Venus Transits In Libra: Check Will Zodiacs Be Lucky Or Need To Face Troubles

The Venus planet is going to transit again in November. On 03 November 2023, Venus transits into the Virgo sign, but on 30 November, Venus is going to transit into the Libra zodiac. In such conditions, the special AstroSage blog describes the effects of Venus transit in Libra on natives of all the 12 zodiacs.

Apart from this, we provide here information related to Venus planet, the effects of Venus transit in Libra, and relevant details related to strengthening Venus’s position in the horoscope. So let us move further and check the details of Venus transit in Libra that is going to happen.

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Time Of Venus Transit In Libra

At the start of the November month, i.e. on 03 November 2023, Venus has transited into the Virgo sign i.e. to its debilitated sign. Now, again on 30 November, Venus transits in its own sign Libra. Venus is not only regarded as the lord of the Libra zodiac but its origin is also considered a Trikon sign. If we talk about the transit time of Venus, it will happen at night 12.05 am. During this period, Venus, the planet of love will transit in its own sign. Thus, Venus is considered one of the vital planets in the world of astrology.

It is believed that when any planet transits in its sign, then it provides auspicious outcomes. In such conditions, it will be interesting to know the zodiacs benefiting from the Venus transit in Libra and having luck by their side due to it.

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Effects Of Venus Transit In Libra

Firstly, let us discuss the effects of Venus transit in Libra, when Venus transits in Libra i.e. its own zodiac, it brings in the lives of natives. In Vedic Astrology, Venus is the factor of love, beauty, harmony, happiness, luxury, etc. This will lead to positive results in the relationships and partnerships due to the transit. For natives in a relationship, the Venus transit in its own sign will increase the harmony and communication in the relationship. This will also result in the overall strengthening of the love relationship. Other than that, the time is favorable for solving different troubles in the relationship.

For unmarried people, the time brings a lot of romantic opportunities. Other than that, the Venus transit in its sign can create the right balance and harmony in the professional & personal lives of natives. It also encourages the natives to prioritize their self-care and overall well-being. There are strong chances of enhanced creativity and artistry in natives due to Venus transit in Libra zodiac. Also, the Venus transit assists natives in the creative field to highlight and strengthen their talent to optimal levels.

The Presence Of Venus in Libra

The presence of Venus in Libra is considered very auspicious and positive in astrology. As we are repeatedly telling you Libra is present in Venus’s own zodiac, in such a situation, the presence of the planet in its own house or zodiac sign, will provide very auspicious outcomes in the lives of natives. The presence of Venus in its sign will assist the natives to live a financially prosperous, happy, romantic, and luxurious life.

The presence of Venus in the Libra sign is considered very powerful in the horoscope. Other than that, Libra is the Mool Trikon sign of Venus planet, and this will result in the creation of an excellent situation in life. There will rise in the overall beauty of the person during this period and there will be more attachments related to good & attractive things. The natives will like the grandeur and enjoy fun moments in their life.

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The Venus transit in Libra provides ample opportunities to advance your career and business goals. During this period, natives will be interested in different kinds of work and might also look for better prospects. The person will be inclined towards art due to Venus’s transit in Libra sign. In such conditions, the time will prove favorable for natives linked to different fields like hotels, food, fashion industry, expensive items, decorations, designing, graphic designing, web designing, and fine arts. As Venus is the factor of love and thus the transit in Libra will strengthen the overall relationship. There will be attraction with your partner and love in your family will rise. This also results in strong relationships and the chances of love marriages become stronger.

Venus Transit in Libra: Its Positive And Negative Effects

Positive Effects: Venus in Libra provides favorable outcomes in the love life of natives. They are able to maintain balance among the family members and in difficult situations deliver optimal results.

Negative Effects: These natives might feel disgusted if things get out of hand. They can have an indecisive nature that can lead to disappointment in life and fall into doubts in case of making quick decisions.

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Simple Astrological Measures To Strengthen Position Of Venus

Venus is one of the vital planets in every sense and this is the reason for having a strong position of the planet in the horoscope. However, if Venus is not in a strong position or the natives are facing adverse effects on the planet, then it is advised to take the right measures related to Venus. Let us check some of the simple steps to strengthen the position of Venus planet –

  • Include different good items in your diet like milk, curd, ghee, rice, and sugar, and also donate them as possible.
  • The position of the Venus planet can be strengthened in the horoscope by wearing a diamond. But, it is advisable to consult an astrologer before wearing any type of gemstone.
  • Keep suitable fasts on Friday.
  • To get auspicious results, chant the Beej Mantra of Venus.
  • Keep fast for 21 or 31 Fridays as per your devotion to strengthen the position of Venus.
  • It is vital to maintain the cleanliness around you.
  • Use perfume on a regular basis.
  • Always respect women in your life and don’t even think of disrespecting them even by mistake.
  • On Friday, worship Lord Shiva and also offer them a garland of white flowers.
  • Other than that, strengthen the position of Venus planet by wearing a white crystal garland to get auspicious results.
  • Avoid consumption of sour food items on Friday.

Venus Transit In Libra: Zodiac Wise Effects And Remedies


Dear Aries natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of second house and seventh house and now on 30th November it is transiting………… (read in detail)

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Dear Taurus natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of Lagna and sixth house and now on 30th November it is transiting in your sixth………… (read in detail)


Dear Gemini natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of twelfth house and fifth house and now on 30th November it is transiting………… (read in detail)


Dear Cancer Natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of eleventh house and fourth house and now on 30th november it is………… (read in detail)


Dear Leo Natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of tenth house and third house and now on 30th November it is transiting in your………… (read in detail)

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Dear Virgo natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of the ninth house and second house and now on 30th November it is transiting………… (read in detail)


Dear Libra natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of Langa and eighth house and now on 30th November it is transiting in your………… (read in detail)


Dear Scorpio natives for you, planet Venus has the lordship of seventh house and twelfth house and now on 30th November it………… (read in detail)


Dear Sagittarius natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of sixth house and eleventh house and now on 30th November, it is transiting………… (read in detail)


Dear Capricorn natives, Venus is a Yogakaraka planet because it has the lordship of tenth house and fifth house and now on………… (read in detail)


Dear Aquarius natives for you planet Venus is a Yogakaraka planet as well because for you also it has the lordship of ninth house………… (read in detail)


Dear Pisces natives, for you planet Venus has the lordship of third house and eighth house and now on 30th November it is transiting………… (read in detail)

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