Tarot Card Of The Week: AstroSage brings to you this blog based on the Tarot energies for today based on a single card that we randomly pull out. It is advised you take what resonates and leave the rest. These random cards that we pull out and send it out for you to read would help you prepare for the basic energies surrounding that particular day and guide you to carry out your daily tasks and plans in a more confident manner. Hope this helps.
In case you want to read a more detailed version for the whole week that involves a detailed zodiac wise tarot reading based on major aspects of life then read through the Tarot Weekly Horoscope 30th July-05th August. In this blog we will focus on the professional life of a few zodiacs based on the moon signs.
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Tarot Weekly 06th-12th August: Card Of The Week
Six Of Swords(Upright)
The Six of Swords card shows a Man sailing on the boat with a woman and a child. The man is rowing the boat in the waters towards land on the other shore. What we can decipher from the scene on the card is a woman covered in a cloak from head to toe with her back towards us. The child too has his back towards us which shows that they are moving forward towards a better future, leaving the past behind them. They are probably running away from something and feel the need to hide their identities.
It may not be wrong to say that because of this, she is undergoing great loss or sadness. The basic energies of the Six of Swords are those of loss or change, as well as moving towards a future that looks more promising than the one that you just left behind or in the past. The six swords standing tall alongside the boat depict the power of the rational mind, to intuition and the heart.
The Upright Six Of Swords Card Meaning
The Six of Swords indicates that you could be experiencing a transition or a change of some kind, but one that is not happy and could be filled with regret in the beginning at least. This transition will most likely be the result of decisions you made in the past, and now they are forcing you to leave something very close and dear to you, behind in order to move forward in life.
Despite your sadness and grief, you must remember that moving on is the ideal option for your future, if you want a new life. A life that involves growth, success and happiness. Life is filled with moments when you are going to be forced into letting go of things that you have become attached to. This will be challenging. The Six of Swords shows that you have to remember that the pain of leaving the past behind will not last, so you should look instead to the future for strength and happiness of an independent and a successful life.
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Tarot Weekly 06th-12th August: Zodiac Signs Who Will Experience Positive Energies
Aries natives, the Six of Swords indicates that if you have been encountering problems starting a new project, job, or business, then this week you will get over any problems or delays that you have been facing. Aries is an intelligent sign and you will now be able to make full use of their intelligence and come up with unique ideas which would in turn help them deal with their work in an intelligent and mature way. People involved in trading or any other kind of business would do very well and earn well now, after a dull period.
Also Read: August Horoscope
Taurus natives will benefit immensely regarding their work after a certain delay or after going through a rough period, as the Six of Swords card indicates. There are high chances that these individuals will get good gains after going through a rough patch. Their authorities at work will be quite impressed with their hard work. These natives will be blessed with enthusiasm and courage that their work requires and they will be seen taking bold steps to make their career work even after going through hardships.
The Six of Swords urges Leo natives to move forward in their career even if the situation does not seem to be favoring you as shown by this card. Your confident attitude and sharp mind will help you shine in your workplace, and opportunities for growth will come your way. Trust your instincts and take the initiative in achieving your goals. You’re on the path to success and growth, even though it doesn’t look promising at the moment. These opportunities coming your way will enhance your leadership qualities as well and keep you ahead in the race.
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Virgo natives will be able to gather courage for making some very bold decisions they may have to address related to work as the Six Of Swords indicates. You may have to move away from your comfort zone, much against your wishes but remember that this change is important for your growth. Virgos in general are intellectual people and they will most definitely benefit from this new change coming their way this week, no matter how unpleasant it may seem. Change is never easy. For you, people sitting at the managerial, administrative positions will definitely benefit your growth and career in the long run.
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