Numerology Weekly Horoscope 09 May – 15 May

Numerology plays a vital role in your life. The date on which you are born during any month and after converting it into one unit number is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9, for example – if you were born on the 10th of a month, your root number would be 1 + 0 i.e 1. In this way, you can read your weekly numerology horoscope by knowing your root number.

Know Your Weekly Horoscope With Your Birth Date (09 May – 15 May 2021)

Numerology has a massive impact on our lives as the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s root number happens to be an addition of his or her birth date and it comes under the administration of various planets.

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The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, and 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets and the numbers administered by them have a major role. 

Root Number 1

(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month)

This week will bring ups and down for you. You will need to come out of your cocoon in order to work on ignored problems of the past. Things around you will be chaotic and you will find it difficult to organize everything. You will also feel drained out and low in energy during this week. The employed natives will feel challenged to meet their deadlines and complete the projects. You will have loads of pressure from your seniors and bosses. The entrepreneurs will be in deep thoughts for the expansion and growth of the business. The students will face some concentration problems during this week, they will feel lost and will find it difficult to learn their subjects. The married natives will have a relaxing week, despite the work-life wreck you will feel content in your personal life. This week, your spouse will be all the more caring and supportive, which will melt down your professional life stress. Those who are in a romantic relationship will face some distance in your relationship. You dear one may have to go out of town or their busy schedules might keep them busy. You will miss the interaction with them which will feel like a distance. On the family front, things will be smooth, your parents will truly understand the stress and burden on your head and will try to give their best assistance to you. This week, you may face health concerns such as problems with the eye, pain in the body, diseases of a bile nature. You are advised to be a conscious eater and pay attention to your health and physical fitness.


Recite ‘Gayatri Mantra’ 108 times every day.  

Root Number 2

(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month)

The beginning of this week will be a bit stressful. Your professional life will be haywire and you will find it difficult to sort out everything. You may look for new job opportunities as you will be quite mad and frustrated with your current work profile. You may also face conflicts with your team members and the higher authorities which will add to your frustration. Your work will get delayed because of the above-said issues. Thinking too much will bring mental stress and eventually you will fall in healthy. The freshers looking for a job may find a ray of hope during this week. The business owners need to be cautious as they may face some problems or arguments with their customers or associates. Those who are in a love relationship will feel joyful during this week. There will be good understanding and you will share an intimate relationship with your partner. The week is not very favourable for married individuals and there are chances of conflicts or small fights with your spouse. You may feel a little stressed on the family front as the health of one of your family members may not be good during this week. There will be a possibility of getting favourable results in the context of education for students.                   


Worship Lord Shiva and chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ 108 times a day.  

Here is a web story throwing light on some relevant information

If you wish to know more about your upcoming week, then go ahead and talk to our expert Acharya Vinnie Arora

Root Number 3

(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month)

This week will bring mixed results for you. The beginning of the week will be full of confusion and chaos on the professional front. However, by the mid of the week, all your problems and confusions will start resolving and things will start to settle down by the end of the week. Your working capacity and ability will massively improve with your diligence. There is also the possibility of gaining a grant or incentive which will enhance your finances during this week. You will be able to maintain a good work-life balance and this will bring contentment to your mind and heart. If you are due to take any major steps or make big decisions then you are advised to avoid them during the beginning of the week. However, you can do the important work by the mid of the week as the grace of Jupiter will truly favour you. Those who are into romantic relationships may face some arguments with their lovers. Your casual talks may land into big fights therefore, you are advised to be a bit cautious while teasing or cracking jokes with your beloved. The married natives will have a balanced week. You and your spouse will help and boost each other in their respective endeavors. You may also plan to do something together, and will truly cherish the time spent with each other. Your family life will be smooth, your elders will be happy for you and give you loads of blessings and greetings. From the health point of you, this week is not very favourable. You will be prone to indigestion, those who have chronic diseases need to be extra careful as it midget triggered during this week.


Worship Lord Narayan and offer water to the Banana tree on Thursday. Also, observe fast on Thursday if possible.  

Root Number 4

(If you are born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month)

The week will be overwhelming for you. At the beginning of the week, you will witness good gains in terms of finances. Your stuck-up work can get completed during this week. Your projects which were dragging for long can get completed during this week itself. Also, you will get appreciation from your team members and subordinates for successfully completing your tasks. You may also get appreciation from your boss for your hard work. If you are planning to make any investment then the beginning of the week is the right time for you, as anything done during this time period or any decision taken during this period will bring favourable results. The love life will be rocking for those who are in romantic relationships. The warmth and coziness in your bond will increase. You will feel like being on cloud nine due to the caring and nurturing attitude of your beloved.  The married natives may face some complications during this week. You may face disruptions in your married life due to the interference of a third person. They could be a family meme bet or friend. At the family front, things may not be very cordial as there will be heated up discussion between members or due to one of the members which will hamper the peace of the complete family. The students may not have a favourable period as you will not be able to concentrate on your studies and will find it difficult to follow your schedules and timetable. From the health perspective, this week will be moderate there will not be any major issues however minor body aches, headaches or pain in the legs may trouble you. 


Worship Lord Bhairav and make offerings on Saturday. Also if possible, perform Havan to eradicate negativity and get success. 

