In Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury is considered to be the planet of communication, business understanding, analysis and observation. In addition to this, it is also considered to be a neutral planet. Its auspiciousness is dependent upon its placement with other planets in the horoscope. It gives good results if it is placed with an auspicious planet while it gives bad results if it is placed with an inauspicious planet.

If Mercury is in a debilitated state in a horoscope, it gives several problems while if the same planet is in an exalted state, it brings all kinds of happiness in one’s life. The planet Mercury is considered to be the planet of communication. In this regard, a person’s demeanour and intelligence are decided by the influence of planet Mercury.
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Talking about the transit, the planet Mercury is considered to be the closest to the Sun and it transits from one zodiac sign to another zodiac sign in direct motion after 28 days. It is evident that its impact will be observed on the natives like that of all other planets. Mercury will enter Capricorn from Sagittarius zodiac sign on January 05, 2021 i.e. Tuesday at 03:42 AM.
So, let us know how this transit is going to influence the natives of all twelve zodiac signs.
Predictions are based on the Moon Sign. To know yours, click here: Moon Sign Calculator
Mercury governs the third house of communication, efforts, siblings and the sixth house of competition, challenges and enemies, and transits through your tenth house of career and profession…Read More
Mercury owns the second and fifth house for the natives born under the sign of the Bull and will be positioned in their ninth house of luck and fortune…Read More
Mercury, lord of the ascendant which governs the personality, self and fourth house of happiness, home and Mother, is transiting through your eighth house…Read More
The natives born under the sign of the crab will host Mercury, their third and twelfth house lord in their seventh house of vocation, spouse and travels…Read More
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Mercury, which governs the second house of accumulated wealth, savings, family and eleventh house of profits, gains, acquaintances and elder siblings will be positioned in your sixth house of competitions and challenges…Read More
Mercury being the ascendant lord of personality, self and tenth house lord of profession and career and transiting in your fifth house will bring mixed results for the natives born under the sign of the Maiden…Read More
Librans will host the Mercury, which governs their ninth house of fortune and twelfth house of foreign gains and pleasure in their fourth house of happiness, Mother, home and Luxuries…Read More
As per the Kaal Purush Kundli, Mercury governs the third house of communications and exploration…Read More
Sagittarius natives will host Mercury in their second house of family, wealth, savings, speech and eating habits…Read More
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Capricorn natives will be filled with creative ideas during this period as Mercury will be positioned in its directional strength in your first house of personality and self…Read More
This transit of Mercury is likely to give mixed results for Aquarians. This transit may be favorable for the students who are seeking universities abroad to pursue higher studies…Read More
Pisces natives are likely to enjoy full support, gains and fiction from their spouse as the Mercury which governs their seventh house is positioned in an auspicious eleventh house of success, profit and gains…Read More
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