Numerology Weekly Horoscope: 11 August To 17 August, 2024

How To Know Your Root Number (Moolank)? 

After converting the date you were born during any month into one unit number, it is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9. For example, if you were born on the 11th of a month, your root number would be 1 + 1, i.e. 2. In this way, you can read your  Numerology Weekly Horoscope 2023 by knowing your Root Number.

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Know Your Weekly Horoscope Using Your Birth Date (11 August 2024- 17 August 2024)

Numerology has a huge impact on our lives because the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As previously stated, a person’s Root Number is the sum of his/her birth date, and it is ruled by numerous planets.

The Sun rules number 1, the Moon rules number 2, Jupiter rules number 3, Rahu rules number 4, Mercury rules number 5, Venus rules number 6, Ketu rules the number 7, Saturn rules number 8 and Mars rules number 9. Because of the movement of these planets, many changes occur in one’s life, and the numbers provided by them play an important part.

Root Number 1

(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month)

Natives born in this number are generally more precise in their moves and stick to the same. They are more systematic in their approach and more quick in taking decisions. They may be more determined to achieve higher feats and make the same in their favor. 

Romantic Relation- You may be in a position to express lovable feelings with your life partner and set an example for good standards in a relationship. A more adjustable attitude may be maintained by you during this course of time and due to this, more love may be blossoming. 

Professional- During this week, you may get exciting job opportunities and such chances may fulfill your wishes and dreams may come true. If you are in business, you may be able to secure more administration skills and these skills may guide you to uplift business to the upper position.

Education- You may be in a position to set higher quality and achieve higher feats in your studies. Some special qualities may be possible for you and you will be in high command and score high marks in studies like Physics, Medicine, and Biochemistry. 

Health- During this time, you may be in good health and this may be possible due to the high level of immunity and energy present. 

Remedy: Chant the ancient text Aditya Hridayam daily.

Root Number 2

(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month)

Natives born in this number will generally have more stress in them and due to this, they may get often confused and may not be in a position to pursue high decisions. These natives may be most of the time will be busy in traveling.

Romantic Relation- Your relationship with your life partner could be growing stronger as a result of your deep understanding and genuine sincerity. This progress could be attributed to your open-mindedness and direct communication style with your partner. 

Professional- During this week, you may be going on long travel with respect to your job, and such travel may be on an assignment basis. If you are in business, you may be able to shine in businesses like dairy, and milk products on a large scale. 

Education- During this week, you may be in a position to do well in subjects like Chemistry, and Marine Engineering and you may take it to more professional heights. You may be working on several projects with respect to your studies during this course of time.

Health- High level of energy may be possible for you during this course of time and due to this you may be in a position to be in good health. 

Remedy: Chant Durga Chalisa daily.

Root Number 3

(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number could be possessing more spiritual instincts and such instincts may help them to generate special qualities and convert the same into long-term benefits. They may be subjected to good changes in life during this course of time; let it be a career, money, or a relationship it may be happening. 

Romantic Relation- You may be in a position to show your straightforward approach with your life partner. There may be more lovable conversations that you will be having with your partner.

Education- You may be able to specialize in professional studies like Management, Business Administration, etc, and create a special impact for yourself. 

Professional- If you are in a job, you may be able to do wonders with respect to your work. If you are in business, then you may enter into a multi-level business and earn more profits. 

Health- During this time, you may be having only minor health problems and not major problems. Problems like colds, coughs, and headaches could be possible. 

Remedy- Chant “Om Brihaspataye Namah” daily 21 times.

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Root Number 4

(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month)

Natives associated with this number could exhibit more interest in specific objects or material possessions, These individuals could display a strong interest in long-distance travel, akin to a hobby. 

Romantic Relation- During this week, you may need to adjust more to the situations prevailing in your family as there may be some long-standing disputes in your family. 

Education- Extreme concentration needs to be pursued by you in studies and this is very much required if it is missing, then errors may be committed on your part.

Professional- If you’re employed, the current period might put you in intense work pressure. For those in business, significant challenges lie ahead, as mounting competition poses a serious threat.

