Nag Panchami is one of the most significant days in Hinduism. This year, this auspicious day will be celebrated on Friday, August 13th. It is observed on the Panchami Tithi, i.e. the fifth day of Shukla Paksha of Sawan month. In astrology, Nag Panchami is dedicated to snakes, therefore, Naga Devta or serpents are prominently worshipped on this very day.

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As per beliefs, observing a fast on this day protects the devotee from the fear of snakebite. This day is celebrated with vigour and enthusiasm where people worship photos or idols of Naga Devta with milk, flowers, sweets, and Diyas. Many places across India also have a tradition of offering milk to real snakes on the day of Nag Panchami. The most famous temple in India where this festival is a mega event is the Nagoba Temple in Nagpur, Maharashtra.
In this blog, you will find the activities that should be performed or avoided on the auspicious day of Nag Panchami. Along with this, we will tell you the auspicious Muhurat for carrying out the Nag Panchami Puja this year.
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Nag Panchami Puja Muhurat – From 05:48 am to 08:27 am, on August 13, 2021
Duration: 2 hours 39 minutes
The above-mentioned Muhurat is applicable for New Delhi only. Click here to know the auspicious Muhurat of Nag Panchami 2021 as per your city.
Let’s dive into the DO’s and DON’Ts list for the day of Nag Panchami.
Things To Do On The Day Of Nag Panchami
- Observe a fast on this day as it will help you overcome the fear of snakebite
- Recite Nag Panchami Mantras.
- Offer milk, flowers, sweets, etc., to Naga Devta.
- The Puja held on the Nag Panchami day also indicates that people should respect and love all forms of life on this planet, so one should follow it wholeheartedly, not only on Nag Panchami but throughout the year.
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Things To Avoid On Nag Panchami
- It is prohibited to plough the field on this auspicious day as doing so can harm or kill the snakes that reside under the earth.
- Cutting down trees should also be avoided on this day as it may cause harm or kill the snakes residing or hiding on trees.
- On this day, do not sew with needles and threads as it is considered inauspicious.
- One should also refrain from cooking food in an iron vessel or putting any iron pan on a lighted stove on the day of Nag Panchami.
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