Numerology plays a vital role in your life. The date on which you are born during any month and after converting it into one unit number is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9, for example – if you were born on the 10th of a month, your root number would be 1 + 0 i.e 1. In this way, you can read your weekly numerology horoscope by knowing your root number.

Know Your Weekly Horoscope with Your Birth Date (04 July- 10 July 2021)
Numerology has a massive impact on our lives as the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s root number happens to be an addition of his or her birth date and it comes under the administration of various planets.
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The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, and 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets and the numbers administered by them have a major role.
Root Number 1
(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month)
This week, you will be into deep thoughts and this overthinking will bring loads of stress and worries. You may miss on the things which are on top priority due to your negligence and this may impact your work. The employed natives may suffer due to negligence. Also, on the professional front, things will be a bit chaotic during this period. You may face some troubles due to the politics at the office. You should keep yourself away from the heated up discussions else your reputation might deteriorate. The business entrepreneurs will have a better period as there are possibilities of enhancement in finances. Also, you will be able to build a good reputation amongst your clients. The students will face a number of distractions and concentration issues during this period. This will hamper their studies. Those who are into romantic relationships may face some distance from their lovers, as either of the partners may have some travel plans. This may lead to some miscommunication between the two of you. The married natives will have a favourable period and the understanding between them will grow. You should be careful about your health as stress, anxiety, and depression will bring body aches and fever during this period.
Remedy: Recite Hanuman Chalisa seven times everyday to overcome problems in life.
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Root Number 2
(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month)
This week, you will have different issues to be resolved in your court. This may bring pressure during the beginning of the week. You will be confused due to the duality in your thoughts during this week. Those who are employed are likely to receive some appreciation and rewards during this week. You may also receive some incentive due to your good work. Those who are looking for switching jobs will come across better opportunities during this period. The government employees will have a good time during this week. The business owners need to be extremely careful as you might face some problems, furthermore, you may have some heated discussions with your employees or partners. This will hamper the productivity of work. The students will secure good marks in their examinations and those who are preparing for competitive exams will be able to study with complete interest and focus. Those of you, who are in a love relationship, will feel joyful during this week. You will share a romantic bond with your partner and love between the two of you will grow. You will be prone to stress in the beginning of the week and by the weekend, you may turn insomniac or have migraines due to the same. You are advised to be calm and practise some meditative techniques to keep yourself fit.
Remedy: You should offer water to Shivlinga and worship Lord Shiva.
If you wish to know more about your upcoming week, then go ahead and talk to our expert Acharya Vinnie Arora
Root Number 3
(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month)
This week will be auspicious for the natives. You will be able to complete all your pending works during this week. You will have more clarity about everything and this will help you in making decisions. Your work profile will improve and this will impact your finances positively. You are advised to be a bit cautious during the beginning of the week as things may not be in your favour on the work front. However, this will be under your command by the mid of the week. If you have plans to make any short or long-term investments, you should consider doing them during this time period. This week will be favourable for those who are into their own business; you will get opportunities for expansion. The week is going to be auspicious for students and they will be able to study dedicatedly. Those who are into romantic relationships will not have a great time during this week. You may have conflicts and differences of opinion with your beloved. The married natives will have a fruitful week as you will get enough opportunities to sneak out and spend some quality time with your spouse. The love and romance in your relationship will grow during this week. You may also make some short trips. You will be prone to gastric attacks and acid refluxes during this period. You are advised to be cautious about your eating habits.
Remedy: Apply saffron Tilak on your forehead everyday.
Root Number 4
(If you are born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of any month)
The week will bring financial abundance, you may have some sudden gains or profits. There are also probabilities of receiving good returns from your past investments. Some of you may also be able to get back your long-lost precious belongings or cash during this week. You will get some inspiring opportunities that will help you in achieving progress. The employed natives need to be a bit careful as their conflict with their seniors may bring some negative impact on their reputation. This will also hamper your productivity at work. This week is going to be favourable from the business point of view and you will get several kinds of benefits in your dealings with the clients. You will also be able to make some long-term investments during this period. The concentration of students will be poor and as a result, they will not be able to study or score well in their assignments. They will have to push themselves hard in order to study and learn their subjects well. The week is not very favourable for those who are in a romantic relationship. Your beloved may face problems due to some challenges in their life. The married natives will have a neutral period and there are possibilities of meeting your in-laws during this time period. You should pay attention to health problems as nothing is greater than being fit.
Remedy: Worship Goddess Kali and offer lemon garland on Saturdays.
Is Luck Favourable or Unfavourable? Raj Yoga Report reveals it all!
