Saturn-Venus Changes Motion At Interval Of 1 Day! How Important?

July will be a really eventful month based on planets. In this episode, Saturn will transit in Capricorn on July 12 in a retrograde state. Exactly one day later, on July 13, Venus will transit into Gemini. Saturn and Venus have been accorded the rank of being very significant planets in the astrological universe. Read this unique blog by AstroSage to learn more about how this change of two significant planets will impact daily living in such a scenario.

Aside from this, it also becomes crucial to understand who this change in Saturn and Venus will benefit, who it will harm, what impact it will have on the nation and the rest of the world, and how to avoid its unfavorable repercussions. What possible measures are there? If you’re in this circumstance and want to know the answers to all these questions, you’ve come to the right website because we’re addressing them on this particular blog.

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Change In The Motion Of Two Important Planets: Know Its Time and Duration

The first event in this period will be the retrograde transit of Saturn on July 12. Speaking of time, on October 23, 2022, the planet Saturn will be moving in this zodiac. During this time, Saturn is going retrograde in its own sign of Capricorn at 10:28 am. In other words, this significant transit of Saturn will last a total of 104 days.

Following this, at 11:01 a.m. on July 13, 2022, the planet Venus will transit into Gemini. After this, the planet Venus will stay in this sign until August 7, 2022, then it will enter Cancer.

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Saturn-Venus Planet In Astrology

Let’s first discuss how Saturn and Venus relate from an astrological perspective before moving ahead.

  • Saturn is regarded as the most unlucky planet in astrology, which makes sense. This planet stands for grief, aging, a delay, and an obstacle. Venus, on the other hand, is the planet that creates love, the arts, perfumes, fashionable clothing, society, happiness, and luxury. It has been given the status of an earthly planet.
  • In addition, it is believed that Saturn and Venus are inherently friendly toward one another and that they cannot turn hostile toward one another throughout the Panchadha cycle.
  • Saturn is regarded as a soldier on the one hand, and Venus is regarded as a demonic guru with a Rajasic tendency . 

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Financial Benefits To The Zodiac Signs By Saturn Retrograde

Three zodiac signs in particular will benefit greatly from Saturn’s retrograde transit in its own sign. You have a good probability of becoming extremely wealthy during this time. Let’s find out which three zodiac signs are considered lucky.

Taurus: Saturn’s retrograde transit will be in your ninth house. In this case, you may be given a fantastic employment chance at this time. Those who are employed may receive promotions, while those in this sign who are looking for work may receive encouraging news during this time.

This is a great moment to launch a new business if you have any plans to do so. Shani Dev is referred to as the lord of luck for those born under the Taurus horoscope. You will receive the full assistance of luck in this scenario, and all of your delayed and stuck tasks will be accomplished without any difficulties.

After consulting an experienced astrologer, you can wear an opal or diamond to benefit from Saturn’s retrograde energy.

Sagittarius: This retrograde Saturn transit will occur in your second house, which is a strong indication that you may have a spike in your financial situation during this time. In business and other fields, there is potential for success and good returns. In addition to this, you can also bring your focus back if it was diverted for an extended period of time. 

People born under this sign who desire to create a partnership in business should take advantage of this period. 

To increase the positive effects of retrograde Saturn in your life, wear topaz or golden gemstone. But before doing that, talk to an astrologer

Pisces: Saturn will retrograde in your 11th house at this time. In this case, this period is going to be quite advantageous for you financially. In business, there are good odds of making money. Additionally, certain members of this zodiac will succeed in making money from hidden sources, which will improve your financial situation greatly. 

An important deal can be finalized by businesspeople. For those who are employed, there are good chances of success and promotion. A business trip can also result in financial advantage. This is a very good moment to invest if you want to. In addition, you may succeed in a judicial case during this time.

After visiting an astrologer, you can wear topaz to amplify the positive effects of retrograde Saturn in your life.

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Saturn Retrograde Transit: Zodiacs To Be Free From Mahadasha 

The persons born under the signs of Cancer and Scorpio will no longer be subject to the wrath of Shani’s Dhaiya thanks to Shani Dev’s arrival into Capricorn, but it is important to note that this also brings Saturn under the signs of Gemini and Libra into Capricorn. The period of Dhaiya will begin. 

Auspicious yoga will form in the lives of those born under the signs of Cancer and Scorpio as soon as Shani’s Dhayya is removed. This is the moment when you may experience work advancement, company success, and unforeseen financial rewards. The two zodiac signs that Shani’s Dhayya will begin on, however, are advised to be more cautious. 

Remedies According To Zodiac To Increase The Auspicious Effect Of Venus Transit In Gemini

Venus, the planet of comforts and luxuries, is soon to enter Gemini. You may read our in-depth article by clicking here to learn how this transit will affect your zodiac in such a case. Let’s move on and find out what actions might be made during this time according to the signs of the zodiac to enhance Venus’ favorable effects.

  • Aries: Serve the Cows and feed green hay to them daily. 
  • Taurus:  After consulting an experienced astrologer, wear a lab-certified, high-quality diamond on your ring finger.
  • Gemini:  Everyday chant a rosary of Shukra Mantra: Om dram drim draum sa: shukraya namah:
  • Cancer: Every Friday, give sugary candies (Mishri) to little girls.
  • Leo: Worship Maa Durga and do charity in the temple.
  • Virgo: Every morning you must apply Tilak of White Saffron on your forehead.
  • Libra: On Friday, install a Shukra Yantra in your house and worship it daily. 
  • Scorpio: Donate rice during the Shukra Hera on Friday. 
  • Sagittarius: Worship Maa Laxmi, especially on Fridays. 
  • Capricorn: Everyday chant Shukra Mantra: Om shum shukraya namah: after taking bath.
  • Aquarius: Wear Opal Gemstone in your ring finger. 
  • Pisces: Feed fresh chapati to Cows daily. 

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