5 Major Planetary Movements In June; Financial Benefits To 3 Zodiacs

Major Planetary Movements In June: The month of June is very special in terms of astrology. During this time, many of the planets are changing positions and movements. It will lead to big changes in different aspects of our lives.

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The special blog includes details related to 5 major planetary movements in the month of June. Also, we’ll get to know which zodiac sign natives are benefiting from the auspicious moment of changing the combination of planets.

5 Major Planetary Movements In June: Date & Time

Mercury Transit in Taurus: On 7th June 2023, at 7.40 pm, Mercury will transit in Taurus.

Sun Transit in Gemini: On 15th June 2023, at 6:07 pm, Sun will transit in Gemini.

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius: On 17th June 2023, at 10:48 pm, Saturn will retrograde in Aquarius.

Mercury Combust In Taurus: On 19th June 2023, at 7.16 am, Mercury will be setting in Taurus.

Mercury Transit in Gemini: On 24th June 2023, at 12.35 pm, Mercury will transit in Gemini.

Brihat Kundli will result in secrets of your life and get to know the complete account of planet movements.

List of Zodiacs Benefitting From the Auspicious Occasion

The movement of 5 major planets will have a significant impact on people of 12 zodiac signs. But, 3 zodiac signs will benefit the most from the auspicious events in June. During this time, Taurus, Leo, and Sagittarius will get a lot of success. These zodiac signs will see desired results in their career. If you wish for a new job, then the time is perfect to avail the opportunity. Also, the business people will be able to make the best deals in the period and earn top monetary benefits out of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which planet rules the month of June?

Ans. Mercury is the planet which is the ruler of June month.

Q2. Which is the rarest transit?

Ans. The transit of Venus is considered the rarest one that occurs after many years.

Q3. Which transit indicates marriage?

Ans.  Jupiter aspecting or transiting in the 7th house creates Marriage Yogas.

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