Tarot Monthly Horoscope: 01st Oct To 31st Oct, 2024

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the month of October 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the month of October 2024. 

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October Tarot monthly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Page of Swords

Finance: Three of Swords

Career: Four of Pentacles

Health: Eight of Cups

Dear Aries, The Page of Swords indicates that your partner could be afraid of emotional conflicts and might even entirely shun them. The Page of Swords tarot love meaning, as an emotional condition or quality, might indicate a more cerebral connection, where partners are inclined to enjoy intellectual conversations but may be a little more cautious of emotional intimacy. 

When the Three of Swords show up in a financial reading, then you must prepare yourself for difficult times ahead as the card represents tension, disappointment, and possible losses. It could stand for disputes at work, financial hardships, or the unexpected loss of a job.

The Four Pentacles that are currently showing up in your career spread indicate that you have finally reached a point where your career is somewhat stable. In the event that this is your first work or that you have never had this level of stability in the past, you may still feel apprehensive about your career.

Eight of Cups in a health reading indicates that you could be suffering from some emotional issues and psychological issues. Medical intervention and treatment is needed.

Lucky Alphabet: A, L


Love: Temperance

Finance: Nine of Cups

Career: The Star

Health: Eight of Wands

Heya Taurus, It represents a peaceful relationship in which you and your spouse have successfully balanced commitment, affection, and respect. It also represents soulmates. Temperance is a sign that you will both work through whatever obstacles have been preventing you two from moving on in your relationship if you have been experiencing problems. 

The Nine of Cups denotes wealth and prosperity in the financial realm, so things ought to be going well with money and investments. Since it is also a card of acknowledgement and reward, you might find that your hard work is rewarded with a bonus or some cash. 

The Star in the career context states that an upright Star card portends a wealth of outstanding employment prospects. The Star card provides comfort in the event that you have been waiting for word of a transfer or job interview.

Eight of Wands could represent a time of quick recuperation and physical well-being enhancement. In order to support your general well-being, it may also imply that you should continue to lead an active and balanced lifestyle.

Lucky Alphabet: U, V


Love: Knight of Cups

Finance: Six of Wands

Career: Two of Cups

Health: Page of Wands

Knight of Cups in a love reading indicates that this month there are chances that you may receive romantic offers, Geminis. This month will go by in a flurry of lovey dovey chit-chats and romantic dates. You must give some time for this relationship to develop before you take it seriously. 

You have worked very hard to uplift your financial status and reach where you are. There’s still a long way to go before you reach your desired goal but you must continue to put in hard work and manage your finances well. You will soon get the reward for your hard work.

Two of Cups in a career reading suggests new opportunities, job offers, deals or projects coming your way this month through your network. This new opportunity might be small but will definitely give you a strong foundation to build your career on. 

Page of Wands as a health card suggests that this month you’ll be in good health and no medical intervention may be required as such. It is best to continue taking steps to maintain your health.

Lucky Alphabet: K, G

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Love: Two of Swords

Finance: Nine of Wands

Career: Page of Wands

Health: Four of Pentacles

Two of Swords in a love reading Cancers, is a bad omen and definitely not a welcome card. Either your relationship has already ended or it is about to end. It could be an emotionally taxing month for you. Due to negative past relationships, singles might not want to enter into one. 

Bad habits, procrastination and an easy attitude with money may amplify negative situations as demonstrated by the reading of the Nine of Wands. This may indicate that there is still more you can do to get yourself out of this situation, but you are either unable to modify the way you handle your finances or you are not seeing the alternatives.

In a professional reading, the Page of Wands is a favorable card to be dealt. It indicates that you will receive several promotions and raises in the upcoming month, Cancers. Perhaps at this point in your career, you are laying the groundwork. You’re going to do everything it takes to realize your dreams. 

In a health tarot spread, the Four of Pentacles may indicate that you may be holding onto negative energy from past issues or experiences that could be detrimental to your health.

