Mercury is the smallest and fastest of all nine planets. This is the ruling lord of Virgo and Gemini. If Mercury is stationed in a bad position in one’s Kundli, he/she faces mental stress, problems in vocal cords and career, and skin diseases, etc. The same planet i.e. Mercury is also considered to be the ruling lord of three Nakshatras i.e. Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, and Revathi. It determines to be a significator of wisdom, communication, observation speech, consciousness, business, skin, etc.

The strong position of Mercury helps a person win over every situation through his/her intelligence and makes him/her assess the situations very well. In addition to this, it is also beneficial in earning respect in society.
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May 30, 2021, Mercury Retrograde in Gemini: Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini on May 30, 2021, at 3:47 AM, and then it will transit in Taurus in a retrograde motion on June 3, 2021, at 3:46 AM. Since Mercury is going to transit in its zodiac sign i.e. Gemini, major changes are likely to be observed on the natives of all zodiac signs.
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Now, let’s go ahead and read the impact of this transit on your zodiac sign.
These predictions are based on your moon sign. For a more personalized prediction, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat
For Aries moon sign, mercury is the Lord of the third and sixth house. So, Mercury retrograde in the third house…Read More
For the Taurus moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the second and fifth house. So, Mercury retrograde in the…Read More
For the Gemini moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the first and fourth house. So, Mercury retrograde in the first…Read More
Here is a Web Story highlighting some of the major predictions.
For the cancer moon sign, mercury is the Lord of the third and twelfth house. So, Mercury retrograde in the twelfth…Read More
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For the Leo moon sign, mercury is the Lord of the second and eleventh house. So, Mercury retrograde in the 11th house…Read More
For the Virgo moon sign, mercury is the Lord of the first and tenth house. So, mercury retrograde is in the tenth house…Read More
For the Libra moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the ninth and twelfth house. So, Mercury retrograde is in the ninth house of…Read More
For the Scorpio moon sign, mercury is the Lord of the eighth and eleventh house. so, Mercury retrograde in…Read More
For the Sagittarius moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the seventh and tenth house. So, Mercury retrograde in…Read More
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For the Capricorn moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the sixth and ninth house. So, mercury retrograde is in the…Read More
For the Aquarius moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the fifth and eighth house. So, Mercury retrograde is in the…Read More
For Pisces moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the fourth and seventh house. So, mercury retrograde is in the…Read More
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