Numerology Weekly Horoscope (04-10 August) – List Of Lucky Moolanks!

Are you looking for accurate weekly predictions, but don’t have details of time of birth? Numerology can provide you with accurate life predictions based on the date of birth. Moolank is one of the cornerstones in Numerology, derived from the person’s date of birth. It is one of the desirable ways to know about the characteristics and personality of individuals. This AstroSage blog contains accurate information on the lucky Moolanks of the week according to Numerology Weekly Horoscope (04-10 August). Reach out to a professional Numerologist if you want more details about favorable numbers & their impact on your lives. 

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List Of Lucky Moolanks As Per Numerology Weekly Horoscope 

Moolank 3 

Moolank 3 belongs to the natives born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month. They can make vital decisions this week in a courageous way that can change their life. The natives will have a romantic relationship with their partners and the mutual understanding grows. The professionals can secure a new job this week, which will make them rejoice. If they’re planning to start a business, then it is the best time to earn profits. The natives can yield the best outcomes in their careers through hard work & professionalism. Their physical fitness will be very good and they can maintain good health. For the best remedy this week, chant ‘Om Brihaspataye Namah’ daily 21 times.  

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Moolank 6 

Moolank 6 belongs to the natives born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month. They will possess the creative & artistic skills to move forward in their careers. There will be rapport and mutual understanding in the relationship and they can spend quality time this week. There will be new openings in your careers and you can plan to change your job. You can streamline the position at work and earn good profits during this period. There are chances of positive surprises this week in your job that can yield top results. They will be filled with dynamic energy and confidence to carry out different tasks successfully. For the top remedy, chant ‘Om Bhargavaaya Namaha’ daily 33 times. 

Moolank 9 

Moolank 9 belongs to the natives born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month. They will have the in-built courage to face different situations confidently and can achieve bigger targets with ease. Your love relationship will get stronger this week and there will be a good repute among both. The students will be dedicated to their studies and can score good marks. They will get ample opportunities at work for progress in their careers and the week will be favorable for persons doing government jobs. The business persons can earn good profits this week and they can expand their operations successfully. They will remain enthusiastic throughout the week and their immune levels will be higher. For the top remedy this week, chant ‘Om Bhoumaya Namaha’ daily 27 times. 

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1. How will be the professional life of Moolank 1 natives?

There can be work pressure for Moolank 1 natives and can be involved in tedious work this week. 

2. How will be the health of Moolank 4 natives?

There can be digestive problems for the Moolank 4 natives this week. 

3. How will be the marital relationship of Moolank 7 natives?

They need to make quick adjustments or else their happiness can be spoiled during this period. 

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