Venus Transit In Sagittarius Soon: What Changes Will Be Observed On World!

In English, Shukra is known as Venus, the significator of beauty. Among all the nine planets, Venus enjoys the position of a female planet and in astrology, Venus is the benefactor of peace, prosperity, and luxury. It is also the ruling lord of Taurus and Libra. Transit of Venus in Sagittarius is in the offing.    

In this blog, we shall observe the impact of Venus transit on all zodiac signs and the world over. Along with this, we will also learn the astrological ways to strengthen the position of Venus in one’s horoscope.   

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Venus Transit: Timings & Significance

Transit means the movement of planets from one zodiac sign to another sign. As far as Venus is concerned, it stays in one zodiac sign for almost 23 days and then, transits in another zodiac sign. In this context, Venus is going to transit in Sagittarius from Scorpio on October 30 at 15.56 PM.

After this, two more transits of Venus will take place this year. Firstly, it will transit in Capricorn from Sagittarius on December 08, 2021, at 12:56 PM and secondly, the benefactor of fame and popularity, Venus, will transit in Sagittarius from Capricorn on December 30, 2021, at 9 hours 57 minutes.

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In the world of astrology, Venus is considered to be an auspicious planet. It is the significator of love, beauty, married life, art, etc. In this regard, those having strong Venus in their Kundlis are blessed with worldly pleasures. Contrary to this, natives bearing weak position of Venus meet with challenges in their married life, face kidney-related problems, lack materialistic pleasures, etc.   

Those with a weak position of Venus in their horoscope are suggested to perform remedies to please Venus. Scroll up till the end and learn the astrological measures to strengthen the position of Venus.   

Venus is considered to be the benefactor from marriage to childbirth. Over and above, this planet is also known as the significator of profit. Prosperity and peace dawns by the grace of Venus. Those who have Venus in the exalted state in their horoscope are attracted to art. This planet assists in dealing with artistry. It stays exalted in Pisces while debilitated in Virgo.  

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Impact of Venus in Different Houses            

Like all other planets, the position of Venus in different houses has different effects. However, as per astrological calculations, the transit of Venus in houses such as first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth, eleventh, and twelfth bestows auspicious results and if it exists in the sixth, seventh, and eighth house, the results are quite reverse.  

Indication of Auspicious and Inauspicious Effects of Venus

From the very life of the people, the auspicious and inauspicious effects of a planet can be observed. Let us now know the indications of such effects through the horoscope of a person.   

Impact of Strong Venus in Horoscope 

  • Those having Venus in an exalted state in their horoscope are blessed with materialistic pleasure. Also, such natives lead a comfortable and peaceful life.
  • People with strong Venus have an attractive personality and are good at attracting the opposite sex. 
  • The strong presence of Venus in one’s horoscope is a sign of popularity and fame. They earn a good name in the sphere of media, entertainment, art, etc. 

Impact of Weak Venus in Horoscope

  • The weak position of Venus in one’s horoscope makes them face financial challenges. Such natives lack materialistic pleasures.  
  • Besides this, they remain under the shadow of poverty. Also, the power of attraction diminishes.  
  • Tension, stress, misunderstandings, conflicts, etc. prevail in married life. 

If you are having a weak Venus in your Kundli, there is nothing to worry about as astrological remedies are there to eradicate their ill effects. 

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Astrological Suggestions to Strengthen Venus in Kundli 

  • Respect women. 
  • Use maximum white colour in your life as it is set to be related to planet Venus. 
  • Recite Shukra Mantra on Friday and on the day of Purnima. 
  • Donate white items such as milk, rice, Kheer, etc as much as you can afford. 
  • If we talk of gemstones, men should wear Opal gemstone to please Venus while women are advised to wear Diamond or Zircon gem. However, no gemstone should be worn without consulting a specialized astrologer. Click here for any consultation regarding gemstones.   
  • Observe fast on Friday and worship Maa Lakshmi. 
  • Take out a part of your food and offer it to cows, dogs, crows, etc. 
  • On Friday, donate white items such as sugar or also give Dakshina to minor girls or a person with only one eye. 

World Wide Impact of Venus Transit in the Offing 

  • There will be a change in natural phenomena due to the transit of Venus in Sagittarius. Peaceful coexistence will prevail and all the stuck works will come to completion. The possibilities of auspicious activities are high. Natives of some zodiac signs are likely to get results equivalent to that of Raj Yoga. The share market will see a lower trend and as per astronomical calculations, a new invention will also be seen in the world.

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These Zodiac Signs to Remain under the Benevolence of Venus

Aries, Leo & Sagittarius

Strong possibility of benefits for the natives of all these zodiac signs are:

  • Foreign trade will flourish. Melodious conversation can be observed and understanding will strengthen.    
  • Chances of making big decisions can be there. 
  • This transit will make you sensitive towards beauty.  
  • Religious inclination will enhance.  
  • Some administrative people will enjoy a good time. 
  • The worries existing in married life will wane out.  
  • The troubles existing in the lovebirds will also vanish and a pleasant atmosphere will prevail. Also, the possibilities of marriage are bright. 

These Zodiac Signs have to be Careful

Cancer & Aquarius

  • Chances of losses are there. Opponents may deceive or try to take advantage. 
  • Be careful about your service as hindrances can be there. 
  • Stay away from court-related cases. 
  • Prolonged disease can cause problems.  
  • You may be betrayed by unknown people. So, be on your guard. 
  • Consult a medical practitioner if you come across any health issues. 


  • Worship Kuldevi. 
  • Light a lamp/Diya before the idol of Maa Durga.
  • Recite the Beej Mantra of Venus (Shukra). 
  • Offer red Chunari to little girls and seek their blessings.
  • Donate milk, ghee, and curd to the needy.  

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