Venus Transit In Virgo Sign – A Zodiac Rollercoaster Of Highs & Lows!

Venus Transit In Virgo Sign - A Zodiac Rollercoaster Of Highs & Lows!

In Vedic astrology, Venus has great importance and the planet is considered to be the factor of attraction, wealth, good fortune, love, and glory. With the assessment of Venus’s position in the horoscope, the happiness, prosperity, and love of the person is calculated and it provides details about the timeline as when love & happiness arrive in people’s lives. After the Moon, Venus is the second planet to shine at night and is similar to Earth in size & mass. If we talk about Venus transit, the transit period is approximately 23 days, that is, Venus remains in one zodiac sign for 23 days and then moves to the other sign. 

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Let us tell readers that in August 2024, Venus is going to transit in the Virgo zodiac sign. This AstroSage blog contains accurate information about the astrological event of Venus transit in Virgo sign in August 2024 and its effects on all the 12 zodiac signs. Also, get to know the significance of Venus transit in astrology and the negative effects on the zodiac signs. Also, check simple astrological measures to tackle various situations during this Venus transit. Let us first check the time of Venus’s transit in the Virgo zodiac sign. 

Venus Transit In Virgo: Date And Time 

On 25 August 2024, Venus, the planet responsible for beauty, happiness, and opulence, transits in the Virgo zodiac sign at 12:59 am. This Venus transit affects the people of all zodiac signs, some getting impacted positively or negatively. So, let us first know about the planet Venus in astrology. 

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Importance Of Venus In Astrology 

Venus is considered one of the vital planets in astrology. Venus is considered to be the factor of love, beauty, art, and comfort. The planet symbolizes comfort, wealth, material, and luxury in life. People belonging to this Venus planet have an attractive personality and possess a good image in society. 

The planet Venus represents married life and it enhances the love, understanding, & harmony in the relationship. If Venus’s position is strong in the horoscope, then their married life gets happier. The influence of Venus can be seen on women as it represents women’s beauty, love, and material aspects of their lives. Because of the auspicious influence of Venus, a person can excel in the field of art, music, or other creative areas. They are involved in design, fashion, and creative fields. 

On the other hand, if Venus is placed in a weaker position in the horoscope, then it can result in tensions in love relationships, dissatisfaction in married life, and lack of material pleasures. Apart from this, the weak position of Venus, results in financial troubles, health-related concerns, and loss of beauty in the person’s life. 

Venus is the lord of the Taurus and Libra zodiac signs and it is believed to be exalted in the Pisces sign & debilitated in the Virgo sign. When Venus is placed at an auspicious position in the horoscope, then the person experiences different types of happiness in their lives. The study of Venus’s condition or position in the horoscope indicates the possibilities of love, happiness, and marriage in the lives of people. 

Religious Significance Of Venus 

In Sanatan Dharma, the planet Venus has deep religious significance, and it is known as the Guru of demons, i.e. “Daitya Guru”. As per the Hindu Puranas, Shukracharya had taught the demons science, knowledge, and life secrets. Shukracharya invented many important mantras & medicines, which helped the demons achieve victory in the war with the gods. 

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From a religious perspective, the planet Venus represents love, beauty, and material happiness. The planet gives the natives attractive personality and proficiency in arts & music. The worship of the planet Venus brings love, happiness, and prosperity to the native’s lives. 

The planet Venus is also related to Goddess Lakshmi, who is the Goddess of wealth, glory, and prosperity. With the grace of Venus, the person gets material comforts in their life, and love & happiness in the marital life increases. The special worship of the planet Venus brings prosperity and satisfaction in the people’s lives. 

Effect Of Venus In 12 Houses 

The planet Venus has various effects in different houses of the horoscope. Each house represents a specific aspect of human life, and the position of Venus in the house indicates the effects on those areas. 

Effects Of Venus In The First House 

The presence of the planet Venus in the first house makes the person attractive, beautiful, and gentle. These people have a special interest in art and creativity. They also have an attractive and charismatic nature. 

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Effects Of Venus In The Second House

The influence of Venus in the second house results in wealth, comfort, and sweet speech of people. They live a happy family life and have interests in food, music, and luxury.  

Effects Of Venus In The Third House 

The presence of Venus in the third house makes the person creative, adventurous, and fond of traveling. They can express their thoughts and art effectively. 

Effects Of Venus In The Fourth House 

The presence of Venus in the fourth house indicates happiness in the home, prosperity, property, and vehicle for the person. They experience a pleasant and satisfactory life. 

Effects Of Venus In The Fifth House 

The presence of Venus in the fifth house represents love, children, and education. It results in success in the love life, excellence in creativity, and higher education. 