Health- You could be having more skin-related issues due to allergies which might be pinching you during this course of time. 

Remedy-  Recite “Om Durgaya Namaha” daily 22 times.

Root Number 5

(If you are born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month)

Natives belonging to this number are generally self-sufficient in tuning up their intellect and they may work accordingly in this context. These people may possess more interest in pursuing business.

Romantic Relation-  During this week, you will be in a position to show a sense of humor with your partner and exhibit the same in a much more romantic manner. 

Education- This week will be good for you to prove your abilities in studies and most important in a professional stream of studies like Financial Accounting and Management. 

Professional- You will benefit irrespective of whether you are doing profession or business and success ultimately will be in your hands. If you are in business, then profitable dealings will be possible.

Health- You may be physically fit during this week as your level of enthusiasm may be on top due to energy levels. 

Remedy-  Chant the ancient text Vishnu Sahasranamam daily.

Root Number 6 

(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number are generally more artistic and creative in nature and in turn, they may adapt themselves to the current situation. More long-distance travel will be possible for them 

Romantic Relation- This week, you may be stuck in maintaining an effective relationship with your life partner as you may lose your coolness. 

Education- You may lose more marks in studies during this week as you may not be able to focus much harder and there might be a shortfall in retention power.

Professional- You will need to be careful in attending to your work as there could be chances for errors. If you are in business, then you may meet with more losses as facing toughness from competitors may be present.

Health- During this time, you may succumb to skin allergies, rough colds, and tumors which may be giving you more botheration. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Shukraya Namah” daily 33 times.

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Root Number 7 

(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month)

Natives born in this number may tend to be more round in skills and prove their efficiency with respect to the same. Their mind may concentrate more on spiritual pursuits. 

Romantic Relation- You may be facing a lack of interest in showing to your life partner during this time. Such feelings may be possible due to detachment tendencies. 

Education- You may be facing a lack of standards in your studies. But, you may possess the wisdom to enhance your performance. 

Professional- If you are in a job, you may be facing trouble from your colleagues.  If you are in business, you may be facing troubles from your business partners and thereby you may not be able to manage the same. 

Health- During this week, you may be having sunburns and skin irritations due to allergies and this may keep you in problems. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Kethave Namaha” daily 41 times.

Root Number 8 

(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month)

Natives will be left in the situation of losing some valuables and costly items during travel and this may cause worries for them.

Romantic Relation- Due to familial concerns, the distance between you and your life partner could widen this week. So happiness may not be possible during this week.

Education- Optimism is the keyword that will empower you and keep you going in your studies this week and make you grow.

Professional- You might think about changing jobs due to lack of satisfaction and this could cause you worries. If you are into business, then you may not be able to earn profits easily. 

Health- During this week, you might experience pain in legs and stiffness in joints due to stress. Therefore, it is vital for you to do meditation/Yoga to keep yourself fit. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Hanumate Namaha ” daily 11 times.

Root Number 9

(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may develop more courage in pursuing new decisions that may suit their life. You might have to travel more during this week.

Romantic Relation- You may experience cordial and harmonious relationships with your life partner. If you are in love, then you will establish happiness with your beloved. If you are married, then you might enjoy a good time with your life partner. 

Education-  The education scene appears to be promising for you this week as you will be able to score high. You might carve a special niche for yourself with respect to studies. 

Professional- You will get new job opportunities this week if you are born in this number. If you are in business, then earning a good amount of profits may be possible despite the competition that you may be witnessing during this week.

Health- You may be in a position to maintain good health during this week and this may be due to high energy levels.

Remedy-  Chant “Om Bhumi Putraya Namaha” daily 27 times.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. How do you check your Moolank?

Ans. Write your birth date in numbers and then add them all together until you get a single digit.

Ques2. Which life path number is considered lucky?

Ans. According to numerology, life path number 7 is considered quite fortunate.

Ques3. How will the time be for life path number 4?

Ans. This month, you may need to put in a lot of effort to achieve favorable results. 


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