Essential Rituals For Kanya Sankranti – Check Zodiac Wise Measures!

Kanya Sankranti is dedicated to the “Sun God”, the father of all planets, and it is a fruitful occasion for worshiping the lord. In Sanatan Dharam, the day of Sankranti is considered an auspicious date for charity, religious activities, bathing, offerings to ancestors, etc. All the Sankranti dates of the year are considered auspicious for charity and Kanya Sankranti is one of them. As per the Hindu calendar, Kanya Sankranti is celebrated at the start of the sixth month of the Hindu calendar. From the religious and astronomical point of view, the day is considered very special and in the scriptures, Sanya Sankranti is celebrated as a festival. 

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As we know, the Sun is worshiped as a deity in the Hindu religion, whereas in astrology, it is known as the king of all planets. In such a situation, the Sun’s change of zodiac sign is seen as a vital event that transits in the Virgo zodiac sign soon. This special AstroSage blog contains details on Kanya Sankranti and its date, time, Muhurat, etc. Also, get to know the reason behind the celebration of Kanya Sankranti, its importance, and the tasks to be done on this special day. The readers also get information about the measures to be taken to get the blessings of the Sun God on Kanya Sankranti. So, let us start the blog and know about the date & time of Kanya Sankranti 2024. 

Kanya Sankranti 2024: Date And Muhurat 

Sun God gives life to the entire world with its light and it is the only lord that can be viewed by people. Hence the change in movement is considered very important. As per Vedic Astrology, the Sun God is currently present in its own zodiac sign Leo and after this, it transits into Mercury‘s zodiac sign Virgo on 16 September 2024 at 07:29 pm. During the transit, on 26 September, Sun enters the Hasta Nakshatra and on 10 October, it transits in the Chitra Nakshatra. After that, the Sun moves into the Libra zodiac sign on 17 October at 07:27 am. Now let’s check the details of the Puja time of Kanya Sankranti. 

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Auspicious Muhurat For Sun Worship On Kanya Sankranti 

Date of Kanya Sankranti: 16 September 2024, Monday 

Auspicious Muhurat for Kanya Sankranti: 12:15 pm to 06:26 pm 

Duration: 06 Hours 10 Minutes 

Maha Punya Kaal of Kanya Sankranti: 04:22 pm to 06:25 pm

Duration: 02 Hours 03 Minutes 

Moment of Kanya Sankranti: 07:53 pm

Note: On Kanya Sankranti, people need to do charity during the Punya Kaal Mahapunya Kaal. 

Auspicious Yoga Formed On Kanya Sankranti 

In 2024, Kanya Sankranti will be very special as the auspicious Sukarma Yoga is formed on this day. This yoga ends on 16 September 2024 at 11:41 am and Ravi Yoga is formed in the evening. Also, on Kanya Sankranti, a very auspicious Shivvas Yoga is formed and in such a situation, Lord Shiva will be seated on this vehicle Nandi till 03:10 pm on Kanya Sankranti. 

What Is The Relation Of The Sun With Sankranti Tithi?

Before knowing about the religious significance of Kanya Sankranti, let us tell readers that as per Vedic Astrology, the Sun God takes one year to complete its zodiac cycle. It means that the Sun changes its zodiac signs every month and as a result, it transits through the zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces and this transit is referred to as Sankranti. Whenever the Sun transits in the zodiac sign, that Sankranti is known by the name of the zodiac sign such as Mesh Sankranti, Vrishab Sankranti, or Makar Sankranti. 

Importance Of Sun God In Vedic Astrology 

The festival of Kanya Sankranti is dedicated to the Lord Sun. Also, known as the father of all planets, the Sun, has the ownership of Leo zodiac sign in the zodiac cycle. Shani Dev, Yama Dev, and Yamuna are the children of the Sun God and the lord is the Guru of Hanuman Ji. Let us tell all that Bajrangbali had received the knowledge of Vedas from the Sun God. It is also crucial to know that Sun God has a place among the Panchveds and it includes Shri Ganesha, Shri Hari Vishnu, Sun God, and Goddess Durga. 

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Religious Importance Of Kanya Sankranti 

Sun changes its zodiac sign every month, and thus all the 12 Sankranti dates in a year have a special significance. In the Hindu religion, Sankranti is considered one of the auspicious and beneficial occasions for charity, bathing, religious tasks, and offerings to ancestors. 

The belief is that in the Hindu calendar, the sixth month starts with Kanya Sankranti. On this day, Lord Vishwakarma is worshiped as it marks the birth anniversary of the lord. On this date, the Sun leaves the Leo zodiac sign and transits into the Virgo sign, and hence it is known as Kanya Sankranti. Let us now check the importance of religious rituals performed on the occasion of Kanya Sankranti. 

Religious Importance Of Rituals Performed On Kanya Sankranti 

Worship Sun God to Get Blessings of the Lord 

Like every Sankranti, on Kanya Sankranti, the Sun God is worshiped and is known for the functioning of the universe. A special Puja ceremony is organized on this occasion to get the blessings of the Sun God and this results in health, prosperity, and success for natives. 

