Tarot Weekly Horoscope (25 June- 1 July): Zodiac-Wise Tarot Predictions!

Tarot Cards as a Tool of Divination

Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards and a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is definitely not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world.  

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the last week of June let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of Tarot dates back to the 1400’s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. 

The cards were actually put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; as to how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft and bore the backlash of superstition and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune telling for decades to come.  

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is definitely basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and definitely deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the last week of June, 2023. 

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June Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2023: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: The Emperor

Finance: Two of Wands

Career:Seven of Cups

Health: Eight of Swords

Hey Aries! You’re being highly egoistic in your relationship and want to control your partner. It’s your way or the highway for you and this attitude of yours has been creating issues in your relationship. You need to change your ways and think together as a team instead of just putting your needs ahead of your partner’s.

New opportunities are knocking at your door this week to enhance your finances. It could be in terms of saving or you could be getting another source of income. It may also be that you’re planning to travel to another place in search of better opportunities.

There may be multiple career choices in front of you or you may be thinking of making the transition from a job to a business and hence there are ample ideas running through your mind right now. The coming week will help you decide what course of action you should take.

Eight of Swords talks about the internal fears and doubts which you yourself have created in your mind may try to put you down and slow your pace as you may have to deal with anxieties or headaches.
Lucky Color: Maroon


Love: King of Cups

Finance: Ace of Pentacles

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: Five of Pentacles

Whoa Taurus! A whole load of Pentacles there. King of Cups is a welcome card. This week your partner will be very attentive to your emotional needs and you will feel understood and heard and this will in a way seal your relationship with love, respect and commitment. A great week ahead.

Ace of Pentacles in a financial reading suggests that this week you will be financially secure and sound and finances will definitely not be a cause of concern for you. Your business will generate huge profits and your investments will pay you back generously this week. Money is pouring in.

Eight of Pentacles in a career reading suggests that this week your work will be your prime focus. You want to give your career or the project you’re working on your best shot and excel at what you do. You have a crystal clear focus and you have set out to achieve what you have set your eyes on. 

A health disorder or an injury may slow you down. Beware of viral infections or other infections catching on to you. Afterall precaution is better than cure.
Lucky Color: Pastel Green


Love: Ace of Cups

Finance: Ten of Pentacles

Career: Three of Cups

Health:Six of Cups

Ace of Cups in a love reading in simple terms suggests ‘love is in the air’. This is a new relationship Geminis and you must be enjoying the newness of being in love. Feeling the butterflies in your stomach, showering your partner with love and attention. This will be an amazing week ahead.

Ten of Pentacles in a financial reading is an indication that you have more than required and you feel financially secure. This week you may plan a trip with family and put their needs above your own. You may be involved in family business as well.

Three of Cups suggests that this week a project you’ve been working on will bear fruits as you have put in your 100% in it. It may require assistance from others or may be a group project but will come out victorious. 

Six of Cups shows that an old injury or illness may relapse this week. You are advised to take care. However, you will be able to overcome it soon enough with assistance from family and friends.
Lucky Color: Emerald Green

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Love: Four of Wands

Finance: Eight of Pentacles

Career: Six of Pentacles

Health: Five of Wands

Cancers! Four of Wands is a card of celebrations and sometimes points towards marriage as well. It may be possible that you and your partner have decided to take your relationship to the next level and may be getting married soon. This week will bring in a lot of festivities for you.

Eight of Pentacles indicates that you have put in a lot of effort to get to where you are financially and the work is not done yet. There is a long way to go where you want to reach and you are prepared for the hard work. You want to put in your best and achieve financial success and you will definitely achieve it. 

Six of Pentacles in a career reading suggests that you probably have someone much older at your workplace who invests time and energy in you to help you grow in your career. If you are someone experienced then it can also mean that you and your opinions and suggestions are much valued by your organization. 

Conflicts, arguments and disagreements either in personal or professional life have burdened you down. You are advised to pay attention to your health and take a break for sometime to rejuvenate.
Lucky Color: Silver 


Love: The Fool

Finance: King of Wands

Career: The Lovers

Health: The Empress

The Fool indicates that you’re ready to take the plunge my dear Leos! You’re ready to take on the road unknown and take your relationship forward to a newer state. It could also show that in the near future you may get married to the person of your family’s choice. 

King of Wands in finances tells us that you’re someone who spends in a controlled manner. You do not believe in spending mindlessly and try to save your money and spend logically. You do not compromise on your comfort but do not spend aimlessly either.

With the Lovers you could be looking for a new job this week and waiting for opportunities to come in. This can also mean that you’re starting a business in partnership. There could be big decisions that you need to make related to your career and this decision could set the tone for the future of your career.

The Empress in a health reading suggests good health and overall development. It could also indicate that you’re either pregnant and expecting a baby or are trying to get pregnant and you will soon receive good news.
Lucky Color: Orange


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: Two of Wands 

Career: The World

Health: Chariot

Wow Virgos! Two of Cups is a confirmation of a very happy phase in your love life. You are probably in a developing phase of a new, romantic relationship and feel like you have finally met the one. You can feel a beautiful and harmonious partnership developing.

You feel secure with your financial situation and stability currently. You are making financial goals and plans keeping your future in mind. Be careful to not spend on futile stuff as money will not be coming in from all directions.

The World in career indicates long distance journeys and traveling the world for business or your work. You can definitely term yourself as being a globetrotter. This could also mean that you are starting a new job in a different country. Your career will scale new heights in the near future and all your hard work will be paid off.

