Sun Transit In Leo: A Positive Planetary Movement

Sun Transit In Leo: As the king of the planets, the Sun planet holds particular significance in astrology. The Sun, the lord of Leo, is at position 5 in Kaalpurush’s horoscope. Among the seven planets, only the Sun and Moon share a single zodiac sign; the remaining planets are each associated with two signs. In its native Leo, the Sun is regarded as a Mooltrikona; in Aries, it is regarded as exalted; in Libra, it is regarded as debilitated.

Let us tell you that Sun is soon going to transit into Leo in the month of August. This exclusive blog will teach us about the significance of the Sun transit in astrology, how it will impact each of the 12 zodiac signs during its transit in Leo during the second week of August, and other related information. You will also get details regarding a few very simple astrological remedies that prevent bad effects. Let’s first discuss the duration of the Sun transit in Leo.

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Sun Transit In Leo: Date & Time

Sun, the planet responsible for respect, high position and leadership ability, is going to transit in its own zodiac sign Leo. On August 16, 2024, at 07:32 p.m., the Sun will enter Leo. All of the zodiac signs experience several changes in their lifetimes as a result of changes in the Sun’s constellation or zodiac sign. Astrologers claim that a person whose horoscope has a powerful Sun would experience many positive things in life, whereas a person whose horoscope has a weak Sun might encounter many unpleasant experiences. Individuals who have a weak Sun in their horoscope also experience symptoms associated with it. 

Significance Of The Sun Planet In Astrology

In Vedic astrology, the Sun, the king of planets, symbolizes the father in the birth chart. On the other hand, a married woman’s horoscope depicts her husband’s life. In addition, the Sun denotes respect in society and a top administrative position in the service industry. A powerful Sun enhances one’s ability for leadership.

A person with a big, round face is born with the Sun in the ascendant, or first house, in their birth chart. The color of the eyes of those people is like the color of honey. The Sun in a person’s body represents his heart. For men, Sun stands for the right eye, and for women, for the left eye. Heart and vision-related disorders can arise if any planet in the birth chart is in opposition to the Sun. A person with a Sun afflicted by Saturn has illnesses such as low blood pressure. 

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Religious Significance Of The Sun Planet 

Sun is called the king of the solar system. In some texts and Puranas of astrology, Sun is also associated with Sun God and Sun is worshiped with rituals. It is believed that Aditi is Surya’s mother and that Maharishi Kashyap is his father. Due to which Surya also has a name Aditya. To receive spiritual and health advantages, people perform Surya Namaskar and offer water to the Sun on a daily basis. The Hindu calendar regards Sunday as a day of great importance and devotion to the Sun.

Yantra: Surya Yantra

Mantra: oṃ bhāskarāya namaḥ

Gemstone:  Ruby

Color: Yellow/Saffron

Root: Bel Mool

Impact Of Sun On Different Houses In The Horoscope

Impact Of The Sun On The First House  

A person’s relationship with their mother will be strong and fortune will be on your side if the Sun is located in the first house of their horoscope. But as a child, you might have to deal with various health-related issues. It’s also crucial for you to learn to control your anger because the Sun’s position in the first house can naturally make you lose your temperament.

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Impact Of The Sun On The Second House

A person may possess multiple talents if their Sun sign is in the second house of their horoscope. In the creative and artistic domains, success is quite achievable. In family life, you could have some highs and lows, though. Additionally, the spouse’s health may suffer if the Sun is in this house.

Impact Of The Sun On The Third House

The person is brave and confident when the Sun is in the third house, which is the house of bravery. These individuals can make excellent teachers and effective speakers. You need to be ready for problems in life, as the Sun in this house might also bring them. 

Impact Of The Sun On The Fourth House

You will have good health if the Sun God is in your fourth house. Besides, the good quality of saving money is also seen in such people. However, since addiction and bad company can both lead to disaster, such people should avoid them. By doing something new or doing some research, such people progress quickly. 

Impact Of The Sun On The Fifth House

Intellectual skills are bestowed to you while the sun is in the fifth house. These people excel in education and make excellent students. Anyone can gain from these people’s suggestions and ideas. However, having the Sun in this house can naturally make you angry, and you could occasionally find it hard to control your anger.

Impact Of The Sun On The Sixth House

If Sun is present in the sixth house, then such people dominate their enemies and opponents and harshness is also seen in their nature. These people have greater health and don’t have any significant health issues. These individuals must, meanwhile, likewise take good care of their eyes. Furthermore, it is believed that having the Sun in this house is bad for those with maternal ancestry. 

Impact Of The Sun On The Seventh House

The position of the sun in this house is not believed to be especially advantageous. As a result of the Sun’s position in the seventh house, an individual may have increased pride and problems with society. The Sun’s position is deemed unfavorable for both financial stability and family dynamics.

