Tarot Weekly Horoscope (20-26 October) Reveals Future Of 12 Zodiacs!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 3rd week of October 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 3rd week of October 2024. 

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October Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Six of Wands

Finance: Ten of Swords

Career: Eight of Wands

Health: Six of Swords

Aries, The Six of Wands represents accomplishment and success. If you pull this tarot card in reference to a relationship or possible partner, it may mean that things are going well and progressing successfully. Although the card is generally favorable for relationships, there are situations in which it might stand for egotism and turbulent love.

In a financial spread, the Ten of Swords portends financial disaster. Right now, you need to exercise caution in how you spend your money. One bad financial move might destroy everything you have worked so hard to achieve. Make sure you do a thorough investigation on an investment before you make one.

The Eight of Wands portends a time of rapid advancement and wonderful chances in terms of money and career. It implies that you are making progress toward your financial objectives and that your efforts are paying off.

Six of Swords in a health spread talks about you finally recovering from any health issues you must be dealing with at the moment. You may have faced a difficult time healthwise but you will now get over it. 

Lucky Crystal: Carnelian


Love: The Empress

Finance: Four of Pentacles

Career: Knight of Swords (Reversed)

Health: Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

The Empress in love demonstrates how much your lover values you, dear Taurus. There are a lot of people who want to approach you this week if you’re single. A strong and enduring partnership is indicated by this card. This card is also a strong indicator of welcoming a child in your family.

The Four of Pentacles demonstrates favorable news regarding finances. It represents security of finances and stability. You can now savor the results of your effort because your carefully planned and diligent work has paid off. Now you may unwind by sitting back. Savor your financial freedom. 

Knight of Swords (Reversed) can indicate missed opportunities, being stagnant, or feeling out of control. This card suggests the need to slow down and reevaluate your actions and decisions. 

Wheel of Fortune (Reversed) The card with the reversed image suggests possible disturbances with regard to health. It serves as a helpful reminder to put self-care first and make constructive changes even when things are difficult.

Lucky Crystal: Kyanite


Love: The Lovers

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Page of Swords

Health: Five of Swords

Heya Geminis, You will have an amazing week in terms of your personal life. You will get to spend some amazing time with your companion and enjoy one other’s company. There will be lots of space for you to deepen your emotional bond. Accordingly, there will be a rise in mutual respect. 

The King of Cups is wealthy enough to support your desired standard of living and pay all of your bills. You’ll set up a budget and handle your finances sensibly this week to simplify your life. We’ll experience a smooth financial week. 

As terrible as it sounds, the Page of Swords is actually a good card in a career reading. This week, you might get perspective and clarity on your career. This week, there will be a ton of new tasks and lessons to learn.  

Five of Swords suggests that your health is probably feeling torn and tired right now. Your energy has been depleted by the difficulties you have faced or are presently facing, whether they are related to stress, anxiety, or a recent illness. 

Lucky Crystal: Turquoise

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Love:  Ten of Swords

Finance: Justice

Career: The Chariot

Health: Two of Swords

Oh dear Cancers, It seems like you’ve just come out of a toxic relationship or trying to get out of one. You must be in a dark phase right now but remember there’s morning after each night. Good days are just on the horizon. You will be just fine.

Justice serves as a gentle reminder to treat your money and finances with respect this week. Only make large purchases when absolutely necessary.  Focus on saving your money and do not spend unnecessarily.  

The Chariot in a career tarot reading indicates that you might be expecting a promotion or appraisal this week. If so, you’ll receive it as you’ve wanted and earned it. During this time, things will go smoothly in terms of career.  

Two of Swords, on the health front, are signaling towards some mental stress issues. You must pay attention to your mental health and get treatment as soon as possible.

Lucky Crystal: Moonstone


Love: Knight of Cups

Finance: The Moon

Career: The Hierophant

Health: Six of Cups

Leos, If you are in a relationship, the Knight of Cups may stand for marriage proposals or a promise of a deeper commitment. It might also imply that you are gentle, passionate, and sensitive, either to your partner or to a potential connection.