Chariot indicates that you are now moving towards a better phase as far as your health and well-being are concerned. If you were dealing with a dull phase health wise now you will start recovering. If you are doing well health wise then you will be now taking steps to improve your health further.
Lucky Color: Light Yellow

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Love: Page of Cups

Finance: Justice

Career: Queen of Pentacles

Health: Knight of Swords

Page of Cups in a love reading is a welcome card, Libra. It signifies proposals, unions and weddings in some cases. Take what resonates but the Page of cups is indicating that you are in a love bombing phase of your relationship and the coming week is going to be equally full of love.

The Justice card here is asking you to be honorable towards your finances if you want rewards out of it. What we mean by saying this is that you should be earning your money from the right sources and the right way. Also, spending mindlessly may cost you a dime in the future so be careful.

Queen of Pentacles shows that you are comfortable in your workplace and the position that you are currently working at. You are comfortable and secure and would not want to make any new changes in your workplace. For some it may mean working from home as well.

Knight of Swords as a health card indicates recovery from an illness. You were not keeping well for sometime but now are on the road to healing and recovery. This week you will heal further and come back stronger.
Lucky Color: White

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Love: Ten of Cups

Finance: Four of Wands

Career: Eight of Wands

Health:Page of Pentacles

Ten of Cups in a love reading is a family and soulmate card, Scorpios. This week your family will be your focus or priority and you will try to put in efforts to keep them happy and healthy. This card promises loads of quality time that you will spend with family this week. 

Four of Wands in a financial reading talks about security. Finances will not be your concern this week. You are very well off. However, it does show that you will spend your money on your family and loved ones voluntarily. 

A foreign trip or travel related to work is on the cards. You could be handling a traveling business or working for a travel company. You could be meeting important foreign delegates or coming in contact with important people of the organization. This card also reflects investors coming in to save your business. 

Page of Pentacles as a health card is a good omen. It suggests that no matter what age you are, you feel healthy, young and rejuvenated. There’s a child-like energy in you which may just refuse to leave this week.
Lucky Color: Coral Red


Love: Eight of Cups

Finance: Two of Swords

Career: Wheel of Fortune

Health: Three of Wands

Dear Sagis! You are now abandoning things which have not been fulfilling emotionally and finally moving on to a future which promises depth and a new path to walk along. You’ve now gained a new perspective in life and want to move ahead with a new found zeal and confidence.

Two of Swords is a bad omen in a financial reading and often suggests being unaware or refusing to foresee financially difficult times. It is best to see what is coming ahead of you and be prepared to acknowledge and face difficult times. 

Big and happy changes are coming ahead for you in your career. You could even move abroad or to a different location to look for better opportunities. Happy days are coming soon as far as career is concerned and you will soon leave difficult times behind.

Have you been suffering from a long term physical ailment? If so, we have good news for you as your health will now improve in the coming days. Good times are definitely coming along.
Lucky Color: Mustard

Also Read: June Monthly Horoscope 


Love: Six of Swords

Finance: Death

Career: Nine of Pentacles

Health: The Magician

Have you had an argument with your partner or your spouse lately Capricorns? If so, then you will soon patch up as both of you are now coming out of your frustrations and leaving the past behind you. It is best to bury the hatchet. 

There are two ways of looking at this card. You’re either coming out of a financial crisis after a long struggle or you’re facing difficult times financially and bearing heavy losses. Do not make any huge investments during this period and manage your finances well.

Nine of Pentacles in Career suggests that soon a card suggests that you have achieved much in your career, and you will now be rewarded accordingly; abundance, success and financial rewards. All your hard work will now pay off, and you can now take the time to sit back and enjoy your success. 

More often than not, the Magician is a positive card in the wellness context. Therefore, you shall possess the ability to heal yourself emotionally. However, on the other hand, you might face troubles like hallucinations, paranoia, or psychosis.
Lucky Color: Sky Blue


Love: Five of Swords

Finance: The Moon

Career: Strength

Health: Four of Pentacles

Are you suspecting your partner is up to something fishy? Your doubts may not be baseless Aquarius. There is something going on behind-the-scenes, that you’re not aware of. Take note of things and it is best to confront your partner to clear up any misunderstandings that may arise in between.

The Moon in finances is a warning sign. It shows that you may encounter financial difficulties or you could be cheated by someone known. Do not discuss your finances openly and its best to keep your moves under wraps. Refrain from making any huge investments. 

Strength in a career reading suggests that you are in a strong position and feel secure at your workplace. You are an important part of the organization and your team depends on you. You may even have promotions and pay rises coming your way. 

Four of Pentacles suggests that this week some old health issues or injuries may trouble you again but you will find medical help and get back on your feet in no time. Exercise caution and rest properly.
Lucky Color: Purple


Love: Ace of Swords

Finance: The Star

Career: Page of Wands

Health: King of Cups

Ace of Swords in a love reading suggests that even though your relationship may lack romance, the foundation is built on free flowing communication and strong commitment. This will be a long term relationship and a fulfilling one where you need not worry about the relationship not working out.

The Star as a finance card is a good omen. It indicates financial stability and growth. Your salary may increase or you may earn double the usual profits this week if you’re a business owner. This will be a financially rewarding week and will uplift your spirits for sure.

Page of Wands in career shows that you may get new opportunities to grow and excel at work whether you’re a regular job goer or a business owner. New opportunities to expand your spectrum,  profile, or skills may be coming in. This week will bring a newness with it.

King of Cups is an extremely positive card in terms of health Pisces! You will be enjoying a week full of good physical, mental and emotional health. Be open to communicating your needs freely and see the magic happen.
Lucky Color: Yellow

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