August Tarot Weekly Horoscope (18th-24th): Zodiac-Wise Predictions!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 3rd week of August 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 3rd week of August 2024. 

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August Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love:  Nine of Pentacles

Finance: King of Cups

Career: The Star

Health: Page of Cups

Nine of Pentacles in a love reading indicates that you do not wish to be in a relationship dear Aries and you feel safe and secure being single. You are definitely enjoying being single and are in no mood to even think about being in a relationship right now. 

King of Cups in finances is a welcome card. You are financially stable but this card also pronounces a warning that you must be careful while handling finances and not let your heart rule over your mind. Make wise financial decisions keeping your future needs in mind.

The Star in career is a welcome card and shows that your career is moving in the right direction. You are enjoying this phase of your career and feeling empowered professionally. Your organization values you and you are more of an asset to them. 

Page of Cups in a health reading indicates a good week health wise but emotional issues could trouble you a bit. On the whole you will enjoy good health overall and enjoy yourself.

Lucky Flower: Marigolds


Love: Six of Swords

Finance: The Sun

Career: The Hierophant

Health: Eight of Swords

Six of Swords highlights a week, Taurus where you will now finally move on from a broken relationship. This can be challenging but you are now strong enough and have gained a new perspective in life. You are now moving towards a better life and are adamant on making the most out of it.

The Sun in a financial reading indicates you should be doing incredibly well financially because the Sun represents abundance. You should be successful in all of your business or financial pursuits, financial investments, and other money-making initiatives.

Working with others can help you with the Hierophant right now. This can occasionally include choosing to follow the tried-and-true course and not make a scene. This card may also indicate that right now, collective cohesiveness may be more significant than individuality.

In this situation, the Eight of Swords portends mental health issues and anxiety disorders like depression, or panic attacks. It is also the card of major weight loss, thus having it is really helpful if you’re trying to lose some weight.

Lucky Flower: Ixora


Love: Ten of Wands

Finance: The Hierophant

Career: Six of Pentacles

Health: Page of Cups

Dear Geminis! Do you feel that your relationship has lost the spark and is now bearing the brunt of responsibilities. All that happens between you both now is bickering and blaming each other and spending time together is not interesting or exciting anymore. Make some time for love and prioritize your relationship too. 

The Hierophant in a financial reading shows that this week you will be quite traditional in your approach towards finances. You would prefer to save your money in banks, etc and not go for any risky investments. Your source of earning should also be clean and you are advised to stay away from unethical practices. 

Six of Pentacles is a very balanced card to draw in a career reading. It shows that everything on the work front is going on just fine and that you would not encounter many hurdles in this coming week. You’re sure to reach your desired goal. 

Page of Cups is an excellent card to draw in a health reading. Page of cups signifies that for most part of this week you will be in the best of your health with a few hiccups here and there but nothing major to worry about. 

Lucky Flower: Jasmine.

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Love: Knight of Wands

Finance: Two of Wands

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: King of Cups

Knight of Wands in a love reading Cancers, depicts a person who is bold and vivacious, falls in love easily, but can also become bored easily. It may be challenging to build a long-term relationship with this individual because they thrive on novelty, but a brief romance could be fulfilling.

Oh Dear, Two of Wands indicates that you are carrying a financial load. There are numerous ways to do this. You might be struggling to make your debt payments or have additional unpaid balances to take into account.

With the Eight of Pentacles your dedication and commitment to developing your talents at work are likely to be rewarded. Career objectives can be accomplished right now, and you might be developing new levels of ability and knowledge. Others may see how much you’ve changed and look to you as a role model in your industry.

King of Cups states that If you have lately been ill, it is a good card to draw because it might represent recovery. It acts as a gentle reminder to treat yourself nicely and sympathetically. You should have a positive outlook on your health.

Lucky Flower: Vinca Rosea


Love: Three of Wands

Finance: Two of Pentacles

Career: Page of Wands

Health: Four of Pentacles

Dear Leos! You are thinking of taking the next step in your relationship. You and your partner are wanting to see your future together and are already planning it. For singles, you feel ready to welcome love in your life now. 

You’re working hard towards building a financially secure future. This could also mean you are juggling multiple jobs or multiple responsibilities to make ends meet. Soon you will be able to achieve stability and security.

Page of Wands suggests you’re still in the early phase of your career and exploring your options. You are in no hurry and are assessing your skills and opportunities. Basically finding your calling!

If you’re sick or feeling sick then it is time for you to break the unhealthy patterns of lifestyle you’re following. It is high time you make healthy changes in your lifestyle and nurse yourself back to good health. 

Lucky Flower: Lotus


Love: The Hierophant

Finance: The Fool

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: Wheel of Fortune

Heya Virgos, The Hierophant in love is a positive card signifying dedication, and shared values. For those currently in a relationship, the Hierophant card indicates a deepening of commitment, emphasizing the importance of traditional values and long-lasting partnerships. For singles, you may be manifesting a relationship like this soon.

The Fool suggests that this week you may be a little reckless when it comes to handling finances. You may act impulsively and make big financial decisions. You must however refrain from doing so. No matter how much you’re doing financially well, this is a warning that you must be careful. 

Eight of Pentacles in a career reading suggests this week you will be engrossed in work majorly and that will be the focal point in your life for the coming week. However, make sure not to become a workaholic and miss out on other things that make up life.

Wheel of Fortune in a health reading is a welcome card as it talks about you being able to achieve good health this week with the help of your family and friends. You will enjoy good health overall. No major issues are foreseen here.

