Tarot Weekly Horoscope: 29th Sept- 5th Oct For All Zodiac Signs!

Tarot Weekly Horoscope: 29th Sept- 5th Oct For All Zodiac Signs!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 4th week of September 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 4th week of September 2024. 

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September Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: The Hanged Man

Finance: Ace of Wands

Career: The Fool

Health: Seven of Cups (Reversed)

Dear Aries, The Hanged Man in a love reading represents stagnant energy which is stale and unmoving. Your relationship could be bearing the burden of time and you may find that you and your partner have become distant even after being together for so long. For Singles, you may not be thinking of getting into a relationship anytime soon.

Ace of Wands, in a financial setting indicates the end of financial difficulties. This could be the result of reaching the conclusion of your debt repayment. In the event that a particular source of debt has not caused you worry, there may be other ways in which your finances can get better.

The Fool in a career context indicates that represents your impending entry into the realm of fresh starts. You will find new employment, a change of employment, or a new professional path very soon. It shows promotions and changes in title for those that are stable in their jobs.

Seven of Cups (Reversed) indicates that your health would be better this week. If you were suffering from some physical ailment, then you will slowly get over it and recover soon. 

Lucky Number: 4, 8 


Love: Page of Cups

Finance: Eight of Pentacles

Career: The World

Health: Five of Swords

Page of Cups in a relationship indicates that this week you may receive a marriage or a love proposal. This is a strong indication that you may even get married during this time. Chances of a love marriage are high for Taurus.

Eight of Pentacles in a financial context shows that your financial investments will give you good returns and your financial situation will soon stabilize if you are struggling. With the right efforts and determination you will slowly reach your goals.

The World in career shows that you may receive a call from a company abroad, you could go for a business trip or if you were waiting for your visa to get approved, you will soon receive a positive response in that respect. It will overall be a positive week for you.

Your health however could be a concern this week. You may catch a common cold or flu. Any old allergies or asthma could also catch hold of you. Precaution and proper medication is necessary.

Lucky Number: 4


Love: Ten of Cups

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Page of Swords

Health: Knight of Swords

Hello, Geminis! This next week will be fantastic in terms of your personal life. You will enjoy yourself and your partner’s company and get to spend some wonderful moments together. You’ll have plenty of room to strengthen your emotional connection.

The King of Cups has sufficient wealth to cover your expenses and have a comfortable existence. This week, you’ll manage your money modestly and create a budget to make things simpler for yourself. We’ll have a comfortable financial week. 

In a career reading, the Page of Swords is actually a favorable card, despite how bad it sounds. You might acquire perspective and clarity on your career this week. There will be a ton of new duties and lessons to master this week. 

The Knight of Swords portends a week that may be complicated by fevers, allergies to colds, dry coughs, etc. Your health may be a little difficult this week. Please be careful.

Lucky Number: 5 

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Love: The Empress

Finance: Six of Swords

Career: The Fool

Health: Chariot

Cheers, Cancers! These are very good cards. Your life is going to be significantly impacted by this week. The findings will demonstrate substantial 360-degree life changes. The Empress is a blessing for singles and committed individuals alike. Relationships are bringing growth, optimism, nurturing, and a caring vibe your way. 

Six of Swords in a financial reading indicates that you will now come out of financial difficulties if you were facing any. This indicates that you were facing a very tough time and did not have a stable financial income but now you will be able to make a living as new financial opportunities open up for you.

In a professional reading, the Fool points you in the direction of launching a new venture or changing jobs or careers, which could be the pivotal moment in your life. The stars are in your favor this week, and you have everything it takes to succeed. Go ahead and take the chance. 

According to the Chariot in a health reading, this will be an exceptionally well and healthful week for you. This card indicates that this week will be enjoyable and healthful for you.

Lucky Number: 2 


Love: Queen of Swords

Finance: Page of Wands

Career: Ace of Pentacles

Health: Ten of Swords (Reversed)

In a love reading, the Queen of Swords indicates that you are a strong, self-reliant person and that you would want your spouse to possess similar traits. You wouldn’t accept anything less than perfect. You don’t show off your emotions and are a fairly stable person emotionally. You definitely don’t try to please everyone.