Effects Of Venus In The Sixth House 

The influence of Venus in the sixth house indicates health troubles and other problems. They need to be careful in handling love and financial matters. 

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Effects Of Venus In The Seventh House 

The influence of Venus in the seventh house results in auspiciousness across your married life. It indicates a happy & harmonious marriage, and in which love & understanding prevail. 

Effects Of Venus In The Eighth House 

The presence of Venus in the eighth house attracts persons towards deep mysteries and spirituality. But, it also indicates sudden financial loss or gain. 

Effects Of Venus In The Ninth House 

The presence of Venus in the ninth house makes the person religious, philosophical, and fortunate. They also get the chances for foreign travel and higher education. 

Effects Of Venus In The Tenth House 

The presence of Venus in the tenth house indicates success & respect in the person’s life and they achieve a higher position in the society. They may pursue a career in art, media, and passion. 

Effects Of Venus In The Eleventh House 

The presence of Venus in the eleventh house ensures the fulfillment of desires, support from friends, and good prestige in society. 

Effects Of Venus In The Twelfth House 

The presence of Venus in the twelfth house indicates the person’s desire for spirituality, benefits from foreign institutions, and achievement of different luxuries. It also indicates unnecessary expenses in people’s lives. 

Simple Measures To Strengthen Venus’s Position 

Let us look at some suggestions in astrology to strengthen the position of planet Venus that boosts happiness, beauty, and prosperity in the native’s lives. If Venus is weak in the horoscope, then it can be strengthened by following these measures correctly:

Chanting Shukra Mantra 

To please the planet Venus, chant ‘Om Shum Shukraya Namaha’ 108 times regularly. It enhances the effects of Venus and brings happiness & prosperity into the people’s lives. 

Wear White Clothes

The position of Venus in the horoscope can be strengthened by wearing white clothes. White color is the symbol of Venus and wearing white clothes enhances the effects of planet Venus. 

Charity Related To Venus 

Donate things related to Venus like silver, white sweets, curd, white flowers, and clothes to get auspicious results. The people get the blessing of planet Venus by donating these things on Friday. 

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Keep A Fast 

To strengthen the position of planet Venus, keep a fast on Friday. The worship of Goddess Lakshmi on this day strengthens the position of Venus and brings wealth. 

Feed The Cow 

Feed green fodder, jaggery, and roti to a cow on Friday to get auspicious results in life. Venus brings happiness, peace, and prosperity to the people’s lives. 

Use Of Perfume 

The planet Venus is related to fragrance. The regular use of good and fragrant perfume strengthens Venus’s position in the horoscope and brings charm and beauty to the person’s life. 

Use White Sandalwood Tilak

Apply a sandalwood tilak regularly to get the blessing of Venus in the horoscope. This enhances the auspicious effects of Venus and brings positivity to their life. 

Marriage Related Remedies

To strengthen Venus’s position, try to maintain love & harmony between the husband and wife. Giving gifts to each other and behaving well on Friday enhances the effects of planet Venus. 

Venus Transit In Virgo Sign: Effects And Remedies As Per Zodiac Signs 


For the Aries natives, Venus is the second and seventh house lord and transits in the sixth house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Taurus natives, Venus is the first and sixth house lord and transits in the fifth house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Gemini natives, Venus is the fifth and twelfth house lord and transits in the fourth house. Due to this ……..(read the details)


For Cancer natives, Venus is the fourth and eleventh house lord and transits in the third house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Leo natives, Venus is the third and tenth house lord and transits in the second house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Virgo natives, Venus is the second and ninth house lord and transits in the first house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Libra natives, Venus is the first and eighth house lord and transits in the twelfth house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Scorpio natives, Venus is the seventh and twelfth house lord and transits in the eleventh house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Sagittarius natives, Venus is the sixth and eleventh house lord and transits in the tenth house. Due to the ……..(read the details)


For Capricorn natives, Venus is the fifth and tenth house lord and transits in the ninth house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Aquarius natives, Venus is the fourth and ninth house lord and transits in the eighth house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)


For Pisces natives, Venus is the third and eighth house lord and transits in the seventh house. Due to the above ……..(read the details)

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. When is Venus going to transit in the Virgo sign?

Venus, the planet representing beauty, opulence, and happiness, transits in the Virgo zodiac sign on 25 August 2024, at 12:59 am. 

2. What does planet Venus symbolize?

The planet symbolizes wealth, material comforts, and luxury in their life. People belonging to the planet Venus have an attractive personality and have a good image in society. 

3. In which zodiac sign Venus is exalted?

Venus is the lord of Taurus and Libra zodiac signs. Also, Venus will be exalted in the Pisces sign and debilitated in the Virgo zodiac sign. 

4. How many days does Venus’s transit last?

The Venus transit lasts for 23 days. 

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