First Lunar Eclipse ‘22 Occurs Right After Sun Transit: These Signs, Stay Alert!

First Lunar Eclipse Of 2022 Occurs Immediately After Sun Transit

Right after the Solar Eclipse in April, the Lunar Eclipse will take place in May. This means that two major eclipses within 15 days will impact our lives. Where on one hand, astrologers and experts across the world have set their eyes on the first Lunar Eclipse, on the other hand, the Sun transit has also become a matter of discussion. Here, it is important to know that the Sun will transit even before the Lunar Eclipse. We all know that any changes in the motion of the Sun and Moon affects our lives significantly.

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So, through this blog, we will find out how special the Sun transit is, taking place right before the Lunar Eclipse. What all life changes will it bring and how will this ‘conjunction’ of eclipse and transit impact the natives? Find out now!

Sun Transit & Lunar Eclipse Timing

Before diving into the impact, let us know the timing of the Sun transit and the Lunar Eclipse.

  • So, the Sun will transit in Taurus on 15 May. This important Sun transit will take place at 5:45 am.
  • Now if we talk about the Lunar Eclipse, then according to the Indian time, the Lunar Eclipse will occur on May 16, at 8:59 am. It will last till 10:23 am.
  • The Lunar Eclipse will take place on May 16, at 8:59 am, so its Sutak period will commence 9 hours before the eclipse.

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Situation Of The Moon 

From Capricorn to Aquarius- Thursday, May 14, 2022 (7:21 pm)

From Aquarius to Pisces- Sunday, May 17, 2022 (7:13 am)

The first Lunar Eclipse of 2022 will take place in Scorpio. 

This Lunar Eclipse will occur under Vishakha and Anuradha Nakshatra.

These Signs Will Become Wealthy With This Transit-Eclipse Conjunction

Aries: The first Lunar Eclipse and the Sun Transit along with it will be highly auspicious for the Aries natives. During this time, these natives will progress in their careers, education, business, etc. The Aries businessmen will attain good profits. Besides this, if you were planning to start a new venture, then this period will be good to move ahead in that direction.

Leo: Leo natives will also enjoy a great time due to this transit-eclipse conjunction. There will be an increase and stability in your financial condition during this period. The working employees might get a chance of promotion. You will also get financial benefits from more than one source. If you were planning to make investments then this will be a favorable time for you. Besides this, you might embark on a small journey which will benefit you.

Sagittarius: This period will be fruitful for the Sagittarius natives. You will attain good benefits in your job and business, which will strengthen your financial condition. The money crunch in life will end and you will feel stronger on the financial front. All your stalled work will be completed and you will get rid of mental stress.

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These Signs Must Be Careful During The Transit-Eclipse Conjunction

Taurus: You might face unwanted delays in your work during this time. Besides this, your health will also be a reason for your stress. You are advised to eat healthy and take special care of your health.

Virgo: Your relations with your father may deteriorate. So, you must work and try extra hard. In terms of professional career, you will have to put in more effort to focus on your work during this period as it will be difficult for you to concentrate.

Libra: During this period, you will go through stressful situations due to unnecessary issues. Your health will also be somewhat weak. So, you must avoid eating unhealthy food and include exercise in your daily routine.

Scorpio: You might have to face some challenges in your professional life at this time. So, you must take any decision with consideration and avoid doing anything in haste. Besides this, you need to pay attention to your health as there could be some issues on the health front too.

Capricorn: This period will not be favorable financially. You might face many problems and financial instability during this time. You must also avoid making investments during this period as you might incur losses.

Aquarius: You might face challenges in the relationship with your mother. So you must talk to her after consideration and politely. Besides this, problems may arise in your bond with the life partner. You also need to pay heed to your health as it might become a reason for stress.

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These Sun & Moon Remedies Will Be Fruitful For You!

  • Especially respect your father and move out of the house only after touching his feet.
  • Recite Aditya Hridya Stotra.
  • Offer Arghya to the Sun daily.
  • Worship the Moon and observe a fast if possible. 
  • Donate rice, silver, and milk according to your capability.
  • Respect the female family members, especially your mother.

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