Lucky Flower: Balsam

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Love: Eight of Wands (Reversed)

Finance: King of Wands

Career: Knight of Cups

Health: The Moon

Dear Libras, have you been in a no contact situation with your partner or lover after a possible fight? Well this situation would continue for some more time as the card sadly is pointing towards another week of hearing nothing from your partner. It’s better to move on. 

King of Wands in a financial reading indicates that you’re in for a stable week financially and you are well in control of your finances. This week you may make important investments keeping your future financial security in mind and knowing that you have enough funds to secure your future well.

Knight of Cups in a career reading indicates that this week you may receive new job offers which could lead you to a better career path. This week you will have better opportunities come up for you and there are even chances of moving to a new company or a new city altogether.

The Moon here talks about psychological issues troubling you. The no-contact situation with your partner may be giving you mental tensions and exhaustion. Practices such as meditation and Yoga may help you. 

Lucky Flower: Cosmos


Love: Seven of Pentacles

Finance: Three of Cups

Career: Page of Swords

Health: King of Swords

Seven of Pentacles in a love reading for this week suggests that  you may find a new partner, friend or well-wisher, Scorpios. This relationship may take its own course of time to develop but you’re in it for the long haul. 

Three of Cups in finances suggests that this week you may collaborate with like minded people for a project and your hard work will soon bear fruits. This week may also be special where your joint investments with your partner.

Page of Swords in a career reading suggests that this week you will get a lot of clarity regarding what you want to do in life. This is the best time if you want to change jobs or look for a new opportunity. It is a transition period in your career.

King of Swords is a card that indicates mental tensions and mental blocks troubling you and not letting you be your creative best. There may be a need for medical intervention. 

Lucky Flower: Hibiscus

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Love: Ace of Cups

Finance: Ace of Swords

Career: Justice

Health: Death

Ace of Cups in a love reading indicates the start of a new romance in your life Sagis! This week will mark a romantic, mushy week for you and you will bask in this new love. Great times are coming ahead in personal life. You will receive a proposal from your desired person. 

In a financial tarot reading, the Ace of Swords wants you to think very logically. Your heart and the mind may have very different opinions when it comes to money. This week you must refrain from acting on an impulse and take actions in a strategic way.

Justice in a career reading suggests that this week you will be judged by your superiors. If you feel no one’s watching you, take a step back and notice things. You’re being watched and your work is being assessed very carefully and closely. You will most definitely pass this test anyway and get the success you deserve.

You may not be in the best of your health this week and you need to monitor your diet and regular fitness regime carefully. You may need medical assistance and the love of your family members to fully recover. Some unknown illness may creep up and trouble you. There could be injuries along the way.

Lucky Flower: Plumeria 


Love: Three of Swords

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: Queen of Cups

Health:Two of Pentacles

Capricorns! Three of Swords in a love reading indicates that this week you may have to face a heartbreaking situation in your life. It is possible that you may have a heated argument with your spouse and the fight may escalate to a very bad level. Be careful not to let your anger get the better of you.

Knight of Wands in a Financial reading suggests that you are reckless in handling your finances. You must keep in mind to not exhaust your savings as it may create financial troubles for you later on. It is best to start saving and managing your finances well. 

Queen of Cups indicates that you feel happy, content and nurtured at work and may want to continue working at the same place. Your current workplace has a lot of opportunities where you can learn various new things related to your work and grow as an individual. 

Two of Pentacles talks about unspoken thoughts troubling you and disturbing your overall well being. It is advised that you pay attention to the environment you’re surrounded by and make necessary changes so that you’re able to heal from within.

Lucky Flower: Butterfly Pea

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Love: Eight of Cups (Reversed)

Finance: Two of Swords

Career: Wheel of Fortune

Health: Three of Wands

Heya Aquarius! Eight of Cups (Reversed) shows that you are now abandoning things which have not been fulfilling emotionally and finally moving on to a future which promises depth and a new path to walk along. You’ve now gained a new perspective in life and want to move ahead with a new found zeal and confidence.

Two of Swords is a bad omen in a financial reading and often suggests being unaware or refusing to foresee financially difficult times. It is best to see what is coming ahead of you and be prepared to acknowledge and face difficult times. 

Some important and positive changes are coming ahead for you in your career. You could even move abroad or to a different location to look for better opportunities. Happy days are coming soon as far as career is concerned and you will soon leave difficult times behind.

Have you been suffering from a long term physical ailment? If so, we have good news for you as your health will now improve in the coming days. Good times are definitely coming along.

Lucky Flower: Zinnia


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: Two of Wands 

Career: The World

Health: Chariot

Whoa Pisces! Two of Cups is a confirmation of a very happy phase in your love life. You are probably in a developing phase of a new, romantic relationship and feel like you have finally met the one. You can feel a beautiful and harmonious partnership developing.

You feel secure with your financial situation and stability currently. You are making financial goals and plans keeping your future in mind. Be careful to not spend on futile stuff as money will not be coming in from all directions.

The World in career indicates long distance journeys and traveling the world for business or your work. You can definitely term yourself as being a globetrotter. This could also mean that you are starting a new job in a different country. Your career will scale new heights in the near future and all your hard work will be paid off.

Chariot indicates that you are now moving towards a better phase as far as your health and well-being are concerned. If you were dealing with a dull phase health wise now you will start recovering. If you are doing well health wise then you will be now taking steps to improve your health further.
Lucky Flower: Gomphrena

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. What does it mean by cleansing the cards?

Ans. The cards need to be cleansed before using them for a reading to ward off any negative energy there may be present.

Ques2. Should the first deck be gifted to the reader?

Ans. No, it is not necessary, you can buy your deck yourself.

Ques3. Why is it that new tarot readers aren’t able to make accurate readings?

Ans. That happens when they are not able to form a deep connection with the cards and may have problems understanding the cards.


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