Root Number 5

(If you are born on 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month)

This week is going to be full of low and high tides. Your attention will be diverted and you will not be able to complete your tasks due to the same. You are advised to make a priority list and put forth your best efforts to achieve your goals. Since the unproductive works will gain your attention and this may lead to putting a barrier on your important works. You will have opportunities to succeed however you need to focus on your work. You will be quite stressed during this week. On the personal front also you will be pretty occupied. The ambiance at home may be a bit unfavourable and you might have some conflicts with the family members. Those who are working will have a moderate week. You should try to avoid any kind of heated discussions with your teammates and colleagues since the situation can get exaggerated. The week is going to bring a new twist in the life of lovers since you will speak your heart out to your beloved and they will appreciate your feelings and emotions. The married natives will have an average week. Your spouse may suffer from health concerns and demand more attention from you. You also need to take care of your health as you will be prone to migraines, severe headaches, insomnia. The week will be favourable for students and those who have exams will be able to get through with a good score.               


Offer jaggery and wheat to the cow everyday. Worship Lord Ganesha and offer Dhruva.  

Root Number 6 

(If you are born on 6th, 15th, 24th of any month)

The week is going to be full of joy and merriment. You will contend at the professional front as all your endeavours will complete well on time and you will receive appreciation for the same. Your colleagues and team members will cooperate with you and your ideas and strategies will be followed blindly. The students will be doing good this week and their creativity and concentration power will be at their peak. They will submit their homework and assignments on time, their ability and efficiency will improve to a great extent. The married natives will have a peaceful week. You will spend most of the time with your spouse and cherish those special moments. This will enhance your mutual understanding and strengthen your relationship. You will come closer to each other during this week. The intimacy in your relationship will grow stronger. Those who have stepped out of their marriage in an extramarital affair will have a tough time during this week. There are bright possibilities of getting caught by your spouse or other family members due to which you will face challenges. On the family front otherwise, things will be comfortable. Your dear ones will support you in your endeavours and celebrate your professional growth and success. The week is not much favourable in terms of your personal health as you will be prone to infections, throat concerns, and flu.        


Recite the Mahalakshmi Mantra every day to get rid of financial troubles and attain the gift of good health. 

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Root Number 7 

(If you are born on 7th, 16th, 25th of any month)

This week will bring some challenges on the professional front. You will find it difficult to prove your point in front of your seniors and manager. However you will get the complete support of your colleagues and they will follow your strategies and plans religiously. Also, they will support you in explaining your plans to the higher authorities. Those who are in government jobs will have an insecure week some of your subordinates might plan or plot against you. Furthermore, there may be some uncertain situations that will cause financial emergencies during this week. The family atmosphere will be pleasing and you will spend a joyful time with your family members. Those who are into romantic relationships will have a favourable week. The understanding and love between you and your beloved will grow stronger. The married natives will have a busy week as you will be busy working together for some of your relatives or inlaws during this week. The students will put in their best efforts which will bring good results in their examinations.

This week will demand attention for your personal health. You will be prone to food allergies and infections. In lieu of the same, you should take care of your eating habits and avoid any kind of work which involves too much dust.


Worship Lord Narayan and recite the Path of Vishnu Sahasranam everyday. Besides this, offer yellow lentils to lord Narayan on Thursday.

Root Number 8 

(If you were born on 8th, 17th, 26th of any month)

This week you will be busy within yourself. You will work on your personal grooming and fitness. Also, you will put effort to look smarter than before. You will pamper yourself and be a shopaholic. You may try changing your wardrobe by buying different clothes, footwear, and accessories. You will try to eat as healthy as possible to maintain a good physique. The complete week will keep you busy by being watchful of yourself and your daily regime. The ambiance of the family will be appreciating. The members will support you in your efforts towards your fitness and grooming. On the professional front, things will be relaxing and you will not have many things to be thoughtful or worried about. You will be able to complete your assignments efficiently and make submissions before time. The married individuals will have a great beginning of the week, you will come close to each other. The love and intimacy in your relationship will increase. You as a couple will also receive appreciation from your near and dear ones during this week. Your single friends or family might approach you to have some inspiration for a perfect relationship. Those who are into romantic relationships may not be able to spend much time with their partner and this may bring a little distance in their relationship. The students will be focused and study hard during this week, undoubtedly their efforts will bring results in the near future. Your health will be by and all fine, any major concerns will not bother you.


Light a lamp in front of Lord Shani post-sunset on Saturday. Recite Shani Chalisa every day in the evening. 

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Root Number 9

(If you are born on 9th, 18th, 27th of any month)

The week will be a bit challenging and will bring some worries however you will struggle hard and will be able to overcome all your odd circumstances by the end of the week. You may feel concentration issues and remain a little lost during this week. Also unlike your nature, you would like to be alone for a while. Your dear ones will find this attribute of yours different and may get worried about you. Your professional life will not be very smooth. Despite all your efforts, you will not achieve your goals. This will bring loads of botheration and disrupt your mental pace. The students will find it difficult to understand their subjects and will feel that no one is trying to understand their problem or able to help them with their tough subjects. At the family front, things will be good and the members will be willing to support you however, you will not be able to convey your things or understand their concerns. They will feel worried for you. The married natives will face some coldness in their relationship due to not being able to spend quality time with their spouse. Also, your spouse may suffer from physical ailments during this week. Those who are into romantic relationships may also face some misunderstandings and communication gaps. In terms of your personal life, this week is not very favourable, your immune system will be low and you will be prone to cold, cough, and flu. Also, you should keep a check on your blood pressure as your stress and anxiety may hit your BP.

for your partner. The week is going to bring good opportunities for students and they will be able to focus on their studies dedicatedly. You may go on a journey in the middle of the week.         


Every day, recite the Path of Sunderkand and offer Arghya to the Lord Sun in a copper vessel by adding a little sugar and kumkum to it.

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