Vastu Tips for Happy Married Life

The marriage of two individuals is a very special occasion, not only for the bride and groom but also for their family members. Most parents in Indian households are of the view that getting their son and daughter married at the right age is one of their biggest responsibilities. To fulfill this responsibility, parents start their search of finding a suitable partner for their children, but not everyone succeeds in it. Even for the ones who find a suitable match, marriage might not work after some time in some cases. All this could be a result of Vastu Dosh in the horoscope of the natives. According to Vastu Shastra, various defects in a house lead to delay in marriage, clashes among the married couples, separation, or even divorce. This blog by AstroSage will provide the readers with Vastu Tips for timely and peaceful married life. In this regard, let us find out the remedies to remove Vastu Dosh when there is a delay in the marriage.

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Vastu Tips To Avoid Delay in Marriage

  • Refrain from making an underground water tank in the South-West corner.
  • Once the girl starts with her menstrual cycle, she must avoid sleeping in a bedroom in the South-West and North-East direction.
  • A boy who wishes to get married must refrain from sleeping in the South-East direction of a bedroom.
  • Avoid making a staircase or anything heavy in the middle of the home.

Vastu Tips for Timely Marriage

  • After a girl starts menstruating, she must sleep in a bedroom in the North-West direction.
  • If there is no bedroom in this direction, she must sleep with her head in the South or West direction.
  • The bed sheets must be of light colours like pink, violet, etc.
  • A boy who wishes to get married must sleep in a bedroom in the South-West or North-East direction.
  • If a bedroom is not available in this direction, he can sleep in the one in the South direction.

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Vastu Tips for Peaceful Married Life

Things to Avoid

  • Refrain from sleeping in the bedroom in the South-East or North-East direction.
  • Avoid a kitchen in the North-East direction.
  • Do not keep bonsai or thorny plants in the house.
  • Do not paint the walls of the bedroom with dark colours.
  • Avoid metallic beds and the ones with storage space (even the wooden ones).
  • Refrain from keeping mirrors in the bedroom.

Things to Follow

  • Sleep in the South or South-West direction.
  • Paint the bedroom walls with soothing and light colours.
  • Use a single mattress on the bed with a single quilt.
  • Vastu Shastra recommends using a wooden bed for best results.
  • The bed should be rectangular or square in shape.
  • If you keep fresh flowers in the bedroom, make sure to change them often.
  • Make sure to keep the North-East area of your house clutter-free.

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