Lucky Alphabet: H, J


Love: Ten of Swords

Finance: King of Swords

Career: Six of Cups

Health: Knight of Swords

Ten of Swords in a Love Tarot deck is not a positive omen, especially if you’re in a relationship since it represents breakups, divorce, separation, resentment, or cutting connections. If things between you and your partner are not smooth, you most likely already know that the relationship is in serious trouble. 

Greetings, Leos The King of Swords is one of those cards that appeals to people regardless of their financial situation. In your tarot reading, this card indicates that your financial situation is excellent and will be profitable. Additionally, this card suggests that now is a good time to make investments. 

In terms of your career, the Six of Cups indicates that you have senior management and some knowledgeable coworkers at your disposal who could assist you in succeeding in your next tasks. It is your responsibility to comprehend and determine who can assist you. After you’ve struck the appropriate chord, move on.  

In a health spread, the Knight of Swords discusses being well during the entire month. Maintaining your health and adhering to a certain schedule are crucial. 

Lucky Alphabet: M, B


Love: King of Pentacles

Finance: The Devil

Career: Two of Wands

Health: Five of Cups

Virgos, Although the King of Pentacles does not symbolize a specific person, it may suggest a stable and consistent phase in your relationship. For the two of you, life will be incredibly comfortable, both financially and emotionally.

Financial hardships could be exacerbated by negative behaviors with the Devil in the reading. This may indicate that there is still more you can do to get yourself out of this situation, but you are either unable to modify the way you handle your finances or you are not seeing the alternatives. Gambling, overspending and substance use will negatively affect your finances.

Two of Wands show that It can be up to you to decide whether to pursue a new professional path or remain in your existing position. Alternatively, you might be able to choose between two jobs with your present employer. If you own a firm, you might be deciding whether to grow or form a partnership with another entity. 

In a medical perspective, the Five of Cups may allude to emotional baggage that is the root of mental health issues. It may represent sadness or disillusionment, which can result in depression, or the urge to withdraw from others, which can result in panic episodes or social anxiety.

Lucky Alphabet: P, R

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Love: Nine of Swords

Finance: Six of Cups

Career: Queen of Pentacles

Health: The Hanged Man (Reversed)

Ouch Libras! The Nine of Swords suggests that difficulties and unfavorable feelings could exist in your partnership. Anxiety and guilt could be brought on by secrets, adultery, or deceit. To find a solution and regain confidence, it is imperative that these problems are discussed honestly and openly.

The Six of Cups is a card indicating assistance when it comes to finances. It could mean you have enough money to split with someone in need or give a donation to a worthy charity. It can also mean that you’ll soon inherit anything or that a family member will give you money.

When it comes to a career, the Queen of Pentacles is a positive omen since she is successful, capable, organized, and good in business. If she were a person, she would be a successful, self-assured woman with strong business skills. 

The Hanged Man Reversed shows that healing is coming towards you if you have been suffering from some physical ailment or injury. Take proper rest and you will be on your feet in no time.

Lucky Alphabet: T, D


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: Five of Pentacles

Career: Knight of Swords

Health: Queen of Swords

The Two of Cups may bring you your soul love this month, Scorpio. In relationships other than romantic ones, this card may also indicate the return of respect and harmony. The Two Cups stand for the exchange of love between two people, be they lovers, family members, or friends.

In a financial reading, the Five of Pentacles is a bad omen since it warns you of an approaching financial crisis or potential bankruptcy. You can run into serious financial difficulties. Kindly begin saving as soon as possible and make careful financial plans.

The Knight of Swords does suggest that you have a laser-like focus on your professional objectives and are determined to attain them. You’ll gain clarity this month regarding your career and the short-term objectives you’ve set for yourself.

It is definitely a comfort that the Queen of  Swords indicates that this month will see you at your healthiest. Please make sure you keep up the same level of effort and maintenance into your health. 

