Mercury Transit In Cancer Will Make These Zodiacs Rich

Mercury is considered a prince in Vedic astrology. Mercury is the planet of reasoning, writing, business, math, and intelligence. According to popular belief, those whose horoscopes contain Mercury in a strong position will always enjoy an abundance of money, happiness, prosperity, and respect. Similar to all other planets, Mercury moves through the zodiac sign system over time, impacting individuals belonging to every sign. 

Let us inform you that Mercury is soon going to transit in Cancer in the month of August in its retrograde state. We will learn about the significance of Mercury’s retrograde transit in astrology, how it will affect all 12 zodiac signs, and its negative effects through this special blog post. Mercury will be transiting retrogradely through Cancer in the previous month. Details regarding some quite basic astrological remedies to prevent the impacts. Let’s first discuss the duration of Mercury’s retrograde transit in Cancer.

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Mercury Transit In Cancer: Date And Time

According to astrology, on August 22, 2024, at 06.47 am, Mercury, the planet of wisdom and learning, will retrogradely enter Cancer. So let us know what is the meaning of Mercury retrograde.

Meaning Of Retrograde Planets In Astrology

Meaning of retrograde planet: A planet is considered retrograde when it appears to be traveling in the opposite direction from its usual direction. The planets only appear to travel backward or upside down because of their motion; in reality, they never do either of these things. The Sun and Moon, however, never go backward. Rahu-Ketu, however, are constantly in retrograde motion.

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Impact Of Retrograde Transit

Astrology states that the planets’ retrograde motion causes changes in the outcomes. Regarding the influence of retrograde planets, astrological experts have expressed differing views. Some people think that retrograde planets offer low outcomes in high zodiac signs and exalted results in low zodiac signs because of their reverse movement. On the other hand, some believe that retrograde planets always have unfavorable effects. In contrast, while in transit, planets provide good fortune to signs higher in the zodiac and bad fortune to signs lower in the zodiac.

Significance Of Mercury Planet In Astrology

The smallest planet in the solar system and the one nearest to the Sun is Mercury. Mercury is a divisive planet and is known as the god of intelligence. Mercury is the sign of Gemini and Virgo in the Kaal Purush horoscope. In Pisces it is debilitated while in Virgo it is exalted. The highest and lowest temperatures are 15 degrees. As the king of the north, Mercury is friendly with the Sun and Venus but hostile with the Moon and Mars. Its equal planets are Jupiter and Saturn. The duration of Mercury Mahadasha is 17 years.

Mercury’s positive energy makes people talk, laugh, and joke around. It also helps people become successful businesspeople. In addition to its own characteristics, Mercury offers the outcomes of the planet it shares a space with. Astrologically speaking, Mercury has the constellations Ashlesha, Jyestha, and Revati out of a total of 27. Individuals with strong Mercury are great communicators and dialoguers. Mercury-afflicted people enjoy comedy. These individuals are skilled at politics, diplomatic, and intelligent. 

Impact Of Mercury In Different Houses In A Horoscope

Impact Of Mercury In The First House

It is really fortunate if Mercury is located in the first house of the horoscope. A person with influence gains high status, respect, and reputation in society, and people pay close attention to what these people have to say. Mercury in conjunction with the Sun forms Budhaditya Yoga, which bestows upon the practitioner great success in life.

Impact Of Mercury In The Second House

The individual with Mercury in the second house is perceptive, a good communicator, and a doer of his own plans. A person like that receives his money back. In his life, he can also receive an unexpected financial windfall. Such a person is kind-hearted, supportive of the legal system, and assists others.

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Impact Of Mercury In The Third House

Family and friends offer support and affection to an individual whose birth chart shows Mercury in the third house. The decisions taken and work done by him are appreciated. These individuals can sometimes fall prey to stereotypes. These individuals have strong spiritual and religious beliefs. They are quite interested in traveling, especially overseas. 

Impact Of Mercury In The Fourth House

A person who has Mercury in this house on their birth chart is likely to be hardworking, respectful, a competent speaker, and a successful business owner. The individual uses his own strength to achieve the advantages of a house and car. The number of friends remains less. When associated with sinful planets, they inspire the person to go towards aspirations. These individuals succeed well in writing, teaching, and administrative work. Moreover, they possess superior leadership qualities.

Impact Of Mercury In The Fifth House

Any individual is extremely fortunate to have Mercury in this house in their natal chart. A singer, musician, or enthusiast of the fine arts is someone who has Mercury in their house. These individuals, while coming from an ordinary background, are well-known in the community due to their sharp minds. These individuals lead successful lives because they are kind to others, educate others, and set an example for others in the community.

Impact Of Mercury In The Sixth House

A person with Mercury in the sixth house of their horoscope has a range of outcomes. Their enemies are capable of even defeating them, and they have many hidden adversaries. They might have to overcome numerous obstacles as a result in order to advance in life. In addition to this, court cases must also have an impact on people’s lives. It has often been seen that such individuals’ careers are filled with ups and downs. 

Impact Of Mercury In The Seventh House

Mercury’s placement in this birth chart house yields extremely fortunate outcomes. The native succeeds well in the corporate world. Although married life is enjoyable, bad things could arise if Saturn is in this position. When Mercury is in a person’s own sign, their in-laws encourage them and the money keeps rolling in. Such a person is renowned, successful, long-lived, and a skilled administrative assistant. However, because of their ego, they sometimes might have to endure significant losses.

Impact Of Mercury In The Eighth House

There are a lot of different outcomes when Mercury is in the eighth house. These individuals could experience health-related issues such as skin conditions, allergies, issues with bones, and gastrointestinal issues. A person with Mercury in its house enjoys the benefits of possessing a house and car, as well as excellent health and social standing. Not only that, but all material accomplishments also bring enjoyment.

