Numerology Weekly Horoscope (28 April – 4 May): Best Time For These 3 Moolanks!

Numerology is the art of knowing the future of individuals with the use of numbers. The use of lucky numbers in specific situations in life will result in the best outcomes across varied activities. Are you unaware of the time of birth and thus unable to get astrological details? Use Moolank in Numerology to analyze the future of natives by using date of birth. Moolank is the conversion of the date of birth into a unit number (1-9). This AstroSage blog contains accurate information on lucky Moolanks of the week as per  Numerology Weekly Horoscope (28 April – 4 May). Reach out to professional Numerologists to know about future predictions accurately. 

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List Of Lucky Moolanks According To Numerology Weekly Horoscope

Moolank 1 

Moolank 1 belongs to the natives born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month. There are chances for different kinds of travel for the Moolank 1 natives. They will have a professional approach towards various tasks and to make them successful. You will take the right steps this week in your studies to achieve higher scores. 

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There will be good rapport in the romantic relationship and there will be pleasantness among partners. The working professionals will achieve new heights in their profession or job. They will get higher salaries for their job role. You will stay healthy for the entire week and will be filled with enthusiasm. Chant “Om Bhaskaraya Namaha” daily 21 times to get solutions for different troubles. 

Moolank 5

Moolank 5 belongs to the natives born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month. There are chances of different gains this week and will make different investments enthusiastically. They will be keen on long-distance travel and will provide top results in your lives. The relationship will be stable and you will also come out of tougher situations successfully. 

The students will be able to make logical decisions across varied sectors. There are chances of new projects this week and will complete tasks successfully. The new tasks will fetch higher incomes and will move into better positions in the profession. Your health will be in a good position and will achieve targets with a positive attitude. Chant “Om Budhaya Namaha” daily 108 times to get better solutions in life. 

Moolank 8

Moolank 8 belongs to the natives born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month. They will be committed to their work and will plan their activities successfully. There will be maturity in the love relationship and you can spend quality time together. There will be good momentum in your studies that will help secure higher marks. 

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You will get new projects this week and this will result in higher profits for business people. The credibility at the workplace will rise and expect appreciation from the senior colleagues. You will feel energetic and enthusiastic for the entire week to complete different projects successfully. For the best solutions this week, perform Havan-Yagya on Saturn to please planet Saturn. 


Q1. How will be the romantic relationship of Moolank 4?

Ans. There are chances of misunderstandings in the relationships of Moolank 4 natives.

Q2. How will be professional life of Moolank 6 natives?

Ans. They will be able to complete different projects timely and achieve profits from them.

Q3. How will be the health of Moolank 7 natives this week?

Ans. There are chances of allergies and troubles due to body dehydration.

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