The retrograde motion plays a vital role as it slows down the normal activities of a person and forces him/her to think of different ways of doing things. If Jupiter is in a retrograde motion in Aquarius, one ponders a lot to find out various solutions to a problem, faces obstacles in life while if it is in a direct motion, it is helpful in overcoming challenges easily. Jupiter turns retrograde for almost 4 months every 13 months.

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In the realms of Vedic astrology, Lord Vishnu is the ruling lord of Jupiter and therefore, the planet bestows good luck, sound health, and plenty of wealth upon a person. It is the fifth planet that revolves around the Sun. If it is placed in an exalted position in one’s horoscope, he/she is able to earn respect from parents, achieves success in the academic field, and makes decision courageously. If the same planet is in a debilitated position, a person gets exhausted while facing challenges, goes through a state of depression, and turns pessimistic.
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Jupiter Retrograde In Aquarius, June 20, 2021: Jupiter will become retrograde in Aquarius on June 20, 2021, and will remain in the same motion till September 14, 2021. After this, it will move into the sign of Capricorn.
These predictions are based on your moon sign. For a more personalized prediction, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat
For Aries moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the ninth and twelfth house and is transiting in the eleventh house of income…Read More
For the Taurus moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of eight and eleventh houses and is transiting in the tenth house of career…Read More
For the Gemini moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the seventh and the tenth house and is transiting in the ninth house of…Read More
Jupiter Retrograde in Aquarius (20 June 2021) – Major Challenges For These Signs
For the Cancer moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the sixth and tenth house and is transiting in the eighth house of…Read More
For Leo Moon Sign, Jupiter is the lord of the fifth and eighth house and is transiting in the seventh house…Read More
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For the Virgo moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the fourth and seventh houses and is transiting in the sixth house…Read More
For the Libra moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the third and sixth house and will transit in the fifth house…Read More
For the Scorpio moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the second and fifth house and will transit in the fourth house…Read More
For the Sagittarius moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the first and fourth house and is transiting in the third house…Read More
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For the Capricorn moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the twelfth and third house and is transiting in the second house…Read More
For the Aquarius moon sign, Jupiter is the Lord of the eleventh and second house and is transiting in the first house…Read More
For the Pisces moon sign, Jupiter is the lord of the first and tenth house and is transiting in the twelfth house…Read More
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