The planet Mercury has attained the status of the prince among all nine planets. In the realms of Vedic astrology, this planet determines the significance of mathematics, communication, writing, intellect, consciousness, business understanding, analysis, marketing, analytical skills, and observation, etc.

The planet Mercury is considered to administer Gemini and Virgo zodiac signs. The auspicious position of Mercury in one’s horoscope helps a person cultivate a habit of good communication skills, speak with softness, earn praise through good deeds, etc. Besides this, they intend to imbibe new ideas and a lot of information. On the other side, if the position of the same planet is inauspicious in one’s Kundli, then they take much time to interpret things, meet with business losses, etc. As far as health is concerned, they are likely to suffer from skin-related problems.
The transit of Mercury in a particular sign ranges from 14 to 30 depending upon its motion.
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Mercury Transit in Gemini, Wednesday: Mercury is going to transit in Gemini on May 26, 2021, at 7:50 AM and will remain in the same zodiac sign till June 3, 2021, upto 3:46 hours. After this, it will enter Taurus in a retrograde position. (For More Information
Mercury Transit in Gemini May 26, 2021)
Although the impact of this transit will be observed by the natives of all zodiac signs but manifold will be on the people of Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, and Pisces. So, let us now turn to know the impact of the transit of Mercury on the natives of all zodiac signs.
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These predictions are based on your moon sign. For a more personalized prediction, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat
For Aries Moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the third and sixth house and is transiting through the third house…Read More
For the Taurus moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of second and fifth houses and is transiting in the second house…Read More
For the Gemini Moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the first and fourth house and is transiting in the first house…Read More
For the Cancer Moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of third and twelfth house and is transiting in the twelfth…Read More
For the Leo Moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the second and eleventh houses and is transiting in the 11th house of…Read More
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For the Virgo Moon sign, mercury is the Lord of your first and tenth house and is transiting…Read More
For the Libra Moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth house and is transiting…Read More
For Scorpio Moon Sign, Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house and is transiting…Read More
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For Sagittarius Moon Sign, Mercury is the Lord of your seventh and tenth houses and is transiting in…Read More
For the Capricorn Moon sign, Mercury is the lord of the sixth and ninth houses and is transiting…Read More
For the Aquarius moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of fifth and eighth houses transiting in the fifth…Read More
For the Pisces Moon Sign, Mercury is the lord of your fourth and seventh house and is transiting…Read More
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