The Moon advises against impulsive investment decisions or financial decisions. Be cautious and gather all necessary information before making any financial decisions. It suggests that you might lose money by rash decisions and that those close to you might try to take your money. Never trust anyone.

In terms of a career, the Hierophant is a card that represents security and comfort. It demonstrates that you are happy with the direction things are going in and your working environment. Right now, you don’t want to hunt for a new job or change careers.

Six of Cups in a health context indicates that any old injury or disease may resurface, indicating health issues and concerns for you. Seek medical help as soon as the symptoms start to show.

Lucky Crystal: Citrine


Love: Three of Wands

Finance: Six of Cups

Career: The Magician

Health: Seven of Cups

Wands are commonly associated with passion, energy, and action in tarot love readings. Thus, in a romantic setting, the Three of Wands may represent a stage of development, discovery, and forward motion in a partnership.

It could mean you have enough money to split with someone in need or gift to a worthy charity. It can also mean that you’ll soon inherit anything or that a family member will gift you money.

Opportunities are probably all around you, and if you move quickly, you might be able to seize them. Since the Magician is the card of manifestation, you will probably succeed in your work if you have the drive and determination to follow your goals. Any successful person you look behind will probably have a strong sense of drive and willpower; this is the foundation of all desire. 

Seven of Cups Tarot card can suggest that you might be pushing yourself too hard and taking on too much at once, which could be wearing you out and making you more prone to illness or accidents. It may also stand for hallucinations connected to mental health issues.

Lucky Crystal: Amazonite

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Love: The Tower

Finance: Two of Wands (Reversed)

Career: Knight of Wands

Health: King of Swords

Oh No Libras, The Tower indicates significant, deep shifts. Relationships with flimsy or weak foundations won’t endure very long and might even end. Even though they hurt at first, these provide room for new experiences. If your relationship does break off this week then know that this is for your own good.

Reversed Two of Wands tarot card in a financial reading suggests that you should continue to monitor your financial condition. If this card appears, your financial condition is going to be a little unsettled.

The Knight of Wands represents a time of transition and fresh possibilities in matters of the purse and career. It might be a sign of a change in work path or the beginning of a side project. This card is all about having a lot of energy, being enthusiastic, and being open to new experiences.

King of Swords in a health spread shows that common cold and flu may take a toll on your health but nothing major is on the cards.

Lucky Crystal: Lepidolite


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: Five of Pentacles

Career: Knight of Swords

Health: Queen of Swords

The Two of Cups may bring you your soul love this week, Scorpio. In relationships other than romantic ones, this card may also indicate the return of respect and harmony. The Two Cups stand for the exchange of love between two people, be they lovers, family members, or friends.

In a financial reading, the Five of Pentacles is a bad omen since it warns you of an approaching financial crisis or potential bankruptcy. You can run into serious financial difficulties. Kindly begin saving as soon as possible and make careful financial plans.

The Knight of Swords does suggest that you have a laser-like focus on your professional objectives and are determined to attain them. You’ll gain clarity this month regarding your career and the short-term objectives you’ve set for yourself.

It is definitely a comfort that the Queen of  Swords indicates that this month will see you at your healthiest. Please make sure you keep up the same level of effort and maintenance into your health. 

Lucky Crystal: Sodalite

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Love: Three of Pentacles

Finance: The Emperor

Career: Six of Cups

Health: Two of Pentacles (Reversed)

Dear Sagis, If you are single, the Three of Pentacles may indicate that you have feelings for someone. It may also mean that when you’re working or going to school, you might run across someone you could end up dating. According to the tarot romantic interpretation of the Three of Pentacles, cooperation and love can coexist.

The Emperor is a financial sign indicating that you should manage your money sensibly and practically. You must be conscious of where your money is going and maintain fair control over how much you spend. On the other hand, you don’t have to be an absolute to limit your expenditures.

