Retrograde Venus Becomes Combust In Cancer & Impacts These 4 Zodiacs Strongly

AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Venus transits the sign of Cancer on 7th August, 2023 and becomes combust in the same sign on the 8th of August, 2023. This however is a rare phenomenon of Venus becoming retrograde and combust as well in the sign of Cancer itself. Let’s find out what impacts Venus Transit In Cancer will have on different zodiac signs while it goes retrograde and combust as well. 

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Shukracharya or the ‘Daitya Guru’ Venus as it is more commonly known as. Venus is one of the planets which appear as a bright star in the sky and is visible to our naked eyes. Venus is close enough to the Earth, it appears as a bright, shining star in the sky when viewed from the Earth. Venus in astrology too is considered to be a planet associated with everything shiny and sparkly. It is associated with luxury and material happiness. It is a planet related to music, art, entertainment, beauty, money, fame, etc. 

Venus In Cancer: Characteristics

Venus, the planet of love and romance when entering the zodiac sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, becomes overly emotional. Their heightened emotional sensitivity makes them intuitive and caring partners, but also leaves them vulnerable to feeling hurt, even and perhaps especially over an unintended slight. Venus in Cancer requires loyalty and affirmation in all relationships, romantic or otherwise.

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Retro Venus Combust In Cancer: Zodiacs Whose Love Life Will Be Impacted Negatively


Venus owns the lordship of the 5th house and the 12th house for Gemini natives and will become combust in the 2nd house while still being retrograde. Being the lord of the 5th house, if it is in a combust and retrograde state then obviously it is bound to create frustrations and conflicts in your love relationships. It will also aspect the 8th house of transformations, so you could also have a breakup, get involved in an illegitimate relationship and may have to face delays and challenges, all along the way. 


Venus rules the 4th and the 11th houses for Cancer natives. It is currently transiting through the 1st house of Cancer. Venus will directly give rise to the concept of ‘Karaka Bhava Nashaya’, meaning the significator, if it occupies the same house as it signifies, will destroy it. Venus is the significator of marriage, hence it will destroy marriage. It will create conflicts and fights between couples and even small fights can lead to something big in no time, so Cancer natives are advised to be cautious. If Venus is badly placed in an individuals’ horoscope, it can even result in separation or a divorce. 

Also Read: August Horoscope


Venus being the lord of the 5th and the 10th house for Capricorn natives will be transiting through the 7th house of Cancer in a retrograde and combust state losing all its power. Venus will bless the Capricorn natives in all other aspects that it rules over as the lord of the 5th house and the 10th house but because it will be placed in the 7th house of Cancer, it can disturb your married life and create conflicts between you and your spouse.

If the other stars and the 7th lord Moon are under malefic aspects, then in that case Venus may also trigger separation or other issues between a couple. Be careful and deal with conflicts mindfully.


Venus being the ruler of the 3rd and the 8th house will be placed in the 5th house combust and moving in a retrograde direction. This period will impact your love relationships Pisces. It will be a very tough and challenging period testing the waters for your commitment towards your partner. A lot of conflicts can brew up between the two of you and some people may even have to face ugly and painful breakups.

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Retro Venus Combust In Cancer: Worldwide Impacts

  • The fashion industry and the textile industries globally may experience a lull in demand or the sales may fall for a while.
  • Writers and singers across the country and the world may also face difficulties or delays in the completion of projects during this time. 
  • The cosmetics industry and the skin and hair care industry may experience a decrease in sales as well. 
  • The Indian textiles and handlooms policies or projects may be reformed by officials in India.
  • The Hotel and the Food industry across the world and even in India may experience a decrease in sales and may not flourish for this retrogression period. 

Retro Venus Combust In Cancer: Stock Market Report

Planet Venus will now become combust in the zodiac sign of Cancer from the 8th of August, 2023 and like every other event in the country it will also impact the stock market. Astrosage presents to you the Stock Market predictions from 8th of August as Venus becomes combust in Cancer while moving retrograde and what changes it may bring in each and every industry related to Venus. 

  • Development may be slow or delayed during this period in the Banking Sector, Finance Industries, Computer Software Technology, Information Technology, 
  • Shipping Corporation among other industries may also face a sluggish period.
  • Reliance Industries, Perfume and Cosmetic Industries will face losses
  • Information Technology, and other sectors will slow down by the end of the month and may continue to face losses for the time to come.

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