Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga In Libra – Massive Success Awaits For 3 Zodiacs!

Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga In Libra – Massive Success Awaits For 3 Zodiacs!

In Vedic astrology, all the planets of the solar system transit from one zodiac sign to another after a certain period of time. During planetary transits, the conjunction of planets creates some auspicious yogas. In October 2024, something similar will happen that impacts the lives of all zodiac signs.

Let us inform readers on 18 September 2024, Venus transits in its own zodiac sign Libra at 01:42 pm. Then on 10 October 2024, Mercury also enters the same zodiac sign. In the sequence, there is the conjunction of Venus and Mercury in the Libra sign on 10 October 2024. But, this conjunction won’t last long as on October 13, Venus transits into the Scorpio zodiac sign. 

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This conjunction of Venus and Mercury in the Libra sign forms Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga and it affects the lives of natives of all the zodiac signs. During this period, some signs are likely to get top benefits and this AstroSage blog focuses on the details of benefits availed by the natives. 

Lucky Zodiac Signs During Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga 


Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga is formed in the Lagna house of the Libra zodiac sign and the period proves very favorable for the natives. Their personality improves during this period and there will be peace & happiness in the lives of married people. There will be better understanding between you and your spouse, and thus the relationship will improve. 

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Libra natives won’t face any money-related problems due to this rajyoga. The employed natives will get suitable results from their hard work. There are indications that their salary increases and can expect promotions in the workplace. Your popularity increases during this period and there will be higher respect & honor in the society. 

Read: Libra Weekly Horoscope


Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga is formed in the Karma house of the Capricorn zodiac sign and the period proves lucky for the natives. At this time, you’ll get favorable results in various aspects of your life. The employed people will experience a lot of progress in their workplace. Business people can earn a lot of money in this period and there are chances to earn huge profits in this period. 

The hard work of Capricorn natives will lead them to higher positions in their workplace and their boss will be very happy with the efforts. They may also get other good job offers. Business persons can think about expanding their operations. 

Read: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

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Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga is formed in the ninth house of the Aquarius zodiac sign and the period proved very favorable for the natives. Your luck will favor them during this period and they can progress a lot in the field of career also. At this time, you may get favorable opportunities that will help them advance in their career. 

What you’ve been waiting for a long time in terms of career, then it can be fulfilled now. There are chances to go on a trip within the country and abroad. Other than that, they get the opportunity to participate in any religious or auspicious programs. 

Read: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. When is Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga formed in Vedic astrology?

Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga is formed with the conjunction of Venus and Mercury in any zodiac sign or house. 

2. What is Lakshmi Narayan Rajyoga?

This is one of the auspicious yogas that brings good fortunes and happiness in the lives of people. 

3. What does Lakshmi Narayan mean?

Lakshmi Narayan refers to Mother Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu. 

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