In a professional reading, the Six of Cups is generally considered a lucky card. It represents creativity, teamwork, and kindness. When this card appears, it’s a good idea to engage in cooperative or artistic endeavors. It may also imply working with children or young people.

In terms of health, the reversed Two of Pentacles suggests that you might be pushing yourself too hard in other areas of your life, which could be detrimental to your well-being. Attempting to balance too many things at once can lead to significant stress and anxiety, which might manifest as a physical illness or injury.

Lucky Crystal: Topaz


Love: The High Priestess

Finance: Five of Swords

Career: The Magician

Health: King of Wands

An indication of a spiritual union is the High Priestess as love reading’s eventual conclusion. Being the card of duality, you and the other person are either complete opposites or mirror images of one another. When two people are opposites, they enhance one another. You cannot hide secrets from one another, even though the High Priestess is a secret keeper. You two might be a pretty private pair, though.

Some people might be trying to take advantage of you or taking more from you than they should. This card can occasionally also indicate that money is tight right now, in which case you would need to reduce certain luxuries.

Opportunities are probably all around you Capricorns and if you move quickly, you might be able to seize them. Since the Magician is the card of manifestation, you will probably succeed in your work if you have the drive and determination to follow your goals. 

The King of Wands is a favorable omen for health, signifying vitality and excellent health. You possess the drive and zeal necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. But it’s crucial to remember to unwind occasionally and to refrain from pushing oneself too hard.

Lucky Crystal: Garnet

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Love: The Hanged Man (Reversed)

Finance: Five of Wands

Career: The World

Health: Page of Pentacles

The Hanged Man (Reversed),  signifies that the waiting period is over when he is inverted. It implies that a period of introspection may have followed in your personal life. One could be inspired to act or make changes by this newfound understanding.

You may be going through a period of unstable finances. Although it’s only transitory, you have to fight your way out of it. If things are not out of balance right now, there’s a good chance you will have a financial crisis soon or a heated argument regarding money with someone. This dispute could be with a stranger, like a store clerk or assistant, or it could be with someone you love. 

Dear Aquarius, there’s a lot to be happy about right now, whether that means starting your own business, completing a particularly difficult assignment, or landing a job that fulfills you both materially and spiritually. Now is the time to celebrate everything you have worked hard for. You’re probably already considering what will happen next because this is how things usually go.

In a Tarot reading on health, the Page of Pentacles can indicate that you feel young and healthy no matter your age. It may surface when you start a new fitness or health program. This card suggests that if you put in the required work, you could succeed in your ambitions.

Lucky Crystal: Onyx


Love: Ace of Wands

Finance: The Star

Career: Queen of Swords

Health: Four of Swords

The upright Ace of Wands in love affairs signifies the beginning of a new phase in a partnership. It may signify the beginning of an exciting stage, like becoming engaged, getting married, or establishing a family. It inspires singles to make a brave move and tell someone they’re interested in how they feel.

The upright Star card in financial affairs indicates that you are in good financial standing or that you can overcome whatever obstacles you may be having in your finances. It’s an opportunity to be grateful for what you have right now. Your positivity and self-assurance are essential to reaching your financial objectives.

Regarding finances and professions, the Queen of Swords stands for discernment, tact, and good communication. She might appear as an older woman who offers assistance, helpful criticism, or wise financial counsel in the workplace.

Four of Swords in a health reading indicates that dear Pisces you must take a break from your busy schedule and unwind and relax your body as it needs some time off to shake off the tiredness. 

Lucky Crystal: Red Jasper

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where did tarot originated?

Tarot cards originated as a game of playing cards in parts of Europe, especially Italy.

2. When did tarot originate?

Somewhere around 1400’s 

3. How did tarot gain popularity for divination purposes?

Tarot became a tool for divination when a few mystics started noticing its powers and meanings in the drawings of the cards.


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