July Tarot Weekly Horoscope: Tarot Reveals The Secrets Zodiac-Wise!

Tarot Cards as a Tool of Divination

Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards and a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is definitely not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 1st week of July let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of Tarot dates back to the 1400’s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were actually put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; as to how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft and bore the backlash of superstition and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is definitely basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and definitely deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 1st week of July, 2023. 

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July Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2023: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Five of Wands

Finance: The Hanged Man

Career: The Fool

Health: The Chariot

Five of Wands in love spells trouble this week Aries. There is a chance that you may have to take matters into your own hands if you want to save your relationship and continue with the current relationship. Your relationship could be layered with conflicts and bickering. Things will stabilize anyway.

If you’re having financial difficulties, the Hanged Man is a sign that you need to change your perspective. There may be good things happening for you in other areas that you are not aware of because you are too focused on your finances, or your financial anxiety may be causing them to appear.

The Fool in career suggests that you are looking for new opportunities and looking to switch jobs. It is also possible that you are getting to explore new roles and responsibilities. You’re looking to take the leap of faith and take up any opportunities coming your way. 

The Chariot in a health reading is good news. If you were trying to recover from an illness or an injury you will now recover as soon as you will receive the right treatment or assistance. 

Lucky Color: Ruby Red


Love: The Hermit

Finance: Knight of Pentacles

Career: The Sun

Health: Eight of Wands

Hey Taurus! The Hermit in love indicates that you need some time alone or that you could benefit from becoming more independent instead of relying on a partner. You prefer being alone and not focusing on romance or finding a partner for yourself. You’re happy and confident when you’re alone and all by yourself. 

The Knight of Pentacles speaks of a financial milestone. Perhaps you have reached a level of security that comes from being diligent and wisely saving and investing. Since the Knight is generous, you may also be using your newfound wealth to support loved ones and fulfilling their wishes and dreams. 

The Sun signifies the achievement of objectives and success, so when it appears, things should be going smoothly at work. You may be experiencing a period of great enthusiasm, motivation and happiness when it comes to your job right now. Your career may feel both spiritually and materially fulfilling.

Eight of Wands is a good card when it comes to a health reading. It represents healing coming towards you and your health getting better this week. Communication and spending time with family and friends may help you a lot. 

Lucky Color: White


Love: Death

Finance: Six of Cups

Career: Five of Cups

Health: Knight of Wands

Dear Geminis, Love prospects don’t look too good this week and your love life may also go through big transformations. This transformation could also be negative and your love life could go hay-wire. One thing is for sure though, you will learn a lot and become more experienced and confident about yourself. 

You could be receiving gifts this week. It is also possible that you may receive financial help from family and friends. Financial assistance or receiving finance management tricks from someone known is also possible. 

Five of Cups in a career reading suggests that you may not be too happy about your work or your work environment. It is also possible that you may be trying to switch the company or feeling stuck at your current workplace but, you may not be able to do anything about it but feel helpless and demotivated. 

Knight of Wands in a health reading suggests that you may suffer from fevers or burns this week if you’re not careful but nothing major is indicated in the cards. You will most definitely have a happy and healthy week all throughout. 

Lucky Color: Pastel Green 

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Love: Wheel of Fortune

Finance: Knight of Cups

Career: Seven of Pentacles

Health: Five of Cups

Dear Cancer, Wheel of Fortune in a love reading suggests that there are big, happy changes coming in your relationship. You will be surprised and happy to see such changes. You and your partner will happily make changes and adjustments required to make the relationship work together. 

Knight of Cups Cancer natives, is a good omen suggesting lucrative financial offers coming to you. If you are facing financial troubles, then this card is asking you to look up for novel ideas to combat this situation. 

Seven of Pentacles suggests that your efforts at work will pay off. Take a closer look at your career achievements and pat your back as you totally deserve every bit of the appreciation and applause coming your way. You work hard and are patient when it comes to your work. 

Five of Cups suggests that you are focusing too much on the negativity in life and the deeply embedded mental health issues are now surfacing. Take out some time for yourself and seek professional help to nurse yourself back to health. 

Lucky Color: Silver or White


Love: Seven of Swords

Finance: Queen of Wands

Career: King of Swords

Health: Page of Swords

Alas Leos! There’s something fishy here. Your partner is not being truthful and acting sly. There are some things hidden under the carpet. It is definitely not a good sign. There could be dishonesty and cheating at play here on your or your partner’s part. 

Queen of Wands is a sign of financial abundance coming in for you in some way or the other. You will be able to make smart financial decisions this week and stabilize yourself financially. In case, you were stuck in a loose spot now things will work out for you.

King of Swords in a career reading suggests a more experienced person at work teaching you through his or her own experience. This person will guide you to success and help you attain high status in your professional life. 

Page of Swords in a health reading means that you will now soon overcome any illness or injury you were dealing with. Any physical or mental medical issue will now be diagnosed and you will receive the right treatment. 

Lucky Color: Bright Orange


Love: Strength

Finance: King of Wands

Career: Two of Cups

Health: Eight of Cups

Dear Virgos! The Strength Card points towards a strong and affectionate bond between you and your spouse/partner. It shows that the foundation of your relationship is strong enough to take on any storm that comes to disrupt it, and that you both are a strong team together.

King of Wands is a card representing maturity and stability. You will feel financially stable and secure this week and will deal with your finances maturely enough to be able to spend this week comfortably. If you’re not taking these measures already, then it is important to buckle up from now on. Take financial decisions logically to avoid any issues later on.

Two of Cups in a career reading is a strong indication of achieving success in a project or a venture with the help of your other team members or your business partner. With the right support from the people around, you will be able to ride high on success. You will do well in group projects this week rather than working individually.

