Big Planetary Transits In August Showers Wealth On These Zodiacs!

The month of August 2024 is going to be very special and there will be crucial transits, movements, or positioning of many big planets during this period. In the astrology world, the effects of different planetary transits will be visible in the world, country, and all zodiac signs. Other than the transit of planets across zodiac signs, there will be changes in the Nakshatra’s positions too. This special AstroSage blog contains information about the major planetary transits & movements during August 2024. Get to know the lucky zodiac signs whose natives will benefit from these planetary movements. First, let’s talk about the timings of planetary transits in August 2024. 

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When Do Planets Transits In August 2024?

As told earlier, there are going to be more planetary transits in August 2024 that include the transit of planets like the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, etc. During this period, Jupiter transits its Nakshatra and enters into Mrigashira Nakshatra. Let us tell readers that at the start of August 2024, first of all, there will be a change in Mercury‘s position, that becomes retrograde in Leo zodiac sign on 05 August 2024. It combusts while staying in the Leo zodiac sign. 

After that, on 16 August 2024, the Sun, the factor of the soul, enter its own Leo zodiac sign. Sun’s conjunction with Mercury creates Budhaditya Rajyoga. 

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However, on 22 August 2024, Mercury moves back to the Cancer zodiac sign. At the same time, on 25 August, Venus transits in the Virgo sign and after that on 26 August 2024, Mars transits in the Gemini zodiac sign. At the end of August 2024, Mercury, the planet responsible for speech & intelligence, first rises in the Cancer zodiac sign on 29 August 2024. During this month, the planetary transits and change of positions improve the fortunes of 5 zodiac signs. So, let’s check the list of lucky zodiac signs due to these combinations. 

Fortunes Of These Zodiacs Shines Due To Planetary Transits 


The month of August 2024 will prove very fruitful for the Taurus natives and they will get favorable outcomes for their work. If we talk about the financial life of people, they are likely to get huge benefits during this period. There are also chances of buying property this month. The business persons can earn profits that will make them feel happy. They will be enthusiastic in August 2024 and work on new ideas for successful business operations. Their family life will be wonderful and there will be peace & happiness among all. They will feel satisfied after watching the progress of their children. 

Read: Taurus Weekly Horoscope


The month of August 2024 will be great for Cancer natives and it brings immense success for them. The self-confidence of these people increases and there will be changes in your way of working during this period. Also, their coordination at the workplace with colleagues will get better. It is a favorable month for financial life and in such a situation, the financial condition gets stronger this month. Their married life will be filled with love and happiness. You might get to hear good news on the arrival of a new member of the family. 

Read: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

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The month of August 2024 will be very favorable for the Libra natives. They will get excellent results in money-related matters during this period and there are chances of acquiring sudden profits from different deals. If you’re planning to buy a new vehicle or property, then you can take steps in the right direction. In your field of career, the natives may get new golden opportunities and they are likely to get promotions at jobs. Their respect in society increases and the business persons can expect profits many times more than their expectations. During this period, the marital life of Libra natives will remain happy. 

Read: Libra Weekly Horoscope


The month of August 2024 will be auspicious for the Scorpio natives and they might get positive outcomes in every aspect of their life. There will be an immense increase in your wealth during this period. In your career, they will get positive results and the business persons can earn a good amount of money. People looking for a new job will get new opportunities. August 2024 will be the best time for natives planning to start their own business. Due to the increase in the source of income, the bank balance also increases. 

Read: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


The Aquarius natives get good results in August 2024 and this month brings positive results in their lives. They get the blessing of Lord Shiva in Sawan and at the same time, due to the auspicious position of the planets, the natives get different opportunities to increase their income level. Their respect & honor in society increases and their financial condition gets better than before. In the career field, the month will provide big achievements and their family life will be filled with peace & happiness. 

Read: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. Which planet transits in August 2024?

Ans. In August 2024, the planets like Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus change their zodiac signs in August.

Q2. Will August 2024 be good for Cancer?

Ans. Yes, the month of August 2024 will be wonderful for the Cancer natives. 

Q3. When will Mercury transit take place in August?

Ans. On 22 August 2024, Mercury transits in the Cancer zodiac sign. 

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