Numerology Reveals Lucky-Unlucky Numbers & Their Significance!

In Astrology, numbers play a great role. According to Numerology, every planet has its own number and these numbers have an impact on natives’ lives. For example, for the Sun there is one number, number 2 is for the Moon, 3 is for Jupiter, 4 is for Rahu, the number of Mercury is 5, and for Venus it is 6, Saturn is 8, and Mars is  9.

Today through this blog, we will learn about every number, their specialty, and pros and cons of these numbers to the natives.

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Significance Of Numerology

Before moving further, let’s know the reason why Numerology has great significance. Well, Numerology is given the same importance as astrology. Through Numerology, one can get information about his past, present and future life. Also, with the help of it, we can easily learn about the positive and negative traits of a person, his behavior and specialties. 

Before marriage, the traits of bride and groom are also matched by finding the radix. Apart from this if we talk about Numerology, it is also significant in making spelling variations in the name of person for the construction of new house, for success etcetera

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Number And Its Effect On Personality

1 Number is the number of the Sun. Such an effect enhances the quality of leadership in a person. Also, people of this number are brave, daring, and mighty. Also, such people are majestic and stubborn.

Number 1 Famous Personality: Annie Besant, Auspicious Day: Sunday, Auspicious Gemstone: Topaz

Number 2 is the number of the Moon. These natives lack leadership skills. They are peace loving people and ready to help others in every situation. As a result, people of number 2 are emotional.

Number 2 Famous Personality- Thomas Sheldon, Lucky Day- Monday, Lucky Gemstone- Pearl

Number 3 is the number of Jupiter and its influence makes the person self-respectful. They don’t like to bow down in front of others. They are people with a broad mindset, brave, daring, powerful and diligent. 

Number 3 Famous Personality- Rajnikant, Lucky Day- Thursday, Lucky Gemstone- Amethyst 

Number 4 is the number of Rahu, and it makes the native revolutionary, scientist, and politician. Apart from this, these natives have pride and egoism in personality. 

Number 4 Famous Personality- George Washington, Lucky Day- Saturday, Lucky Gemstone- Sapphire

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Number 5 is the number of Mercury. In astrology Mercury is the symbol of wisdom. Natives with number 5 are usually intellectual and diligent. They love to take challenges and accomplish them. Apart from this, these natives are quite logical and they are genius in taking every type of decision. 

Number 5 Famous Personality- Maharani Yugani, Lucky Day- Wednesday, Lucky Gemstone- Diamond, Platinum, Silver. 

Number 6 is the number of Venus. In astrology, Venus is the planet of happiness, peace and beauty. The native of number 6 are of wonderful personality, their physical appearance is always quite impressive and beautiful. They are art lovers, and live a long and healthy life cheerfully. 

Number 6 Famous Personality- George III, Lucky Day- Friday, Lucky Gemstone- Turquoise 

Number 7 is the number of Ketu. These natives are of free will and have a disparate personality. They don’t like to be quiet. They are always ready to bring a change in life and traveling. They acquire money with their hard work. However, they face many difficulties in accumulating money in their life. 

Number 7 Famous Personality- Queen Elizabeth, Lucky Day- Sunday, Lucky Gemstone- Pearl 

Number 8 is the number of Saturn, these natives love to work and they keep on working on their tasks in union. They take everything deeply and think about it. Also, they are peaceful, serious and unswerving personalities.

Number 8 Famous Personality- Joseph Chamberlain, Lucky Day- Saturday, Lucky Gemstone- Sapphire 

Finally, if we talk about the number 9 then it is the number of Mars. These natives are usually enthusiastic and full of energy. They have robust bodies and are able to deal with diverse situations. They live in discipline and their own principles.

Number 9 Famous Personality- Lord Carson, Lucky Day- Tuesday, Lucky Gemstone- – Ruby. 

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3 Inauspicious Numbers And Reason

Number 3: This number is represented by Jupiter and makes the native brilliant and intellectual. However, it doesn’t always provide positive results to the natives. Natives belonging to these numbers face family problems, hindrances in career and sometimes accidents. 

Number 4: The number 4 of Rahu is considered to be more mysterious than other numbers. The sum of 13 is 4 and it is considered to be inauspicious. So number 4 is the number which puts people in more pain. People who are born in this number live a mysterious life and constantly face ups and downs in their life. Also, their success is delayed. 

Number 8: Many times the number 8 of Saturn becomes the cause of problems in a person’s life. In this number major terrorist attacks, storms, earthquake and other natural calamities are seen. Native people belonging to this number suffer many problems in his life related to health as well. Apart from this, they are always prone to mishappenings and accidents.  

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