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Impact Of Mercury In The Ninth House

When Mercury is in this house in an individual’s horoscope, the outcome is exceptional success. Editors, publishers, and proficient orators of sacred books are examples of people with a keen interest in religious pursuits. They are often showing direct signs of the pressure that comes with having societal duties. Mercury has twice as much effect if it is placed in its own house. In life, such a person achieves good fame. They also get to travel both domestically and internationally.

Impact Of Mercury In The Tenth House

When Mercury is in this house of the birth chart, the individual is very friendly, obedient to the legal system, a skilled administrator, and a social worker. Even though they come from an ordinary family, they achieve the most accomplishments in life. This person has a prosperous life and is adept and courageous in making a wide range of decisions.

Impact Of Mercury In The Eleventh House

Mercury placed in the eleventh house makes the person versatile. Whether in a job or business, the individual obtains the highest level of achievement. In addition, these individuals have solid track records in writing and publishing, are adept mathematicians, keen observers of the legal system, and practice astrology. They have a very large number of fans. They are music lovers.

Impact Of Mercury In The Twelfth House

Mercury placed in the twelfth house gives negative outcomes. Such a person experiences many highs and lows in their life. These individuals have a strong interest in religious activities and enjoy traveling. These individuals rise to high social status. A person with Mercury in his house holds high positions in international companies.

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Surefire Remedies To Strengthen Mercury In Horoscope

The following simple remedies are recommended in order to strengthen the planet Mercury.

Observe Fast For 21 Wednesday

To strengthen the planet Mercury, fast on 21 Wednesdays. If this is your first time observing the fasts on Wednesdays, start on the first Wednesday of Jyeshtha’s Shukla Paksha. You can observe fast till 21st or 45th Wednesday. On the day of fasting, the seeker should wear green colored clothes. It is also recommended to recite Om Bum Budhay Namah, the Beej Mantra of Mercury.

Do Charity On Wednesday

To pacify the planet Mercury, along with observing fast, one should also do charity. It is really fortunate to do this. Donating green clothes, bronze, Ghee, flowers, camphor, Mishri (Sugar Candy), ivory, gold, emerald, Dakshina, etc. is favorable on this day. By doing this, the effects of Mercury can be lessened and illnesses brought on by Mercury’s impact can be prevented.

Feed Green Fodder To The Cow

To strengthen the planet Mercury in the horoscope, feed green fodder to the cow on Wednesday. In addition to this, you may donate the needy and poor green items. This will improve Mercury’s position and provide solutions to all of the problems you have.

Plant Green Plants

To strengthen the planet Mercury in the horoscope, plant as many plants as possible. You can also donate plants and trees, if that’s possible. In addition, create an arch made of five different kinds of green leaves, and on Wednesday, position it at the front door of the house to welcome positivity into the house.

Plant A Tulsi Plant

Plant a Tulsi plant in your house on Wednesday, worship it regularly, and offer it water if you wish to receive Lord Mercury’s blessings.

Remedy Of Penny (Cowrie) On Wednesday

On Wednesday, float five cowries in flowing water and offer prayers for Mercury’s strength to remove the evils associated with the planet Mercury. You can eliminate all of your flaws and change Mercury’s position in the horoscope with this remedy.

Worship Lord Ganesha

Wednesday is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. In such a case, dedicate this day to Ganapati’s worship and offer Durva to him. By using this remedy, your house will be filled with happiness and success as well as the special blessings of Lord Ganesha.

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Mercury Transit In Cancer: Zodiac Wise Impact And Remedies


For Aries natives, Mercury governs the third and sixth houses and is currently retrograding in the fourth house…click here to read in detail


For Taurus natives, Mercury, the ruler of the second and fifth houses, is retrograding in the third house…click here to read in detail


For Gemini natives, Mercury, the lord of the first and fourth houses, retrogrades in the second house…click here to read in detail


For Cancer natives, Mercury governs the third and twelfth houses and retrogrades in the first house…click here to read in detail


For Leo natives, Mercury, the ruler of the second and eleventh houses, is retrograding in the twelfth house…click here to read in detail


For Virgo natives, Mercury is the lord of the first and tenth houses and retrogrades in the eleventh house…click here to read in detail


For Libra natives, Mercury governs the ninth and twelfth houses and retrogrades in the tenth house…click here to read in detail


For Scorpio natives, Mercury governs the eighth and eleventh houses and retrogrades in the ninth house…click here to read in detail


For Sagittarius natives, Mercury rules the seventh and tenth houses and is retrograding in the eighth house…click here to read in detail 


For Capricorn natives, Mercury governs both the sixth and ninth houses and is currently retrograding in the seventh house…click here to read in detail


For Aquarius natives, Mercury, which rules the fifth and eighth houses, is currently retrograding in the sixth house.…click here to read in detail


For Pisces natives, Mercury, which rules both the fourth and seventh houses, is currently retrograding in the fifth house.… click here to read in detail

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Frequently Asked Questions

When will Mercury transit in Cancer?

Ans. Mercury, the planet responsible for intelligence and learning ability in astrology, will transit into Cancer on August 22, 2024 at 06:47 am  in retrograde state.

What is the meaning of planetary retrograde?

Ans. Meaning of retrograde planet: A planet is considered retrograde when it appears to be traveling in the opposite direction from its normal direction.

In which zodiac sign, Mercury is exalted?

Ans. Mercury, the lord of the signs Gemini and Virgo, is debilitated in Pisces and the exalted in Virgo.

What is the duration of Mercury transit?

Ans. Mercury will soon begin its transit. The transit of Mercury takes place in 15-20 days.


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