In a financial context, the Page of Wands suggests that you may be receiving a pay raise this week or that new sources of income are starting to appear. Now would be a wonderful moment to change organizations because many attractive offers could come your way. This week, business owners might see strong profits. 

From a career perspective, the Ace of Pentacles portends a significant promotion for you, dear Leos. You are clearly on the correct track, as seen by this, and your career will only get better from here. It may even signify the start of a new role, a new business endeavor (for company owners), or the change from a conventional employment to a business. 

Ten of Swords (Reversed) Any disease, injury, or other health problem you were experiencing will heal now. If you have a thorough medical checkup this week, you may realize some undiagnosed diseases you are suffering from.

Lucky Number: 10


Love: The Emperor (Reversed)

Finance: Ace of Swords

Career: Nine of Cups

Health: Death

The interpretation of the reversed Emperor in tarot love might allude to a struggle for supremacy or power in romantic relationships. There may be rivalry and a need to be correct rather than coming together with your diverse perspectives. Whether it’s your significant other or yourself, this card might also indicate an intrusive companion. 

Ace of Swords asks you to rely on your own mind Virgos.  Your intellect and your heart may have rather opposite opinions about money. This card is advising you to follow your judgment in these situations and refrain from acting on your emotions. If a friend or member of your family approaches you for money or to apply for a loan, always put your own interests first.

Nine of Cups This card is a fantastic indication that your aspirations will come true if you’ve been wishing for a promotion or to start your own business. The Nine of Cups is a symbol for wealth and achievement in the financial world, thus business and investment prospects should be favorable.

Death represents transformation, so during this week you may fall ill Virgos and you should already start taking precautions. There are chances of small accidents as well. Do not indulge in rash driving.

Lucky Number: 7

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Love: Ten of Cups

Finance: Ace of Cups

Career: Six of Cups

Health: Ten of Wands

Heya Libras, this will be an emotionally fulfilling week but an exhausting week as well. Ten of Cups signals at an ample family time that you will enjoy this week. This week you will also attend loads of functions and events with family and it will help you strengthen your bond with your spouse and children.

Ace of Cups in a financial reading indicates new sources of income for you but the money may flow out easily and without you noticing it. Therefore, while money is coming in, you should be extremely careful of saving it and investing mindfully if you wish to make a fortune.

Six of Cups in a career reading indicates that you may receive new job offers through recommendations through your network circle. It is also possible that you could join your family business this week or start a business with one of your family members. This will be a rewarding week.

Ten of Wands in a health spread talks about your health being negatively impacted by stress or burdens, which may be showing up as disease or injury. You must prioritize taking care of yourself.

Lucky Number: 3


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: Five of Pentacles

Career: Knight of Swords

Health: Queen of Pentacles

You could meet your soulmate with the Two of Cups this week Scorpio. This card may also point towards reciprocation of admiration and peace in any relationship beyond even the romantic ones. The Two Cups represent the flow of love between two individuals, whether friends, family or romantic partners.

Five of Pentacles in a financial reading is a sign of trouble as it does caution you of the impending financial crisis or bankruptcy you could face. You could get into deep financial trouble. Please start saving NOW and plan your finances very carefully.

Knight of Swords does imply that your focus is razor sharp in terms of your career goals and you’re out there to achieve them for sure. This week will bring you clarity in terms of career and the short term career goals you have set for yourself.

Queen of Pentacles suggests that you will be in the best of your health this week so that for sure is a relief. Please make sure you continue to work on your health and maintain it the same way. Small bumps along the road are possible.

Lucky Number: 13


Love: King of Wands

Finance: Two of Wands

Career: Page of Swords

Health: The Star

Dear Sagis, The King of Wands shows an enthusiastic, natural leader who is giving you both their time and their resources. There is never a dull moment with your partner or spouse. They may have a strong temper and a fiery personality. It is a very energetic card. For singles, someone like this may enter your life soon.

