Numerology Weekly Horoscope: 8 September To 14 September, 2024

Numerology has a massive impact on our lives because numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s Root Number is the addition of their birth date, and it comes under the administration of various planets.

The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets, and the numbers administered by them play a major role.

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How To Know Your Root Number (Moolank)? 

You get your Root Number when you convert the date you were born during any month into one unit number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9. For example, if you were born on the 11th of a month, your Root Number would be 1 + 1, i.e. 2. In this way, you can read your Weekly Numerology Horoscope by knowing your Root Number.

Numerology Weekly Horoscope From September 8 to September 14, 2024

Root Number 1

(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number might find this week to be good and successful.  You will have more determination to deal with tougher tasks and carry the same in an effective manner. 

Romantic Relation- Sincerity towards your life partner will be present in you and due to this, you may be able to earn the goodwill of your life partner. 

Education- The scenario with respect to studies will be bright during this week as you will be able to get on top of your efforts as you will work hard to achieve your goals. 

Professional- You will experience a smooth atmosphere with respect to work. Also, you might get new job openings that will fill up your satisfaction. 

Health- Physical fitness will be good for you during this week and this may be possible due to energy levels and enthusiasm present in you. 

Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for Sun God on Sundays.

Root Number 2

(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month)

Natives might face confusion while making decisions this week. This could be due to the lack of stability. It is essential on your part to adopt some systematic planning to get on top of it. 

Romantic Relation- You may express your unhappiness with your life partner this week and this may act as a constraint to mend better ways in relationship. 

Education- This week, you will need to put extra efforts in studies to score high marks and it is essential for you to show professionalism in your work and studies. 

Professional- Challenges are possible for you this week with respect to work and due to this, you might fail to complete the work on time. You may face some unpleasant moments with your superiors. 

Health- You may succumb to cough and colds this week and this may be possible due to infections that will be present. Lack of immunity could be the reason for lack of fitness. It will be essential for you to build up the same. 

Remedy-Chant “Om Chandraya Namaha” daily 21 times. 

Root Number 3

(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month)

This week, broad mindedness will be present in these natives while pursuing vital decisions. Natives during this week may be able to gain more spiritual instincts in such a way that these traits might guide them to meet with success.

Romantic Relation- You may be able to show more love feelings towards your life partner and due to this, good bonding will develop. 

Education- As a student you may be able to set some fine standards with respect to studies. Studies such as Business Statistics, Logistics and Economics will guide you to score well if you are pursuing these subjects. 

Professional- Exciting new job chances may be possible with respect to your caliber during this week. If you are into business, you might be able to realize quick profits 

Health- There may be a lot of enthusiasm left in you and this will get reflected in your stable health. 

Remedy- Chant “Om Brihaspataye Namah” daily 21 times.

Root Number 4

(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may become more obsessive which might lead to them losing money that they have in hand. These people may be more tempted towards more pleasures.

Romantic Relation- You might not have the patience to continue and adhere to the same during this week. 

Education- During this week, your mind might appear to be scarce in showing high levels of progress with respect to your studies. This could arise due to lack of concentration that you will be having. 

Professional- If you are working then you might be facing more work pressure during this week. If you are doing business, then you may stand a high chance of losing profits due to heavy competition.

Health- You could face digestion problems during this week, and due to this, it is advisable for you to take your meals on time. 

Remedy-  Recite “Om Durgaya Namaha” daily 22 times.

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Root Number 5

(If you are born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be more intelligent in their approach and thereby they may be finding more logic in whatever they are pursuing. 

Romantic Relation- You will be able to settle better relationships with your life partner during this week. This may be due to the sincere love that you are having with your life partner. 

Education- If you are pursuing higher studies like Research Studies and Doctorates, then you may be in a commanding position to excel and do well with respect to the same.  

Professional- If you are doing a job, then you may be able to show your extra unique skills with respect to your work during this week. If you are doing business, then you may get chances for doing multi level networking business.

Health- You will be keeping fine health during this week. This will be due to the high level of confidence and positive attitude that you will be having within you. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 41 times. 

Root Number 6 

(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be having more creative skills and artistic skills which will enable them to get on top. 

Romantic Relation– You may be in a position to exchange mutual rapport with your life partner or beloved. You could also travel on a holiday trip with your partner. 

Education– During this week, you will be proficient enough in going for higher studies and taking on competitive exams at your disposal. You will be in a position to expose your unique identity.

Professional– This week promises you with new job openings that will give you surprises. If you are into business, then you will be in a position to streamline your position and earn high profits and make yourself comfortable. 

Health– There will be dynamic energy in you, and this may be due to the confidence you have. You will be possessing an unshakeable attitude and frame of mind 

Remedy–  Chant “Om Bhargavaaya Namah” daily 33 times.

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Root Number 7 

(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number might have more spiritual ideas and mindsets. They might be more detached towards worldly pleasures and stick to more prayers.

Romantic Relation- It will be essential for you to make adjustments in love and relationship with your life partner. This is because during this week, you might enter into unwanted arguments.  

Education- Prospects related to studies may not be favorable for you as you might lack grasping power. 

Professional- This week, you need to be more cautious while dealing with your superiors as there could be chances for arguments with them. If you are into business, then you will need to take care while dealing with the profitability of your business.

Health- You need to be careful while driving a vehicle as there are chances for injuries. So, it will be essential for you to take care of your health. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Kethave Namaha” daily 41 times.

Root Number 8 

(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month)

Natives born under this number may be having a career conscious nature generally. They may be keen on trying with respect to work and try to excel from the same. 

Romantic Relation- During this week, you may try to convince your life partner and may put hard efforts for the same. 

Education- You might be able to study successfully and stick to standards. Even if you acquire and comprehend the material, you may still struggle to use it in a way that helps you reach the goals you have set.

Professional- If you are in a job, then this week, you may be forced to change the job due to lack of satisfaction with respect to the same. If you are in business, then you may be facing loss during this course of time 

Health- You may be prone to pain in legs and skin problems and this could keep you worried. Also, pursuing meditation may prove to be worthwhile for you.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Shivaya Namaha” daily 44 times.

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Root Number 9

(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month)

Natives born under this number are generally bound to commitment and prove to be courageous in nature. They are bold and try to achieve bigger tasks with much ease. They shine well in government and defense sectors. 

Romantic Relation- Throughout this week, you may experience a diminished relationship with your life partner and loved ones.

Education- You may be able to live up to standards with respect to your studies and this will be possible due to focus and dedication that you will be having within you. 

Professional- If you pursue a new government job, you’ll have ample opportunities to excel in your work and achieve remarkable success.  If you are in business, then you may be in the zone of earning more profits.

Health- Your enthusiasm and unique approach to physical fitness may help you stay healthy. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Mangalaya Namaha” daily 27 times.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. How do you check your Moolank?

Ans. Write your birth date in numbers and then add them all together until you get a single digit.

Ques2. Which life path number is considered lucky?

Ans. According to numerology, life path number 7 is considered quite fortunate.

Ques3. How will the time be for life path number 4?

Ans. This month, you may need to put in a lot of effort to achieve favorable results.


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