Impact Of The Sun On The Eighth House

A person experiences mixed outcomes when the sun is in the eighth house. These individuals can make poor decisions for themselves in a hurry or hurt themselves unintentionally. These folks might also experience heart-related issues. You are still able to save money and maintain your financial stability, nevertheless. These individuals are highly respected both domestically and internationally as a result of their ability.

Impact Of The Sun On The Ninth House

The person’s leadership skills enhance while the Sun is in this house. These individuals can also advance spiritually. In addition, they have the excellent opportunity to travel overseas and reap the rewards of doing so. Still, not many people think this is a very good situation for the children.

Impact Of The Sun On The Tenth House

The person is intelligent and perceptive due to the Sun’s position in the tenth house. It is believed that these individuals make the best decisions at the appropriate times. These individuals receive advantages from government agencies. Not many people think that the mother will benefit much from the Sun’s location right now. Negative ideas are all around them and they engage in inappropriate behavior.

Impact Of The Sun On The Eleventh House

Due to the Sun’s position in this house, the eleventh house, also known as the house of profit, bestows upon its occupant numerous financial advantages. They listen more than they talk. They participate heavily in religious activities and have a strong inclination towards spiritual pursuits. On the other hand, children can have some issues as a result of this. 

Impact Of The Sun On The Twelfth House

You are charitable if the Sun is in the twelfth house. These individuals may have to overcome numerous obstacles and continue to have extremely difficult early lives. However, you might notice a gradual improvement in your health. For people who enjoy traveling or do business abroad, the Sun’s position in this house is highly advantageous.

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Remedies To Strengthen The Sun Planet

  • Offer Arghya to the Sun and fast for at least 11 Sundays in order to bolster the Sun’s position in the horoscope.
  • Chant the twelve names of the Sun on a regular basis to reinforce its position in the horoscope.
  • Wear red on Sundays to strengthen the planet Sun, or donate red clothing.
  • In addition, recite the Om Hram Hrim Hram Sa: Suryay Namah Mantra.
  • Mix red Sandalwood with water and offer it to the Sun to boost his position in the horoscope.
  • If you want to strengthen the Sun’s position in your horoscope, avoid eating anything that contains salt or wheat for just eleven Sundays.
  • On Sunday, eat oatmeal, milk, sugar, ghee, wheat, etc. to strengthen the Sun.
  • Donate jaggery on Sunday and help the underprivileged and needy to support the Sun’s position in the horoscope.
  • You can wear a ruby gemstone if you are able to strengthen the Sun’s position in your horoscope.
  • Every Sunday, reciting Surya Chalisa is the simplest and most efficient manner to support the Sun’s position in the horoscope.

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Sun Transit In Leo: Zodiac Wise Prediction & Remedies


For the natives of Aries, the Sun is the lord of the fifth house and the transit of the Sun in Leo is going to take place in your fifth house. As a result,…read more for more details


For Taurus natives, the Sun is the lord of the fourth house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your fourth house. As a result,……read more for more details


Sun is the lord of your third house and the transit of Sun in Leo will take place in your third house. As a result, you will see growth……read more for more details


For Cancer natives, the Sun is the lord of the second house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your second house. As a result,…read more for more details


For Leo natives, the Sun is the lord of the first house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your first house. As a result,…read more for more details


For Virgo natives, the Sun is the lord of the twelfth house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your twelfth house. Due to the above, …read more for more details


For Libra natives, the Sun is the lord of the eleventh house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your eleventh house i.e. the eleventh house. As a result, …read more for more details


For Scorpio natives, the Sun is the lord of the tenth house. The transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your tenth house. During this time,…read more for more details

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For Sagittarius natives, the Sun is the lord of the ninth house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your ninth house. As a result,…read more for more details


For Capricorn natives, the Sun is the lord of the eighth house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your eighth house. During this time,…read more for more details


For Aquarius natives, the Sun is the lord of the seventh house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your seventh house. Due to this,…read more for more details


For Pisces natives, the Sun is the lord of the sixth house and the transit of the Sun in Leo will take place in your sixth house. As a result,…read more for more details

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. When will the Sun transit in Leo?

Ans. Sun will transit in Leo on 16 August 2024 at 07:32 pm. 

2. What is the meaning of Sun transit in astrology?

Ans. Every month, the Sun moves into a new sign according to the zodiac, and throughout the year, it transits through every sign. In astrology, the transit of the Sun holds special significance.

3. In which zodiac, the Sun is exalted?

Ans. The Sun, often known as the “king of planets” in astrology, is the planet ruler of the soul, the father, government jobs, administration, and gold. The Sun is the exalted sign of Aries and the lord of the sign Leo.

4. What is the duration of Sun transit?

Ans. The duration of the Sun transit is of 29 to 30 days. 


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