An Astrological Take on India’s Future in 2021
All of humanity has faced the worst of its fear in the year 2020. However, 2021 looks positive, hopeful, & healing to us as we look upon planetary transits & stars.
Expected Changes For The Year 2021?
With Jupiter & Saturn’s conjunction in 2021, we can expect a lot of creative industrial innovations.
Astrological Perspective For 2021
1. Gemini, Sagittarius & Scorpio need to be cautious about their health. 2. With Moon in Pushya Nakshatra & Lagna Hasta Nakshatra, financial life will be good.
Planetary Route To Global Economic Crisis
Conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter brings major economic, social & political changes globally.
Will Coronavirus End in India in 2021?
Impact of this pandemic will begin to decline from Dec 2020 onwards & throughout Jan 2021. Recovery rate will improve.
Impact Of Rahu/ Ketu on India in 2021
Rahu will destroy economies, promote financial crimes. Ketu will create threatening situations like communal violence.
Political & Economic Effects in 2021
1. With Rahu & Ketu in Taurus & Scorpio in 2021, the world will get COVID-19 vaccine. 2. Terrorists will be exposed in a few Indian cities.
To suffice, 2021 is the year to create hope, heal & steady growth for new beginnings.