Perform Vishwakarma Puja On Kanya Sankranti 

Kanya Sankranti is celebrated as the birth anniversary of architect Lord Vishwakarma, and thus, it is especially celebrated in industrial cities like Bengal and Orissa on this day. The worship of Lord Viswakarma on Kanya Sankranti blesses the devotees with quality and excellent performance. On this special occasion, the temples of Lord Viswakarma are decorated across different parts of India like Bihar, Maharashtra, and Gujarat for the Puja ceremony. 

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Arghya To Sun God 

One of the most auspicious and vital religious activities performed on Kanya Sankranti is to offer Arghya to the Sun God. On this day, wake up early in the morning, bathe, and offer Arghya from a copper pot to the Sun God. The devotees need to chant ‘Om Surayay Namah’ along with it. 

Pitra Shanti And Tarpan 

Kanya Sankranti is the best occasion for offering prayers to the ancestors and performing rituals for their peace. The devotees get the blessings of their ancestors by performing Pind Daan or Pitra Tarpan on this day. By seeking peace for the souls of ancestors on this date, people can get rid of different troubles. 

Importance Of Holy Bath

Kanya Sankranti is dedicated to the Sun God and is considered special from a religious point of view. The auspicious day is best suited for charity and bathing. Thus, on Kanya Sankranti, devotees need to bathe in holy rivers for the purification of souls and free the body from sins. If that isn’t a possible option, then take a bath after mixing it in the bath water. 

Importance Of Charity 

Charity on every Sankranti day is considered very auspicious and thus, different types of charities can be done on this occasion. On Kanya Sankranti, devotees need to donate to poor & needy people as per their capacity. As per the beliefs, donations to the needy people on this day eliminate all kinds of financial troubles from the people’s lives. Firstly, you need to take a bath in a holy river on this day, then offer prayers to the Sun God, and then do charity. 

Pitru Paksha Starts With Kanya Sankranti 

Kanya Sankranti marks the beginning of Pitru Paksha which continues for 16 days. During this period, Tarpan and Shraddha rituals are performed for the ancestors. The Pitru Paksha starts from 17 September 2024 and it ends with Sarvapitri Amavasya on 02 October 2024. When the Sun God is present in the Virgo sign, then Shraddha should be performed for the ancestors. 

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Worship Sun God With This Method On Kanya Sankranti 

  • On the Kanya Sankranti day, wake up before sunrise and take a bath in the holy river. If it is not possible for you, then take a bath by mixing Ganga water in the bath water. 
  • On this day, fast for the Sun God. 
  • After that, take water in the copper pot, then mix sandalwood, red flower, and jaggery in it, and then offer it to the Sun God. 
  • Chant Surya Mantra while offering Arghya to the Sun God. 
  • After this, the devotees need to donate rice, flour, pulses, and khichdi as per their capacity. 

Simple Remedies As Per Zodiac Signs To Get Blessings Of Sun God 


On the day of Kanya Sankranti, the Aries natives should mix red rose petals and some jaggery in water. Also, chant the Gayatri Mantra and offer Arghya to the Sun God. 

Read: Aries Weekly Horoscope


To get the blessings, Taurus natives should donate jaggery and wheat to a poor person or Brahmin on Kanya Sankranti. 

Read: Taurus Weekly Horoscope


It is very auspicious for the Gemini natives to recite Aditya Hriday Stotra on Kanya Sankranti. 

Read: Gemini Weekly Horoscope 


The Cancer natives need to wear red or orange colored clothes on Kanya Sankranti. Also, Dev Shilpi needs to offer orange-colored flowers to Lord Viswakarma. 

Read: Cancer Weekly Horoscope


Leo natives should donate sesame seeds and urad dal to the poor & needy people on the occasion of Kanya Sankranti. 

Read: Leo Weekly Horoscope

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On this day, the devotees should chant the mantra of Sun God “Om Suryay Namah” 108 times. 

Read: Virgo Weekly Horoscope


Libra natives should worship the Sun God on Kanya Sankranti. Also, they need to donate white or yellow clothes to the poor. 

Read: Libra Weekly Horoscope


On the occasion of Kanya Sankranti, the Scorpio natives should install Surya Yantra in their homes or offices and worship it. 

Read: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


Sagittarius natives need to blow conch after worshiping Lord Sun on Kanya Sankranti. Also, they should worship on this day for the ancestor’s peace. 

Read: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


On Kanya Sankranti, the Capricorn natives should donate prepared food or wheat and rice to get the blessings of the Sun God. 

Read: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


If possible, the Aquarius natives should go on a pilgrimage site and apologize to the Sun God for the mistakes committed by you knowingly or unknowingly. After that, take the blessings of the elders and the poor. 

Read: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


Pisces natives need to prepare something sweet or halwa and donate it to the poor on the Kanya Sankranti. 

Read: Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. When is Kanya Sankranti 2024?

Kanya Sankranti will be celebrated on 16 September 2024, Monday. 

2. In which sign will Sun transit on Kanya Sankranti?

Sun God moves out of the Leo zodiac sign and transits into the Virgo zodiac sign. 

3. What things to do on Kanya Sankranti?

On the day of Kanya Sankranti, bathe early in the morning, worship the Sun God, offer Arghya to the Sun God, and do charity. 


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