Root Number 5
(If you are born on 5th, 14th, and 23rd of any month)
The week is going to be full of ebbs and flows. You will need to put in your best efforts to achieve your goals. There will be multiple distractions, which will act as a barrier in accomplishing your endeavours. The only success mantra for this week is to focus on your work. This week will not be good for the employed natives. You are likely to get into arguments with teammates which will not be in your favour. This week is going to be favourable to a great extent for businessmen as they will find new sources through which they can expand their business. The students will have a moderate week; they will be able to complete their assignments during this period. Family life will be good as you will get full support from your family members. The week will be average for those who are in romantic relationships; however you will be successful in speaking your heart to your beloved. The week is going to be average to some extent for married people. You have to take care of your spouse’s health and you may spend a lot of money on the same but the understanding between both of you will remain good. You will be prone to some eye issues, stress, and body aches. You are advised to take good care of yourself.
Remedy: Feed cows with green grass everyday.
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Root Number 6
(If you are born on 6th, 15th, and 24th of any month)
The week will be joyful and cherishing for you. You will spend good time with your family and make beautiful memories. On the work front, things will be relaxing and your teammates will coordinate well. On account of this, you will be able to complete your projects before time. You will also get support and cooperation from the management during this period. The business owners will have an average week; you may not be able to make big profits due to low sales. The students will be able to convert their challenges into opportunities. Also, you will be able to focus and concentrate on your studies with your ability. This week will not be favourable for those who are into love relationships. You may face misunderstandings and conflicts due to some reasons. It will be better if you remain calm as things may not be in your favour. The married natives will have a calm and compassionate week. You will spend a good time with your spouse and understand each other. This will strengthen your relationship and improvise the intimacy between you two. The week is likely to be a bit unfavourable in the context of health and you may have a sore throat and suffer from any infection.
Remedy: Worship Goddess Durga and recite Durga Stotram.
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Root Number 7
(If you are born on 7th, 16th, 25th of any month)
This week, you will make some important decisions in your life, which will impact your lifestyle and daily routine. You will be extra cautious about your health and will introduce some new dietary patterns or exercise in your life. The employed natives will get the support of their colleagues and this will help them to progress in their work. Those who are into business may face a little unfavourable period since your business partner or employee may deceive you. Therefore, you have to be cautious while signing any document. The students will get positive results if they put in their best efforts. You will be successful in performing well in your academics and you may get success in competitive exams as well. The ambience in the family will be good and you will spend nice time with your family. Those who are in a love relationship, this week is going to bring everything auspicious in your life. You will be able to understand your beloved from the core of your heart and may pour out your heart to them. The married natives may experience some conflicts and disruptions in their married life. Also, you may have some differences with your in-laws during this period. You will be prone to food allergies and food poisoning during this week.
Remedy: Worship Lord Ganesha and recite the Path of Ganesh Atharvashirsha everyday.
Here is a web story highlighting some relevant information for the period from July 04 to July 10
Root Number 8
(If you were born on 8th, 17th, 26th of any month)
The beginning of this week will be a bit chaotic and worrisome for you. You will have piles of work to complete without any good support or assistance. You may get lost in organizing and arranging things in order. On the professional front, you will be under dense pressure to complete your assignments on time. Also, you may face tough competition from your competitors during this period. You will have a disturbing mindset and people will not be able to read and understand you during this time, they may consider you wrong as well. The week is going to bring good opportunities for students and they will be able to focus on their studies thoroughly. The week is going to be highly fruitful for those who are in a romantic relationship. You will enjoy spending time with your dear one and will be content with each other’s company. The married native may face problems in understanding their spouse and vice versa. You should try to spend more time with each other and exchange gifts in order to build your relationship stronger. You may face problems like headaches and body aches due to acute stress and tensions during this week.
Remedy: Light a mustard oil lamp under the Peepal tree in the evening and revolve around the tree seven times.
Root Number 9
(If you are born on 9th, 18th, 27th of any month)
This week, you will be dynamic and work aggressively. You will also be attentive towards your own looks and personality. Those who are into services will have to work really hard in order to get good results. You may get good incentives with your diligent work. So far business is concerned, this week will bring strength. Those who were not having good speaking terms with their partners previously will be able to resolve their issues. This reduction in differences between both of you will help the business to flourish. The week will be favourable for students. They will be able to concentrate on their studies and may achieve success in competitive exams. Those who are in love affairs will face ups and downs in their relationship. You will be confused about whether you should talk openly to your dear one or refrain yourself from discussing things with them. You are advised to be patient as communication might increase problems. The married natives will share memorable moments with each other and take care of their family. You will spend a lot on buying expensive clothes for your family members and yourself during this week. Your health will remain by and all good, however, you are advised to avoid junk food during this period.
Remedy: Recite Bajrang Baan everyday and worship Lord Hanuman.
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