha” and in its own sign of exaltation, the native gets the comforts of owning land, conveyance, house and musical instruments.
  • Planets in exaltation in the fourth house also provides with multiple houses or lands.
  • If the lord of the fourth house is placed in a friendly sign, its own sign or in exaltation, then also the native can enjoy the comforts of owning land, conveyance and house.
  • If the lord of ninth house is in Kendra and the fourth lord is present in a friendly sign or an exalted planet is in fourth house, then they provide the native with a beautiful house with lots of luxuries and comforts.
  • If the fourth house lord has a favorable conjunction with Mars/Saturn/Venus, then it gives the most comfortable of houses as well as multiple houses.
  • The Mahadasha(major period) of Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Venus are favorable for buying any property.

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Planets Responsible for Owning House, Land Or Property

  • Mars: It is a Naisargik karak planet for land in Astrology
  • Saturn: It is the second karak planet for land or property.
  • Venus: It can provide you with a beautiful home. Mars/Saturn can provide you a house, land or  property but there will be interior work required from your end. So it can be judged through the placement of Venus in the horoscope.

The natural karak for land is “Mars” but karak for the place where you live is Mars along with Venus.

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Houses Responsible for Owning House, Land Or Property

  • First House: It is the house which defines the physical disposition of yourself.
  • Second House: It is the house which reflects your accumulated wealth or savings. If you do not have enough savings, then obviously you won’t be able to buy a new property.
  • Fourth House: It is a natural house of happiness and home. Hence, the condition of this house and its lord should be analysed properly in order to study the prospects of buying any property in one’s Kundli. 
  • Eleventh House: It is the house of gain and income, hence it will decide whether you are earning up to that extent to buy any house or property or not.

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Auspicious Muhurat To Get Property or Home

  • Mahadasha(major period) is most important for getting or buying any property
  • The planets situated in the fourth/second/eleventh/ninth house and their Mahadasha(major periods) are most favorable for buying property.
  • Sun is the factor responsible for providing a house in middle age.
  • Moon is the factor responsible for providing a house at an early age.
  • Mars is the factor responsible for providing a house in middle age.
  • Mercury is the factor responsible for providing a house between 32 to 36 year of age.
  • Jupiter is the factor responsible for providing a house in one’s early 30s.
  • Venus and Rahu are the factors responsible for providing a house at an early age.
  • Saturn and Ketu are the factors responsible for providing a house after 44 and 52 years of age.

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Loss of Property

  • If the fourth house’s ruling lord is negatively placed in the twelfth from the fourth house or in debilitation.
  • If the ruling lord of fourth house is placed in Dusthana houses (six,eight,twelfth houses) then there will be loss of property through government actions.
  • If the fourth house’s lord is in debilitation and there is no planet in the fourth house and Saturn and Mars’ position are also weak, then there are high chances of losing a property.

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