Eight of Cups says that you need to change your outlook and become more positive and break the loop of negative thoughts that is pulling you into the depths of darkness and depression. Take a break and work on improving your mental health. 

Lucky Color: Emerald Green 

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Love:  Ace of Cups

Finance: Queen of Swords

Career: The High Priestess

Health: Two of Wands

Libra! Ace of Cups in a love reading is an excellent card to draw! It indicates new and happy beginnings. It represents love, intimacy, true feelings and compassion. You may find yourself developing new and meaningful relationships and friendships this week that could go a long way. 

Queen of Swords in a financial reading suggests that this week you will not spend on trivial things and plan your finances logically. This week could be crucial for your financial planning as this could mark the foundation on which you will plan your future expenses. 

The High Priestess indicates that this week you may contemplate on leaving your job and would plan on going ahead with completing your higher education. Or you could receive the confirmation you have been waiting for to start your higher education. 

Two of Wands for a health reading suggests that you are now seeing the world in a new light. There’s more positivity as with time you have recovered from whatever was troubling you and you are feeling positive and rejuvenated.

Lucky Color: Hot Pink

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Love:  Ten of Cups

Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: Five of Pentacles

Ten of Cups is an excellent indication of long term commitment like marriage coming your way this week or in the near future. This is a card which signifies happiness and stability in their personal relationships for Scorpio natives. Everything will go well on the personal front this week. 

Eight of Wands in a financial reading suggests that you’d be content and stable financially this week. It suggests that if you’re a business owner then money will flow in from multiple sources seamlessly. If you’re a regular job goer you will get an opportunity to invest more this week. 

Eight of Pentacles in a career reading suggests that you will be exceptionally focused on your work this week and take your responsibilities seriously. You will focus upon upskilling yourself or improving your profile at work. Your diligence will be appreciated. 

Five of Pentacles in health suggests you could be going through some health problems or could come face to face with illness unexpectedly. You are advised to be cautious and seek professional help if required.

Lucky Color: Coral Red


Love: Judgment

Finance: Ace of Swords

Career: Justice

Health: The Moon

Sagis! Judgment card suggests there is balance and harmony in your love relationships. It suggests that you are quite serious about this relationship and this is the time to be very honest about yourself and what you are looking for or feeling in a relationship. 

Ace of Swords in a financial reading suggests that this week you may have to cut down on your expenses. This week you may have to plan your budget logically. Do not act on an impulse and spend large chunks of money on anything without thinking it over again. 

This week things may not go as planned at your workplace and it may frustrate you. People may belittle you or not be as supportive as you may want them to be. You may find it difficult to maintain work life balance and may feel worn out but things will work out and settle down if you continue to work hard.

Your mental health could trouble you this week and could be a cause for concern. Be careful to not let it go over the board and overpower you. Seek professional help if you have to. 

Lucky Color: Pastel Yellow

Also Read: July Monthly Horoscope 


Love:  The World

Finance: Ten of Pentacles

Career: Page of Pentacles

Health: The Hierophant

The World suggests that this is going to be an amazing week for Capricorn natives as far as your love life is concerned. You will have a blissful week and be drenched in the lovey dovey feeling that a relationship brings along. You have one of the most loving and caring partners and they are very much inclined towards your needs and wants in a relationship.

Ten of Pentacles in a financial reading suggests that you can expect sudden money coming in from family or a relative. It is also possible that you could be involved in a family business and may expect huge returns or profits coming your way.

Page of Pentacles in a career reading suggests growth and opportunity coming your way this week. It cannot be termed as a major opportunity but a small one which may act as an encouragement for you and boost your confidence in your abilities. 

The Hierophant in a health spread tells us that this week your health will be at its best and you will not be facing any major health issue this week or in the weeks coming ahead. No injury or illness is in sight according to the tarot energies.

Lucky Color: Teal Blue


Love:  Wheel of Fortune

Finance: Six of Swords

Career: Four of Pentacles

Health: Five of Cups

Dear Aquarius! Wheel of Fortune is a happy card to receive in a love reading as it points towards big, happy changes coming your way. You may receive good news in terms of personal relationship and commitments. Your relationships will now become better and happier.

Six of Swords in a financial reading suggests that this week you are moving away from the financial crisis. If you felt you were stuck and your financial situation is not improving, then it will now become better for sure. This card also suggests that your own efforts are required to improve your situation. 

Four of Pentacles in a career reading suggests that you are secure in your workplace or your work environment and you are not wanting to leave your comfort zone so that you grow in your career. You are unable to muster enough confidence to leave your current job and take the leap of faith. 

Five of Cups in health suggests you could be going through some health problems or concentrating too much on the health issues you had faced in the past. You are advised to be cautious and seek professional help if required. Also, do not spend too much time lingering on the past for an improved mental health as well. 

Lucky Color: Midnight Blue


Love: Nine of Pentacles

Finance: Six of Pentacles

Career: Page of Swords

Health: Eight of Swords

Nine of Pentacles means that either you are happy being alone or you may take some time off from your relationship and go on solo trips or spend some time alone to focus on what is important to you. This will help you grow personally and develop into a much more confident person.

Six of Pentacles is a good card to receive in a financial reading. It says that this week you will find the right assistance from someone experienced to manage your finances and guide you through the week and also carve a safe path for you. 

Page of Swords in a career reading says that you are about to start an important project or an important venture and you will succeed for sure but also get to learn a lot with this opportunity. You will grow and mature as a professional and receive clarity on where your career is headed.

Eight of Swords is an indication Pisces that you are dealing with insecurities, fear and anxiety because you’re not letting go of the trauma of the past and troubling yourself in the process. Clarity is important. 

Lucky Color: Mustard

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