Weekly Horoscope 2 – 8 March 2020

Which zodiac natives should remain careful during this week? For more updates, read the weekly forecast for 2-8 March in detail and find out what the planets and stars have in store for you.

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Life is not always the same. It is a rainbow full of happiness and sadness. If you have to face certain ups and downs, then you may also come into terms with some extremely memorable times.

On this note, we would like to tell you that the upcoming time of your life can be predicted by taking the positions of various planets and Nakshatras into account. AstroSage brings to you the latest astrological forecast for the upcoming days of your week, which has been curated on the basis of Vedic astrology.

With the help of this weekly horoscope, you can find answers to the questions prevailing over your career, job, love life, marital and domestic life. Not only this, your financial status can also be governed with the help of this specialised weekly horoscope, which contains some intricate information about the important areas of your life.

If there are any hurdles standing in your way in the upcoming days of the week, then we will also provide you with the necessary remedies to combat them. So, without any further delay, let us move on to the predictions but before that let us take a look at this week’s Panchang and various events.

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This Week’s Hindu Panchang and Astrological Facts

As per the calculations put forth by Hindu Panchang, this week will begin with Shukla Paksha’s Saptami Tithi(2 March). At the same time , the week will come to an end with Shukla Paksha’s Chaturdashi Tithi(8 March).

This week, the festival of Amalaki Ekadashi will be celebrated on Shukla Paksha’s Ekadashi, which falls on the 6th of March. Apart from this, Pradosh Vrat will be observed on Dwadashi Trayodashi Tithi of Shukla Paksha which falls on the 7th of March.

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Planetary Transits this Week

Speaking of planetary movements this week, the planet Moon will remain posited in the

Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo zodiac signs. As the week begins, Chandrama will be seen in Taurus and at its end, Chandrama’s presence will be seen in the fifth sign registered under the zodiac circle, which is Leo.

Apart from this, no other major planets are undergoing planetary movements during the time of this week and all of you will remain under the influence of Moon’s movement only.

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Birthday Special 

In this special segment, we will give away the names of those celebrities who will be celebrating their birthdays during the course of this week. Let us now find the names of those special figures who will be seen blowing their birthday candles.

  1. Tiger Shroff’s Birthday on the 2nd of March.
  2. 3 March – Music Gods Salim Merchant, Shankar Mahadevan along with the bubbly Shradhha Kapoor.
  3. 6 march – Famous Singer Ankit Tiwari’s Birthday along with Dhadak Girl, Jahnvi Kapoor.
  4. Amayara Dastur and the supremely talented Anupam Kher will celebrate their birthdays on 7 March.
  5. Last but not the least, Fardeen Khan’s birthday is on the 8th of March.

AstroSage wishes all the very best to these B-Town folks for their special days. May they have happiness and prosperity in abundance.

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Let us now finally move on to the weekly predictions specially curated for each and every zodiac sign.

Predictions are based on the Moon Sign. To know yours, click here: Moon Sign Calculator


During this week, the second, third, fourth and fifth house of your zodiac sign will remain in an active state since the luminary planet Moon will be transiting in these particular houses. As the week begins, the Moon will take……Read More

Love Predictions 

The natives of the sign will make the most of their love life during this week. You may also introduce your love mate to one of your family members, which will turn out to be quite….Read More


During the beginning of this week, the planet Moon will remain posited in your ascendant house. As the week progresses, the Moon’s presence will be witnessed in your second, third and fourth house. The Moon’s residency in the first house will prove to be……Read More

Love Predictions

Taurus natives who are in love are advised to keep a tab on your rhetoric abilities when it comes to your love life. Trivial matters may create misunderstandings between the two of you. If a third person is…..Read More


For natives belonging to the zodiac sign Gemini, the beginning of the week will procure mixed outcomes for you. You should make efforts to keep yourself stable financially and stay away from perpetrating unnecessary expenditures. Those students of this sign who wish to….Read More

Love Predictions

Love is an emotion which has touched the lives of many. If you are in love with someone, then you should not try to judge your mate during this week’s time. Try to accept your partner with…..Read More


During this week your eleventh, twelfth, first and second house of your sign will remain active due to the transit of the luminary planet taking place in these respective houses. As the week begins, the Moon will move into your eleventh house. Monetary resources may…..Read More

Love Predictions 

Cancer natives who are in love will get some romantic opportunities to spend beautiful moments with their respective partners. If you dislike a particular habit of your partner, then you should.….Read More.

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Natives registered under the zodiac sign Leo are determined by the fire element. These are natives who wish to lead a royal life. However, you tend to take many such decisions in a haste and it after effects continue to haunt you for  quite a….Read More

Love Predictions

You are quite dedicated towards your lover, but many a times your ego doesn’t let you break the ice which has taken over your relationship. You tend to get blinded by ego so much that most of the times you end up proving yourself right and your….Read More


During this week’s time, the transit of the luminary planet Moon will take place in your ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth house. The Moon’s presence in these particular houses will particularly impact your professional, economic and spiritual life. When the week begins, the….Read More

Love Predictions 

Natives who are in love may come across a challenging time during this week. If you are making false promises to anyone other than your lover, then your secrets may come out of the closet and your relationship may fall apart. Some natives of this sign may also happily…..Read More


Libra natives who are governed by the planet Moon come under the governance of the evening star, Venus. Hence, such natives tend to spend some of their economic resources on luxuries, comforts and creative things. To predict the upcoming events of…Read More

Love Predictions 

Natives belonging to the zodiac sign Libra are quite romantic in nature. During this week too, love and romance will be all over the air. You may purchase a gift for your partner in order to please him/her. Small and occasional tiffs may occur, but they will not create any major…..Read More


Scorpio natives who come under the governance of the Moon will witness the presence of the luminary planet Moon in their seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth house during this week’s time, because of which these particular houses will remain active all throughout ….Read More

Love Predictions

Love demands affection, warmth and respect. Natives registered under the Scorpio sign often tend to overlook the feelings and emotions of other people. However, if you stick to this behaviour, then you may…..Read More


Because of the transit of the luminary planet Moon, the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth house of your sign will remain in an active state this week.  When the week begins with the Moon’s transit in your sixth house, you may fall prey to some health issues which will be minor…..Read More

Love Predictions 

Sagittarius natives who are in love will obtain mixed outcomes during this week. Both you and your partner will have great mutual understanding. If you have any doubts regarding your partner,…..Read More


During the time of this week the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth house of Capricorn natives will remain active due to the transit of Moon taking place in these respective houses. The week will begin with the Moon’s transit in the fifth house, because of which you will become eligible to….Read More

Love Predictions 

If we talk about the fate of Capricorn natives during this week’s time, then you will obtain positive results. Your partner will talk to you in a very amicable manner. If there are any doubts regarding your partner, they….Read More


Governed by Shani or Saturn, Aquarius natives will witness the transit of Chandrama taking place in your fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh houses during this time and all of these houses will remain in an active state. The week will begin on a favourable note for you during this time. Your domestic life will be….Read More

Love Predictions 

Capricorn couples who are in love may come across some difficulties during this time. Your partner may question your honesty in this time duration.  A break up is on the cards. If you feel that you are right, then refrain from getting involved in….Read More


Due to the transit of the Moon, the third, fourth, fifth and sixth houses of your zodiac sign will remain in an active state. When Chandrama transits in your third house, you may obtain some….Read More

Love Predictions

Natives belonging to this sign who are involved in romantic affairs may have to remain careful during this week’s time. Do not make false promises to your partner. Along with this, it would also be your responsibility to……Read More

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