Two of Wands states that it’s time to think about long-term objectives and create plans that will help you advance your career and finances. It might also portend the prospect of joint ventures, international growth, or a change in vocation. The card may also indicate that it’s time to make a significant move in the direction of long-term objectives.

The Page of Swords upright can represent ambition, cleverness, and a wealth of creative ideas in a career tarot reading. It might also indicate that you’re passionate about your work and ready to take on new challenges and endeavors. You ought to make an effort to channel this energy and take action.  

When the Star card is upright in a health reading, it is an indication of good health. Regardless of whether you have been dealing with health problems or not, it denotes a time of extraordinary recovery. You have a positive attitude on your health and a prosperous future ahead of you.

Lucky Number: 17

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Love: Nine of Swords

Finance: Five of Pentacles

Career: Strength

Health:Two of Pentacles

The Nine of Swords in love Capricorns, might intensify anxieties and concerns. You might be having nightmares about something. This card frequently implies that your fears are not as bad as they seem. It’s possible that you’re dealing with anxiety, insecurity, guilt, or regret due to a recent breakup most probably. You must determine whether these emotions are actually reasonable for you.

When the Five of Pentacles appears in a financial scenario, it may indicate temporary financial difficulties, so be ready for tight finances. It may also be a sign of extreme financial ruin, starvation, homelessness, bankruptcy, or serious financial losses.

The strength card inspires you to take initiative and have confidence in yourself. It suggests that you have the abilities and capacity to succeed. This card encourages self-assurance in your career and places an emphasis on forceful control over your surroundings.

Two of Pentacles suggests bad health this week as you may be feeling an over exertion physically and mentally. You may be overworking yourself and as a result you may have to deal with certain health implications.

Lucky Number: 26

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Love: The High Priestess

Finance: Page of Pentacles

Career: King of Swords

Health: Judgment (Reversed)

Dear Aquarius, The High Priestess in a love reading represents partnerships that are sincere, truthful, and transparent when it comes to love. It symbolizes a solid relationship between lovers in which trust is the cornerstone and emotions are freely expressed. For singles it means that you want someone who embodies these qualities in your life.

In a financial situation, the Page of Pentacles also signifies great financial news, usually in the form of rewards for labor. Additionally, it represents taking action to secure your financial future. Even small investments may fare well for you this week.

The King of Swords can suggest that in order to make wise decisions, one must apply reason and logic. It may also imply that you ought to remain composed and have all the information necessary before making important choices.

The reversed Judgment tarot card might represent letting go of the past and not focusing on worries or anxieties relating to one’s health in a reading about health.

Lucky Number: 19


Love: Queen of Wands

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: The Sun

Health: Five of Wands

In a relationship, you might discover that it works best to be completely honest with your spouse. This openness and sincerity may strengthen your bond. Additionally sensuous in nature, the Queen of Wands may also indicate a period of increased intimacy between lovers.

The Knight of Wands card may signify a period of transition and fresh chances in terms of employment and money. It may signify a shift in vocation or the launch of a side project. The card can also stand for a lot of vigor, excitement, and a readiness to face difficulties.

The Sun in a career reading indicates that if you’re a business owner then all your deals this week will be a success and you will earn accolades for your work nationwide or worldwide. If in case you have a regular job then this week you’re sure to receive a promotion or an award for your outstanding performance at work.

Five of Wands implies that you will hopefully be able to overcome the agony and difficulty after fighting the illness. Additionally, the tarot card conveys health and wellness-related cautions. It’s possible that the adrenaline rush you’re getting is stressing you out too much and endangering your fitness.

Lucky Number: 03

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which deck should one refer to when learning tarot?

You can refer to any deck that you wish to, but Rider Waite is the most basic one, so starting with it is advised.

2. What qualities does the King of Wands embody?

King of Wands shows confidence, authority, leadership and excellent management skills

3. Name any two Major Arcana cards?

The Magician & The High Priestess