Lucky Alphabet: N, I


Love: Seven of Cups

Finance: Queen of Wands

Career: Four of Pentacles

Health: Three of Swords

Seven of Cups in a love reading implies that dear Sagis you have a lot of offers or options and you will find yourself getting confused as to which partner or person would be the best for you. Tarot’s advice here is that you don’t rush into a formal alliance or commitment and take your time to avoid regretting later.

Queen of Wands in a financial reading indicates that you are well in control of your finances and you will be financially stable. It’s time to take your financial decisions seriously. You may have encountered obstacles while moving forward for a while, but now that you have a clear idea of what you want to do with your finances. 

Four of Pentacles in a career reading indicates that you are too comfortable in your current position and resisting important changes that may prove to be breakthroughs in your career later on. 

Three of Swords indicates getting hurt or catching on some severe disease which may be difficult but not impossible to cure. You must take serious precautions to protect yourself against anything grave. 

Lucky Alphabet: D, S

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Love: Six of Wands

Finance: The Magician

Career: Ace of Pentacles

Health: The Sun

Those are some excellent cards you’ve got there dear Capricorns. Six of Wands points directly at marriage and a very stable, solid and happy partnership. This card represents a fruitful and peaceful partnership. It can imply that you and your spouse are on the same page, encouraging one another’s objectives and rejoicing in each other’s successes.

The Magician in a financial reading indicates more opportunities and the need for creative money management when it comes to riches and cash. This powerful card urges us to use our wit and resourcefulness to take advantage of any potential money possibilities.

Ace of Pentacles in a career reading shows new opportunities and opening of new career options for you. It can be an opportunity to launch your own company, get a promotion, or receive a new work offer. The card exhorts you to grab these chances and take measured risks.  

The Sun points at excellent health for you this month. If you were suffering from some disease or injury then there are chances you may now recover well and healing and good health is definitely coming to you.

Lucky Alphabet: F, C

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Love:  Ten of Pentacles

Finance: The Hierophant

Career: King of Swords

Health: Nine of Cups

Aquarius, The Ten of Pentacles is an excellent card for romantic relationships. It suggests that you and your partner are communicating freely. This soulmate card indicates that both of you are satisfied and joyful in your partnership. It will be obvious if there have been any misunderstandings.

It appears that you are happy with your financial situation as it is right now. It demonstrates your preference for safekeeping of your funds in established institutions and for honest, non-cheating, direct methods of making money. You appreciate money and have come to understand its worth over time.

The King of Swords represents a powerful, influential individual at work who may initially come off as cruel, but who will ultimately push you outside of your comfort zone in order to help you advance and succeed in your career.

Overall good health is indicated by the Nine of Cups. You feel lighthearted and revitalized, and in case you are unwell, you will soon get better. You’ll soon be moving and out and about.

Lucky Alphabet: Q, Y  


Love:  Nine of Swords

Finance: Page of Cups

Career: Page of Pentacles

Health: Four of Cups

The Nine of Swords is a Minor Arcana card that represents regret, guilt, and worry. It is a sign that you are no longer pleased with your partner and that there are possibly unspoken secrets or adultery consuming your relationship. It’s possible that you have strong suspicions that your spouse is unfaithful to you.   

The Page of Cups suggests that you might get rich offers this month. It can also indicate that you are about to receive a significant return on a previous investment that you made. If you’re having financial difficulties, it’s time to think of creative ways to improve the way you handle your money. 

As a career reading outcome Pisces, the Page of Pentacles portends fresh prospects or offers that will propel one’s career forward. It can mean that you’re getting promoted to a higher position if you’re a new employee. The Page of Pentacles could suggest expansion that will propel your career to new heights in the coming future.  

You have been neglecting your physical well-being and paying little attention to it. Before your stress and worry become more severe and develop into a major medical concern, you need to take action. Act right away. 

Lucky Alphabet: E, O

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between astrology and tarot?

Tarot is the interpretation of the cards with the help of intuition and expertise, while astrology is based upon astronomical calculations and planetary movement.

2. Name and two minor arcana cards.

Queen of Swords, Page of Wands

3. Is tarot and its results dependent on energies?



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